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Lv 59,599 points

Kylie B

Favorite Answers26%

im a 24 yr old SAHM I live in Western Australia with my wonderfull partner and our beautiful baby boy . Im looking forward for starting part time work soon ( needing some adult interaction !!) but i still find it hard leaving my son for just an hour :-(

  • joke statement about changing the english language?

    im trying to find this joke statement i read a few years ago about changing the english language to make it easier for different countrys to read . its about 2-3 paragraphs long .

    talks about removing double letters and dropping silent letters .. by the end of the statement they have put everything they have mentiond in to it and you end up speaking like you have a german accent or something ..

    Can any one find this online anywhere if u know what im talking about .

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Need ideas for soft food for a toddler?

    My 2 yr old has blisters in his mouth which is making him not want to eat his regular meals .

    Ive been trying to think of some soft food he might want but so far all i can think of yogurt or custard .. but i really want something a bit healthier for him and nothing hot as he wont go near it .

    Any ideas??

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Potty training - using underwear as diapers?

    im potty training my son right now, and hes doing great !

    but we only have one problem and thats if hes wearing underwear , he treats them like diapers .

    When we are at home , i usually let him run around with nothing on the bottom half of him . He only ever had a few accidents on the floor , and withing the first 3 days he was taking him self to the potty for wee and poos , i dont even have to ask him any more .

    Since he was doing so good , i put his underwear on him and let him know that he has to tell me when he neeeds to go , so i can help him take them off. But now he comes to me after he does a wee ..

    Did anyone else go thur this .. how did u correct it ?

    just looking for some helpfull hints .

    did you just keep them in underwear and they eventually got the idea and how long did it take for ur little one ?

    ( please dont suggest stickers or treats - he does fine with out bribes ,i dont want to make him think he gets rewarded everytime he does something good... )

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • what do you think of the name ryan for a girl ?

    just found out im pregnant , and couldnt help looking thru my baby name book .

    I came across the name Ryan in the girls section and its stuck in my head .. i really like it .

    I looked up the meaning and it means either little ruler or little king..

    then i came across Rhyan ( comes from the name Rhiannon) and that means Great queen or goddess ... another variation of the female version is Ryann ( meaning little ruler)

    i really like the sound of the name and other variations tend to sound like ree-ann which i hate ..

    So does anyone else out there think Ryan / Rhyan / or Ryann is a nice name for a girl ..

    i dont think its that masculine ..

    18 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • mothers who have been pregnant more then once - breast pain / early pregnancy?

    Im ttc #2 and my period was due to start today .. hasnt shown up yet tho :-)

    But for the last 24 hours my nipples have been killing me , kind of tingling with a few sharp pains and almost always hard ..

    It feels almost exactly the same when i would breastfeed for the first few weeks , with out the milk tho , lol.. ( i havent breast fed my son for over 11 months.. hes 22 months now )

    I never got breast pain during my first pregnancy , but i was just wondering if this is how any one else would describe it ?

    its very annoying , lol . usually my breast / nipples are not sensitive at all .. ( not even when my period is about to start )

    so wat was ur breast pain like when pregnant with ur 2nd and 3rd and 4th and 5th child

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • language development in toddlers?

    im looking for info on what sounds a toddler should be able to make a what age ..

    i know certain phonetic sounds come at different ages but i cant find anything on the subject .

    like at the moment my son can make the s , t , a , and d sound but he cant make f and g ..

    im NOT looking for how many words a child should be able to say at a certain age ..

    and yes i know everyone develops at a different rates.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • do u think a HPT will be + if ...?

    yeah im sick of the do u think im pregnant questions too ,

    im just looking for ur opinion , and i know its prolly to early to test

    im only 10 dpo .

    For the last 3 days ive been extremely bloated , started feeling nausea and totally off my food , and i love food , lol .and started burping alot ( which i read was a not so common sign, i cant blame the burping on food , because it happens after i drink water )

    So do u think your more likely to test positive on a HPT if u have strong early symptoms??

    Did u have early symptoms and got a BFP early ?

    i have to wait till friday any way to test as thats when i get paid , lol

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • what is ur sexually desire like when ur pregnant?

    So my partner and i are ttc #2 and ive got a few more days before i even allowing my self to take a test .

    But ive noticed a few things and one of them is my sexually desire ...

    its not like im craving sex . its more of infatuations with male tv stars and even guys that i see walking down the street ...

    omg it makes me feel like im a 13 yr old school girl at a justin bieber concert ...

    I can remember feeling like this when i was pregnant with my son , but it wasnt till later in the pregnancy ( that i can remember any way )

    So my question is .. when did u notice a change in ur sexually desire ( if urs even changed at all )

    how many weeks were you ?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • toddlers separation anxiety over toys?

    my son is going on 20 months and he will not part with certain toys ( Thomas the tank engine trains )

    I do manage to get them of him some times , like bath , bed and dinner time, but even then is a big deal and he crys and works him self in to hysteric's .

    Has any one else had this problem , is there a time when they grow out of it or is there some thing i can do to help .

    ( When i do have to take the toys of him , i try to explain that they will still be here when he has finished dinner etc )

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • conjunctivitis ... 18 month old .. what to do?

    i think my 18 month old has conjunctivitis . the bottom of his eye lids are redder then usual and he has some gunk coming out of one eye .. not alot , but its still there .

    Ive never had any experience with this so i was wondering if i needed to take him to see the doctor ?

    or is it something that usually goes away after a few days .

    He did spike a fever last night , has a cough and a snotty nose but tht could be teething because thats always what happens when a tooth comes thru for him .

    but i did have a slight cold the other week , so it might be that too.

    So is it as simple as getting drops from the chemist , or more serious .

    I have been cleaning each eye with a clean damp cloth a few times today .

    and apart for the red eye he is acting like his normal self

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • forcing a toddler to wee?

    okay so it might sound mean but hear me out

    im toilet training my son , and he has no problem with doing a poo in the toilet , its the weeing thats giving us trouble .

    i can give him a big drink wait 30 mins then put him on the toilet ( he hasnt peed for almost 2 hrs previous to this ) . he can sit on the toilet for 15 mins . without peeing , then as soon as hes off he will start to wee , so i put him back on the toilet and he will just hold it in untill he is off again .

    Ive tryed having the tap running , but it makes me want to pee while im waiting for hm to , lol

    talk about bladder controll .. his is better then mine

    is there anything else that will help him pee ,

    ive thought about maybe pushing on his bladder a tiny bit , but i dont want to accidental hurt him .

    i dont want to do a reward based program !


    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • cartoon dvd that explains toilet training?

    Im looking for a cartoon DVD that explains it to young toddlers ( bout 18 months )

    ( im not trying to be a lazy parent and let the tv do all the work , its just when ever the tv is on my son is glued to it and will copy anything the cartoons do , so i figure this might be a winning solution lol )

    Im in australia , so anything that is available in stores would be good ( hate buying online )

    can any one recommend a good one ??

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • menstrual cycle question .. getting shorter then stopping?

    im a little confused right now .

    my periods have Always be regular .( they have had their slight changes as ive got older , but nothing major)

    i had my son almost 17 months ago ,

    my period returned 10 months ago ( after breastfeeding was cut down )

    they were back like clockwork for 6 months , then on the 7th month the cycle was down to 26 days ( normally 30 days ) on the 8th month the cycle was down to 24days . 9th month it was down to 20 days and then this month it is yet to be seen. and we are on about day 34 of a cycle .

    i have taken 2 pregnancy test . both negative .

    even tho im getting pregnancy symptoms

    but now im starting to think that maybe i just skipped a period this month.

    which i have never done before.

    Does any one know why your menstrual cycle would get shorter and maybe stop ?

    or is it possible that i am pregnant and its to early to detect it ?

    i understand ur not doctors , im looking for personal ( or friend of a friend lol ) experiences

    i will be booking a doctor appointment next week if i still havent got my period .

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Did you ever "just know" you were pregnant .............?

    like before your missed period , and before you took a test ?

    Just wondering , as about 5 days after " the deed" was done ( almost 2 weeks now ), ive been feeling nauseous and so very tired , now my belly is aching ( like ive done one to many sit ups lol ) ,

    But it all just could be in my head , and it doesn't help that i dont know when my next period is due , lol , if i am pregnant , it will be awesome , my partner and i have been talking about trying for a 2nd child for a few months now.

    So did you know before you took a test , and how many days before ur missed period did u test / think you were pregnant ?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 12-18 months - how well does ur toddler speak?

    Just wondering how well every ones LO can pronounce their words ( if they are talking yet )

    My son is 15 months and i have just started to understand what he is talking about .

    Yet i see ppl on here saying that their kid can say a ton of different words already .

    and was wondering if they were words that everyone else can understand or just you because u know ur LO

    My son will say ba for ball and daah for dog and caa for cat and narnee for banana .

    and a few other sounds like that .

    So when ur toddler speaks .. do they pronounce the whole word or just a recognisable sound ?

    and do you consider that a word ?

    yes i am very aware that kids develop at different rates .

    Im just curious. :-)

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Early toilet training . 12 - 16 months?

    So i was talking to my mother yesterday about my 14 month old son ,

    She suggested that i start toilet training him now , because its easier to get a younger toddler to do wat you want .

    She had 4 kids , us older 3 started at 12 months and all fully trained by 16 months

    and the youngest didnt start till 2yrs and wasnt fully tranied till 3 yrs

    So im just wondering if any other parents toilet trained young and it worked for them .

    Any tips that worked for you ?

    Im planning to start training the first week in January ( he will be 15 1/2 month ), and we arnt going to use a potty , I figure it will be easier to get him use to a toilet first instead of confusing him with a potty.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Christmas in darwin. What to do there?

    Im going to darwin for christmas this year to visit family . ( 24 dec - 4 jan )

    yes i know its going to be hot, humid , and stormy etc.

    But is there any thing to do over the christmas holidays . Any holiday related things ?

    Fireworks etc etc ?

    My son will be 15 months so it has to be family orientated .

    Any ideas ?

    5 AnswersDarwin1 decade ago
  • teeth question , whats the average time for molars?

    Im just wondering if anyone knows the average "normal" age range for a toddler to get their first molars ?And can u tell me the order and age that teeth should come in?

    My 14 month old has 8 teeth ( 4 top front and 4 bottom front teeth)

    and was just wondering which ones we can expect next .

    if any one knows of a good site with a picture that explains it .. would be helpful.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • hand / eye co odrination in 14 month old?

    im just wondering what the average coordination is for a 14 month old boy .

    what sort of things are they able to do ?

    My partner thinks our son is way above average in that field , but i think its normal .

    Hes a golf fanatic and bought our son some plastic golf clubs 2 weeks ago .

    with out being shown what to do he took the club and started hitting the ball, just the one handed chopping action, but was hitting the ball with the first or second shot .

    And now that hes been shown how to hold the club with 2 hands , he will , and then wait for us to put the ball in front of him and then hit it .. he can only tap it because if he swings he will lose his balance .

    So is this normal 14 month old coordination ?

    ( i know all kids develop at different rates .. im just wondering about the average . )

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • growth spurts after 1 yr of age?

    I was just wondering if any one knew the round about ages that toddlers have growth spurts ?

    i know all the ones from 0 to 9 months but nothing after ,

    My little man was 1 last month and yesterday and today all he wants to do is sleep , hes hasn't upped his food intake tho .

    I hope hes not getting another cold ( its the only thing he gets out of going to day care i think lol )

    So is it common for 1 yr olds to have a growth spurt and what other ages do they have growth spurts

    I know " every kid is different " . im just looking for the average age thats all ,

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago