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Why would any women vote Democrat?

Why would any women vote Democrat?

The reaction by the Left and Democrats after the past election in Mass. and the 2008 election got me thinking about past events.

Eisenhower beat Stevenson x2 and the Democrats attack Eisenhower’s WWII driver.

The Kennedys did to women what the Kennedys do to women and the Democrats attack the women and cover up the murder of one woman.

Nixon beat Humphrey and the Democrats attack Pat.

Ford pardon Nixon and the Democrats attack Betty.

Reagan beat Carter & Mondale and put Gorbachev & Gaddafi in their place and the Democrats attack Nancy, Elizabeth Dole, Margaret Thatcher & Jeane Kirkpatrick (a long time Democrat)

Bush 41 beat Dukakis and the Democrat attack and tries to trap Barbara in an interview.

Bill Clinton does to women (as far as we know he has not kill one) what the Kennedys did and the Democrats attack the women

Bob Dole challenge Bill Clinton and the Democrats attack Elizabeth (they went after her for years)

Bush 43 beat Algore & Kerry and the Democrats attack Laura and Condoleezza Rice

Obama/Biden is the least qualify president/vice president in the history of the U.S. McCain pick Palin (the only one of four who was qualified to be president) and the Democrats attack her. In fact the Democrats so fear Palin that a week after the election they talked more about her than they did Obama and to today they continue to attack her. That alone should tell you how qualify the Democrats know she is and how much they fear her. Can we say Reagan/Cater = Palin/Obama (if that close)

The Left Wing programs continue to cost us more, give us less, cost us jobs, take more and more of our freedoms and give the government more and more control of our lives while placing us at a greater risk from outside forces and women like Laura Ingraham, Angie Harmon, Ashley Herzog, Shelly Roche, Dana Loesch, Star Parker, Mary Katharine Ham, Katherine Harris, Michelle Malkin, Janice Roger Brown, Amanda Carpenter and Megan Kelly to name just a few women who disagree with and challenge the Left. And, of course, the Democrats attack them.

Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley and the Democrats attack Coakley (one of their own)

The sad part is how other women have attacked these and many other women. They don’t just attack on their disagreements but they say things like “she is not women enough.” These women know they are only allowed the power they enjoy as long as they can bring in the women vote. To keep the power the Democrat party allows them they do what they are told to whoever they are told to do it to. If you are intelligence, independent, free thinking women the Left will attack you. The Left is threatened by these women. They don’t fit in to the view of what the Left have of women. In the Left’s view of women you are require to think alike, support the same causes, vote the same way. If you don’t you are not a “real” women and the Left will attack you. And who tell you what to say, think and how to vote? The Democrat party. In the Left view the only meaningful acts a women can accomplish is to have an abortion and give into any sexual advancement made toward them and be thankful that you are one of the chosen ones.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot of women, and men, hate America and are hoping freedom will be eliminated. They are spiteful and envious of people with abilities and talents, since they have neither. These are the types of women, and men, who vote for democrats.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Once you raise a family, you know that it is impossible for a country to continue entitlement programs for the rest of the world. We pay into Social Security and Medicare our whole working career, but the Democrats keep coming up with more give away programs. There are certainly many people who need Medicaid, but why do we continue to let illegals drain our system for Democratic votes?

  • 1 decade ago

    "Don't interrupt me, just shut up and act like a lady" !!! Famous words spoken by Democratic Senator Arlin Spector, not just once but a number of times during an interview with a Republican Congresswoman. Now there's a respectful old Democrat for ya. Don't get fooled....It's still the" Male Chauvinist Club" in the Democratic party.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is such an incredibly and obviously ridiculous analysis I don't know where to begin.

    Democrats have fought long and hard for women's rights.

    Republicans have fought long and hard against them.

    Your historical perspective is absolutely and completely false. A few democrats criticized a few first ladies. That is so irrelevant, I am at a lost for words. The Republicans shredded Hiliary on *false* charges of everything from murder to ... whatever.

    It reminds me of the old saying 'Republicans always lie'.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think women should vote Democrat because George W is the best the other side has to offer.

  • Taylor
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    For choice

    For equal pay

    For not paying more for her healthcare than a man

    I have many but will stop at 3.........

  • 1 decade ago

    Respect for her own body, for one out of many reasons.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because, like ^^^ demonstrates, some are idiots.

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