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Tim H
Lv 5
Tim H asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Independents, especially those in MA, what say you?

"If there's one thing that I regret this year is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people," Obama told ABC News.

The president said that he had assumed that if he concentrated on making good policy decisions, voters would understand them, but instead they had become consumed by a "feeling of remoteness and detachment" from Washington.

Apparently Obama thinks that the voters in MA, and I guess the rest of the country, are too dumb to realize his policies are good. I guess he thinks that if he spent even more time on TV talking to us we would all understand. Personally, I think the voters do understand. I was under the impression that the voters of this country know what is going on and voted to stop it. So what do you think of this arrogant and patronizing statement by our President?


"You're kidding, right? You can't let fools pick up the microphone and spew lies for a solid year and expect the people to know what's REALLY going on."

Are you suggesting we end free speech, or Democracy all together? If voters really are too stupid to discover the truth then I wonder what the value is in a Democracy.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're kidding, right? You can't let fools pick up the microphone and spew lies for a solid year without rebuttal and expect the people to know what's REALLY going on. He will get back to what makes him a GREAT leader and speak directly to the American people and keep them from falling for GOP/ Fox News lies. He better or there will be more setbacks like Mass.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he truly believes there is a disconnect between Washington and the voters, he better analyze all of the voting results for the last 3 November's plus yesterday. The electorate, especially independents, are very very angry. They are not angry at Republicans; they are not angry at Democrats; they are not angry at liberal or conservative. They are angry at a government that isn't working for them.

    NY-23 last November almost saw a third party candidate beat the two major party candidates; in a district that had voted Republican since the Civil War, a Democrat won by a mere few percentage points, and the Republican had to withdraw from the race days before the election.

    Yesterday saw a Republican voted Senator in a state that is solidly behind the President, consistently liberal, and to a seat held by a leading liberal for over 40 years.

    That tells me that neither major party is safe, and neither is the President safe from defeat in 2012 if things don't go the voters way fast.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is the largest sack of steaming 0bamanure I have seen, and he has shoveled out a ton in a year...

    IF he actually BELIEVES that anyone believes this bullshit, he is full of the same manure. 0bama is an arrogant, narcissistic sociopath whose major claim to fame is that he lies better than Slick Willie.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he like to hear himself talk. I voted for McCain.

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