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Employer asking me to work for free what do I do, bad situation?

I am in a sticky situation. I work as a coach at a gymnastics club. I am an hourly paid employee. I just got the job 2 weeks ago. My boss is now forcing me to work at meets, parties etc. for free, she calls it "volunteering" but it is mandatory. This is a for profit business, not a charity and she rakes in tons of money off these things. I barely make more than min wage as it is. The first thing she wants me to work is a meet for 2 days 8-12 hours each day for no pay, and no other compensation. I am completely unwilling as I know this is illegal and wrong. The sticky part that I need help with is how to say no tactfully. The only reason I care is because I am also a gymnast there and I do not want to be kicked out of the gym as it is the only one available and it is my life. So basically I need to figure out how to tell her no I won't work for free without severing our relationship. I don't even care if she doesn't agree and fires me as a coach so long as I can still take class. Any suggestions. P.S. this woman is very moody.


Thanks, I know what to do about the asking me to work for free as far as legally. I am asking how to tell her without ticking her off to the point where I am not welcome to take class as a paying student.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you pay her for classes I'm sure she would let you stay. Be honest! Why would she stop using you as long as you are letting her?

  • 1 decade ago

    you have to tell her that you cannot do this because you know it's wrong. there's no way she can make you, and those hours are ridiculous, if you are a minor that is breaking child labor laws. this is hardly volunteering. you have two options as far as i see it. 1. tell her that you are just unable to work the hours and her requests are unreasonable. be sure to give her plenty of room to talk, be strong but casual to keep on good terms with her. 2. make up excuses as to why you can't do it

    (i.e you have to volunteer at a hospital for college or say"i'm sorry but financial situation at home is pretty tough now and i need to get a higher paying job to help out my family and continue here, so i'm sorry but i cant 'volunteer' anymore, there's just no time." even if this isn't true) i mean she really cant tell you to work those ridiculous hours without any pay,that's like a sweatshop! at least tell her that you expect to be paid fairly for your work, as you know that she makes tons of money. if you really need to, inform her GENTLY that what shes doing is illegal and you can go to the police if she wants to kick you out of the gym as you've done nothing wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for those who work at walmart, and others in similar situations, the employee should:

    1. Give her a copy of the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

    Amendment XIII (13): Abolition of slavery

    The Thirteenth Amendment was proposed on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865.

    Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    2. And report her to your state's Department of Labor.

    3. And to the US Department of Labor

    Now, as for you, I'm sure that you're quite happy to have gotten a free ad for your business.

    The free ride is over.

    Shut up.

    Go away.

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