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Feeding issues with my 12 1/2 month old?

Does anyone else have issues with sippy cups? My daughter will SCREAM if I try to give her one. She also does not hold her bottle yet sitting up only leaning back and she refuses to eat ANYTHING with chunks. She will eat bread, fish, and some cookies but she will not eat veggies unless it is baby food smashed or fruit unless it is smashed.

She is advanced on every other milestone except mouth related items. She is walking, talking, snapping, clapping, knows she is one if she is asked so I don't think he is delayed but I just wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am going thru the same thing with my twins. Driving me nuts. I have tried all kinds of cups. Checked websites to see what ones would be good and it seems to be a losing battle until I tried the disposable type. I just leave it on the highchair tray and finally they both are drinking out of it. Not much, but we are getting somewhere with it.

    As for food this is a huge problem. It started with the one and now since I have the "monkey see monkey do" problem they both wont eat. I tried letting them feed thenselves, all kinds of finger foods and they are hardly eating. I think I wear most of the food.

    Dr says to be persistent and just leave some finger foods on the tray and if they are hungry they will eat. She said no toddler has ever died from lack of food and not to worry. They are in "experiment phase". I've tried fish sticks, toast and little chunks of cheese and they seem to like it. I also bought a can of Nestle Good Start 2 which is for 9 to 24 month olds and they get 3 bottles of that a day.

    Good Luck and believe me I understand what your going thru, its very frustrating.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried the Nuby straw sippies with the soft silicone straws? I found those worked best for my two....its easier to get liquid out of a straw sippy, and they are the least like bottles so they don't associate them with bottles (ie., I want my bottle with the soft nipple, not this hard thing that I have to suck up a lung to get anything out of).

    I got my two on sippies by simply taking away the bottles forever. I introduced the sippies at around 8 months and at 11.5 months when they both knew how to drink from them, I simply stopped offering bottles. My big girl took to it right away and my baby girl resisted at first but if she wanted a drink, she had to get it from the cup. They won't die of thirst if there's liquid available to them, they figure it out eventually.

    As for the food: is she interested in what you are eating and wanting what you have/grabbing at food on your plate, etc.? This is the hallmark sign that they are ready for solids, which she should be doing by now.

    Also, teething can interfere with eating because of the pain in their gums, but that should only be for short periods of time (days) as the teeth come in and then their eating pattern should return.

    Are you all sitting at the table and eating together? I found that my girls always ate better at family meals rather than plunking them in the high chair by themselves while I washed dishes. My baby girl (20 mos.) prefers to sit on someone's lap and eat off their plate - a bad habit I'd like to break, but she's too skinny and she eats better this way so we let her.

    Also, children normally go through the picky-eater stage more than once in their lifetime. I think I would eliminate the junk (cookies) for a while and only offer healthy foods and fruits for snacks. Don't worry, when she gets hungry enough, she will eat what's put in front of her. I am not above "bribing" with a treat after a meal, but 12 1/2 mo. is probably too young to get that concept.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like she may have a case of acid reflux...I would schedule her a dr. appointment to eliminate this possiblity or any other medical possibility as it sounds like swallowing is an issue...

    Blessings bee with you.

    Source(s): Personal experience
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