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Do you think opposing gay marriage is what God wants?

A lot of Christians who are against gay marriage and are protesting allowing it in the US say that it's because it's NOT WHAT GOD WANTS.

But technically, he supposedly gave us all free will to choose, didn't he? If he says you can sin at your leisure but you won't get into heaven, and I'm not going to stop you....then why should Christians act on his behalf in this manner in this regard? :P

You don't have to have sex with another of the same sex, but it's not just about sex. It's about self-identity and love. Who are we to deny true love? Separation of church and state. Your religion has no place in deciding if two consenting adult citizens should be granted rights given to other consenting adult citizens.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Marriage is a sacred institution started by God and designated to be between a man and a woman.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Sure sin all you desire to have, that's among you and God. But don't seek to range legislation, that impacts all, in a country that was once established underneath GOD, when you knew your Bible, and even cared to understand than you may also understand that what a country does influences a country as a complete in phrases of God and judgment, prosperity ect. Ect. And the complete benefits from God that end result all people as a country, even non believers, and as far as separation of state was once no longer meant to gain what it has develop to be, if most effective the fore fathers knew that actually they was once establishing a can of worms, i'm definite they could have worded issues a few what an extra means, God does not condone marriage among the equal intercourse, and as far as it being approximately identity, exchange your title and if love and truly love than a peice of paper is probably not going to make a difference And if all else fails, transfer to yet another country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes sin all you want, that is between you and God.

    But do not seek to change laws, that affects all, in a nation that was founded UNDER GOD, If you knew your Bible, or even cared to know than you would know that what a nation does affects a nation as a whole when it comes to God and judgment, prosperity ect. ect. and all the blessings from God that effect everyone as a nation, even non believers, and as far as separation of state was not intended to accomplish what it has become, if only the fore fathers knew that in actuality they was opening a can of worms, I'm sure they would have worded things some what differently,

    God does not condone marriage between the same sex, and as far as it being about identity, change your name and if love and true love than a peice of paper is not going to make a difference

    And if all else fails, MOVE to another country.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I disagree with you completely about this. I think that as an American citizen, as a citizen in a state, I do have the right to voice my opinion about public policy. I can even say it is "what God wants," because that is what free speech is all about.

    I can say that the US Constitution gives states the job of deciding public policy regarding marriage laws, because it does.

    Unless and until the US Supreme Court rules that gays have the right to marry (according to the US C), they don't. And even if the Supreme Court rules they do, I still have the right to my free speech about it.

    Technically, DRock, you are incorrect. Assuming said desired woman wished also to marry you, and assuming the state for some reason deprived you of this wish, you could seek redress in federal court.

    Source(s): I also disagree with Song. There's no Scriptural support for your claim. God used His people in "politics," even in other nations, where His people were enslaved. Have you heard of Moses? Joseph? Daniel? But you seem to be saying that Christians cannot have the same individual callings? We are members of one body, but we are not all the same part. As for my "interesting thoughts," I learned some of them in law school.
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  • 1 decade ago

    As Christians it is our duty to stand up for the truth of God's Word. God declares homosexuality to be an abomination and created marriage to be between one man and one woman. As a Christian, I cannot be for something that Jesus is against. Period.

    Although you are correct that we are all given the freedom of will to accept or reject Christ, the consequence for sin is spiritual death and an eternity of suffering in hell. It is the height of selfishness and hatred towards others for me as a Christian to not warn people of the judgement they face and the means of escape. For me to withhold the gospel is the most hateful thing I could do. Homosexual sex is a sin and a very addicting, powerful sin as all sexual sin is. The bible describes homosexuals as burning with lust for one another. It's not about true love, agape love, which is divine love that can only be known through Jesus. It's about sin and lust and love of the world.

    To address your last point: marriage is not a right. It has never been a right. People who practice a homosexual lifestyle are not denied any rights regarding marriage that heterosexual couples enjoy. Marriage is a privilege and a cultural institution with certain limitations and requirements, but it is not a right. If it were a right, and I, as a heterosexual man were unable to marry the woman I desired, to whom do I go to have the violation of my right to marry addressed and rectified? No one, because marriage is not a right.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never understood the supposition often presented that gay marriage is somehow an attack on marriage in general. Whether or not two individuals of whatever sex get married has absolutely zero impact on the validity of my own marriage in any way I can determine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here in the UK gay marriage (officially called Civil Partnership) hasn't adversely affected anyone, or heterosexual marriage. It's just meant that more people have been able to have happier and more fulfilled lives.

    I don't respect the more harmful beliefs that some religious people try to impose on others. An example is the belief that gay sex is sinful, based on the barbaric laws and attitudes in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:24-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9.

    In my view, people can by all means apply the belief to themselves, but I think they're wrong to impose their hateful beliefs on others; Proposition 8 in California was a shameful example of this. I don't accept that someone can "hate the sin but love the sinner", although I did think it made sense when I was religious; I now think that if a believer seeks to make people feel uncomfortable, or even under threat, or deprive them of personal freedoms and human rights, that behaviour is hatred of their fellow humans, and persecution of a minority, whatever else is claimed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As soon as you step into the political arena you are no longer acting strictly as a Christian. As Christians we are supposed to point the way for others. To show them what the scripture says and to live according to it. If you want to get involved with politics, that is your choice. If you want to support or oppose one group or another, that is your choice. Just don't pretend you are doing it for God, or with God's support, when what God really wants us all to do is to move beyond these earthly and sin-riddled concerns. Yes, the scriptures tell us that God abhors men using other men for sexual exploitation and gratification, but this is not a political manifesto or party charter. Working out your salvation is personal. Once you start legislating salvation, you fall into Satan's trap.

    Source(s): ruth: Moses, Joseph, and Daniel acted as individuals, not as members of a party or social coalition. It was their actions as free and independent persons, who followed God's voice, which is the point of the stories about them. They stood apart from those around them. Not as members of either minority or majority demographics. But thanks for sharing your interesting thoughts.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I simply wanted to say that "NAPOLEON" is an idiot and at least picked an appropriate name for himself. Who typed your answer for you? You obviously don't have the I.Q. to use a keyboard.

  • Tanya
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God would not make someone gay, then tell them they had no legal right to protect their relationships.

    If he did, then he's evil.

    I don't think the god of love is Evil. I think humans interpreting his word for their own sake are evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know, and frankly I don't give a darn. I would think god would want us to find the joy in our lives, and to bring joy to others. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with those two qualities.

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