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  • Fit points of Time in Sci-fi?

    Many Science-Fiction stories have what is called “A fix point in time”. These are events that are supposed to be so important to the future that nothing can change them. One of these in many stores is the John F. Kennedy assassination. The way the Fix Point in Time theory goes I could go back in time when Oswald was 8 years old, kidnap and kill him. Still on November 22, 1963 in Dallas TX. at the Dealey Plaza at 12:30 CST Kennedy will be shot and killed. If before they started the drive I had put a hole in the tire for some reason the air would not have leaked out. Would it not be so that if there are fix points in time and no matter what is done the event will still happen as planned be proof that there is a God? Someone has to not only be in control but to have so much power over events that nothing stops the event. All things are done according to God’s plan and not even time travelers or Time Lords can stop it.

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Which Facebook is real?

    I don't do much on Facebook but I see from time to time a request to link to an actor and sport person but when I check them out some has more than one page all stating to be the real one. How do you tell?

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why would any women vote Democrat?

    Why would any women vote Democrat?

    The reaction by the Left and Democrats after the past election in Mass. and the 2008 election got me thinking about past events.

    Eisenhower beat Stevenson x2 and the Democrats attack Eisenhower’s WWII driver.

    The Kennedys did to women what the Kennedys do to women and the Democrats attack the women and cover up the murder of one woman.

    Nixon beat Humphrey and the Democrats attack Pat.

    Ford pardon Nixon and the Democrats attack Betty.

    Reagan beat Carter & Mondale and put Gorbachev & Gaddafi in their place and the Democrats attack Nancy, Elizabeth Dole, Margaret Thatcher & Jeane Kirkpatrick (a long time Democrat)

    Bush 41 beat Dukakis and the Democrat attack and tries to trap Barbara in an interview.

    Bill Clinton does to women (as far as we know he has not kill one) what the Kennedys did and the Democrats attack the women

    Bob Dole challenge Bill Clinton and the Democrats attack Elizabeth (they went after her for years)

    Bush 43 beat Algore & Kerry and the Democrats attack Laura and Condoleezza Rice

    Obama/Biden is the least qualify president/vice president in the history of the U.S. McCain pick Palin (the only one of four who was qualified to be president) and the Democrats attack her. In fact the Democrats so fear Palin that a week after the election they talked more about her than they did Obama and to today they continue to attack her. That alone should tell you how qualify the Democrats know she is and how much they fear her. Can we say Reagan/Cater = Palin/Obama (if that close)

    The Left Wing programs continue to cost us more, give us less, cost us jobs, take more and more of our freedoms and give the government more and more control of our lives while placing us at a greater risk from outside forces and women like Laura Ingraham, Angie Harmon, Ashley Herzog, Shelly Roche, Dana Loesch, Star Parker, Mary Katharine Ham, Katherine Harris, Michelle Malkin, Janice Roger Brown, Amanda Carpenter and Megan Kelly to name just a few women who disagree with and challenge the Left. And, of course, the Democrats attack them.

    Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley and the Democrats attack Coakley (one of their own)

    The sad part is how other women have attacked these and many other women. They don’t just attack on their disagreements but they say things like “she is not women enough.” These women know they are only allowed the power they enjoy as long as they can bring in the women vote. To keep the power the Democrat party allows them they do what they are told to whoever they are told to do it to. If you are intelligence, independent, free thinking women the Left will attack you. The Left is threatened by these women. They don’t fit in to the view of what the Left have of women. In the Left’s view of women you are require to think alike, support the same causes, vote the same way. If you don’t you are not a “real” women and the Left will attack you. And who tell you what to say, think and how to vote? The Democrat party. In the Left view the only meaningful acts a women can accomplish is to have an abortion and give into any sexual advancement made toward them and be thankful that you are one of the chosen ones.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Help from Star Trek clubs/fans or any Sci-fi fan.?

    I teach at a center base (public) school for disable students. We cover a wide range of disable students. One of our students is a young man who is in the low trainable range who also is autistic. Many times someone with autism will develop a controlling fascination with something to the point that it becomes part of him/her and her/his life. Years have been wasted trying to break or decrease these controlling factors in these rather than working with them. The student this letter is referring to have a fascination with Star Trek. (This drives his teacher crazy especially when he speck what he calls Klingon.) He and I have developed a good relationship because I will talk to him making Klingon like sound. No, I don’t speak Klingon but with him it seem to work and beside it really drives his teacher crazy which just go to encourages me more. He refers to me as Captain Kirk and I refer to him as Lt. Commander. The classroom staff will from time to time use terms from Star Trek to get him to do some of his tasks. Hey, you go with what works.

    He would really love a Star Trek uniform. Unsure how much a good one cost but if a fan club or group make this a project the cost could be divided by the whole group. We may even be able to set up a day for your group to present the uniform to him if you live close enough to Columbia, S.C. His sizes are shirt: XL, Pants XL or 36x30, shoes size 10.

    You can reach me a or . You can check out our school at htt:// .

    Thanks for your time.

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Which sport has modem technology effected the most?

    Which sport has modern technology effected the most golf, tennis or another sports? Has this effect been positive or negative?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • What is forgiveness & how far should it go?

    God forgive us of all of our sins. Thus we are to forgive others. But what does that really mean? Do we forgive and forget as if it never happen? Or do we wait for the person to ask for forgiveness and wait until they made restitution and/or serve their time? Then if some one rape a child do we allow that person, once their time in jail is up, to return to working with children? If some one borrow a lot of money from you and do not repay, placing you in years of hardship repaying the money, do we for give & forgive and lend that person more money? Can you forgive & forget without restoring the person to his/her original status?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I am trying to find out how to write or e-mail a Sir. Ogden Moseley or a member of his family.?

    In the 1980's he was a member of Parliament & the Socialist party. He is a descendant of Lord Moseley (see King Charles I last 6 months of asylum). Sir. Moseley is a descendant of Lord Moseley's oldest daughter. I'm a descendant of Lord Moseley's youngest daughter on my mother side. Her son, Edward Moseley came to Virginia in 1637. I have tried yahoo UK but nothing has been found.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Doctor Who fans:The re-release of "The Five Doctors"

    I just got this month BBC-America Shop's Catalog. I see where the BBC has re-release "The Five Doctors" on DVD again. With so many not on DVD I hate it when they release one that has already been released. I have both the VHS and the 1st DVD. I'm sure there are things on the new DVD that is not on the 1st. MY question is for those who have both is there anything on the 1st. that is not on the 2nd. I'm talking about the extras. Once you seen a show so many times it is the extras that I really enjoy and just would like to know if I need to keep the 1st DVD release for any extras not on the 2nd. Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Doctor Who fans. ? about Ms. Piper and Ms. Sladen.?

    Has there ever been an interview with Elisabeth Sladen "Sarah" & Billie Piper "Rose" (TV or written) where they discuss being the star of the show but having to step aside as a new comer (Tom Baker & David Tennant) just step in and not only become the lead but now the show focus on them? If so how could I get a copy?

    I read once where Tom Baker, in one of the few times he seem thankful, stated how well Ms. Sladen had welcomed him and treated him so good helping him work his way on to the show.

    Has Mr. Tennant ever said the same about Ms. Piper? I seen some of his interviews and that thing on the DVDs that he did on himself but unless I missed it I don't remember him ever thinking Ms. Piper for helping him.

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Does any one remember the "6 for 2006" set of programs? This is 6 programs that the Left stated that they had.

    Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi did not say that they hope to have. They did not say that they will develop these plans. They did not say that they hope to develop. They said that they had the plan. One part of the plan would cut gas prices. They did not say that they hope it would lower gas prices. Well it is two years later and gas prices has more than double. No plan has been debated. No plan has been voted on. No plan has even been release for us to review. I donot believe there was ever a plan. In fact if you look at the facts ther is no plan to reduce the cost of gas, no new drilling, higher taxes. I believe that the press has been lieing to us all these years. It is not the GOP that is working with Big Oil. It is the Left. Every thing the Left does gain them more power and Big Oil more money. And te press has covered it up all these years and too amny of us has fell for it.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • On Doctor Who what character(s) from another TV show would make a good companion.?

    Can be the old or new Doctor Who. Can be an old or new TV show. Name which Doctor and which, if any other, companion(s) will be there. Also how do you think they would work together.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Sci-Fi TV show from the 1970s or 1980s?

    I can only remember a few things about the show. It took place on a spaceship.One crew member was a cyborg. He was either the security officer or the mechanic. I think he was also the older member of the crew. I believe the pilot was a female and the ship was pilot laying down.

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • In New Zealand & Australia is cornflour the same as cornstarch in the USA?

    In my PMD/SC class we studied the different ways people in other parts of the world celebrate Christmas. In New Zealand they make a cake call Pavlova which call for cornflour. I am not a baker or cook but would like to try this cake.

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Doctor Who to take 2009 off?

    I read the following on a web site that I go to often for Doctor Who news and history. It has always been a good site. Has anyone else got anything on this?

    Torchwood, rumors, old villains, new villains - things are good. In fact they must be so good that something has to come along and muck things up. And it is Shakespeare. Looks like there will be a break in Doctor Who after the fourth season airs in 2008. There will be some specials and such and the fifth season will start in 2010. So think of it as getting a bit of a break. After all, we've had it pretty good over the last few years. (October 5, 2007)

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Which cause you more problems ,when your yes or not yes or when your no are not no?

    Christ tells us in Matthew 5:37 But let your word ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. Anything more than this is from the evil one.

    I find my biggest problems come from when my no or not no. When I say yes I tend to do a better job, I’m more happy and more successful. Even when I fail I have a good reason and will go to whoever I said to and let them know why I failed.

    When I say no and either are talked into it or pressure into saying yes I find that I don’t do as good of a job, I’m very unhappy and if I fail I don’t only feel that I do not need to explain why but I am more angry at who talked/pressure me into it than I am disappointed in myself.

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Has anyone read Pres. Pierce veto message of May 3, 1854?

    If so what did you think. If not read it and tell me what you think. I feel it should be require reading for every high schooler and again in college.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Doctor Who fans is it a good idea to bring Rose back next year?

    Or should the Doctor just get over Rose?

    7 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Will Tom Harkin & Harry Reid every be men enough to face Rush Limbaugh? Limbaugh has lay down the challenge.?

    Or will Reid & Harkin continue to hide behind the US Senate and the press. To cover up their own pro-terrorist/anti-America views they got up on the US Senate floor and told lies on Limbaugh. Well Limbaugh called them out. I know it would only be 2 to 1 and not a fair fight but even if they could get all of the left-wing, anti-America members from the Senate & the House there would not be enough to make it a fight. Even so I would like to see if they are men enough. I say they not.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago