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Genegee asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Who do you think is responsible for most of our problems Congress or big Business and why?

Everybody is playing the blame game and l was wondering who you blame for this mess. Please do not waist my time by saying a political party because you are wrong. Things may have happen during the president administration but that does not mean that he can control everything or be responsible for something he did not do. Even though he will be blamed for it.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a tough question to answer because they are all vying for positions of power and since power corrupts, the corrupt want more power.

    Congress is dominated by entrenched elected officials that have made a career of living in Washington DC and are out of touch with the voters that put them there.

    The Political Parties are backing the candidates they want on their corrupted teams so the voters can not get those they would like on the ballot for the Primary elections.

    The Media Propaganda Machine called the evening news adds their bias to the mix further muddying the waters.

    Big Business doesn't want competition from entrepreneurs. They want unencumbered access to the very ones they have corrupted. They don't care what it costs and they don't care if the politicians who are in their back pockets make a big show of going after them and charge them big taxes. You the end consumer of the product must pay those taxes because that overhead cost is passed on to you, plus mark-ups on the price.

    Labor unions are very powerful and as a result they are just as corrupt. It is the Union Bosses that make out big time on every deal they push through , not the union members.

    When any or all of the above get caught, they get to take a walk and are never really held responsible for their actions.

    It is a mess that can be corrected to some degree by the voters demanding Term Limits and removing anyone who resists transparency in Government.

    Access to how money is spent and who gets all those contributions must be demanded.

    Since the Constitution was set up to prevent tyranny by severely limiting the size and power of Government, we must all demand the Constitution be followed.

    Any politician that wants to increase the size and power of Government or who wants to raise your taxes is a tyrant!

    The USA is bing run by elitist despots who want to be Lords. Guess who gets to be the Serfs.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It depends on which problems are our big problems. If you could list what you're talking about, I could give you a list of reasons these things came to be and tell you how both business and government have had a hand in the situation. I could also tell you how schools, philosophy, religion, science, society, media, language, economics, and society have affected these things too right down to your biochemical/neurological makeup if you like.

    We're not in a vacuum here. It's hard to compare two unequal things without defining quite precisely what units of what system we're using to qualify or quantify these things, and the precise boundaries of each enclosed system so their is no question of inaccuracy.

    If you define responsibility, define our problems, and define the root of them, then you could solve them, but that's where we get stuck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    American's are the problem, all of us. Take for instance people blame walmart for being the pipe line from china. You idiots act like walmart can't get american made products anymore. I am sure they would be happy to not have to pay shipping costs and all that to have it all done right here in the US. But guess what, americans are to freakin cheap!!! You all are to blame everyone want's cheaper cheaper cheaper. That's why walmart is the biggest company in the world. because when everyone screamed cheaper cheaper, guess what, they listened. China welcome to America. Wal mart is the smartest company in the world business wise. Anyways you idiots are the reason america is the way it is.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    Congress. If big business gets into trouble they got there because of bad business practices. Gov't bailouts only allows the failure to continue. If gov't would stay out of it big business would be forced to go bankrupt, restructure, reorganize, or sell off some of it's assets.

    Economic down turns purifies the system and forces business to get back to the basics.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Big Business since they gamble with your money and lost...Congress can't do much since they can never agree on anything. People are also too greedy so guess who are in charge of everything...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since Dems took over in 06, Congress!

  • 1 decade ago

    Congress, no term limits, special insurance plans, special treatment, extreme corruption, and stupidity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are like love and marriage. You can't have one without the other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • O-ONE






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