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12-18 months - how well does ur toddler speak?

Just wondering how well every ones LO can pronounce their words ( if they are talking yet )

My son is 15 months and i have just started to understand what he is talking about .

Yet i see ppl on here saying that their kid can say a ton of different words already .

and was wondering if they were words that everyone else can understand or just you because u know ur LO

My son will say ba for ball and daah for dog and caa for cat and narnee for banana .

and a few other sounds like that .

So when ur toddler speaks .. do they pronounce the whole word or just a recognisable sound ?

and do you consider that a word ?

yes i am very aware that kids develop at different rates .

Im just curious. :-)

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    My son is 16 months and doesn't say anything... if he does, I don't recognize it enough to know!

    The two words he has said are "cat" and "fish" at 14 months... but after a few days of saying them, he stopped all together and uses none.

    Lukas saying cat (14 months)... I think this was clear enough!:

    If it was less recognizable, I would still consider it a word as long as it is used consistently and appropriately. He used to say "ta" and point every time we saw a cat and I considered it a word. It then devloped to "ca" and then "cat" (as in the video)... then disappeared all together!

  • 1 decade ago

    My son just turned 17 months and so far he can copy anything you say ( some sound wierd like Z he pronounces Y so he says Yeebra, or Yed and X he says EK lol )

    He knows numbers 1-12, all letters of the alphabet, over 50 animals and what they say. He understands to ask for something, sing, dance, play, sleep, milk, cheese, various other foods, Mommy , Daddy, a few others names. Probably 500+ words. Can put 2 words together and one 3 word "make a mess"...his favourite word is good boy and thank you

    He also repeats EVERYTHING including swear words so remember to watch out!!!! ( spent a day saying the F word and I was just glad we were at home that day )

  • jv
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    well compared to how i hear other moms say that their baby says like 10-15 words by 16 months my daughter is behind. she is 17 months and she only says 'mama' and 'cheese' ''uh oh'' (if that counts) very well, i can completely understand those words. She's still trying to say daddy but says ''adie' but i don't know if i consider that a word just yet. She babbles a lot but i don't hear actual words, but i think my problem is that I expect hear the word in perfect english before i consider it a word, i have to give her more of a chance and just hear her sounds she might be trying to say more words.

    I'm not worried cause everywhere else she's doing great, she's hitting her milestones and she understands everything i say to her. From bringing me something to looking for something to going to her room when she's done something wrong or when i ask her if she wants to do something she responds with a big smile...but she's not talking just yet.

    Oh she's sings the "la-la la-la'' part of elmos world, does that count?!

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter started speaking very early but a lot of children I know were just saying recognisable sound. Most children really start talking between 18 months & 2 years. You will be amazed! Whatever you pick up just say what it is and he will start saying it just like you.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Overnight seemingly, at 16 months, my son started speaking in whole sentances and *most* things he said were easy to understand. He would say 'lizzy' for lizard, 'muk' for milk etc. but I, and everyone else, knew what he was on about.

    Now at 19 months, he parrots absolutely everything that is said. eg. just before i was talking to my 6 week old, and I said to his dad 'wow his vision is getting good!' and he staright away said 'Vision good!' he talks ALL day and is quite easy to understand. Obviously he doesn't pronounce everything as well as adults do! But most of the time, there is no doubt about what he is trying to say.

    At 12 months, he had about 10 words - Dog, Toast, Zues (dogs name), gone, where etc.

    At 18months, he could name all his body parts - nose, ear, eyes mouth etc. and can say every animal noise when asked eg "What does the duck say? - Quak Quak"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My daughter definitely mumbles a lot of her words, but she is a talker.

    She said her first word (baby) at almost 9 months, but before that, she barely made any sound at all.

    Now she says...


    More (sounds like "mo")

    Hi (or more like, hiiiiiiiii)

    Mum (sometimes sounds like "ummum")

    Papa ("apa")

    Blankie ("baykee")

    Juice ("shoosh")

    Shoes (basically sounds the same as juice...haha)

    Bye bye ("buhbye")



    Bridie (her name/nickname for Bridget)

    Hold me (sounds like "homey")

    Wow (she'll just randomly point to things and say "wow!"..haha)

    and she calls stuffed animals "tuffies".

    She actually just turned 1 on December 30, but her vocabulary has really exploded... I guess most of them are hard to understand, or she has her own "language" for them by not pronouncing them correctly, but we know what she means.. haha

    I know all babies are different, and I'm sure your son will start talking (more than you want him to!) whenever he's ready. :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    LMAO basically 8 factors eh? communicate approximately one being decrease than liked! Ya basically can not get any comprehend in any respect, not regardless of a best answer. LOL Brightest advantages, Raji the golf green Witch

  • 1 decade ago

    My 13 month old can say:

    Yay (first word even before mum and dad)







    Ta (when she wants something or is giving someone something)

    What's that? (sounds more like "ah dat?")

    She also says "turd" for "turtle." So mostly, yes she does say the right word

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my daughters 15months next week - she says a few words related to objects - mum dada ball cat dog bye and tree is all of them i think

    if i say give this to daddy she will also take it over to him. she understands give mummy a kiss. she understands throw the ball, if i say bye she says bye and waves at me, oh and when i said wheres the tree over xmas she would point to the tree and say tree...

    thats about it so far :) if you go on my facebook page i have videos of her saying some of the words and things

  • My 15 month old can clearly say:



    Mum mum


    Oh no

    Uh oh



    Gamma (Grandma but it's still obvious lol)




    Vroom Vroom






    There are other things where I understand what she's trying to say but people will just look blankly at her and then ask me what she's talking about lol

    Source(s): My daughter is quite the motor mouth and even the ped was surprised at her last check up with how many words she can say lol
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