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What is forgiveness & how far should it go?

God forgive us of all of our sins. Thus we are to forgive others. But what does that really mean? Do we forgive and forget as if it never happen? Or do we wait for the person to ask for forgiveness and wait until they made restitution and/or serve their time? Then if some one rape a child do we allow that person, once their time in jail is up, to return to working with children? If some one borrow a lot of money from you and do not repay, placing you in years of hardship repaying the money, do we for give & forgive and lend that person more money? Can you forgive & forget without restoring the person to his/her original status?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Through some very difficult situations I have learned that forgiving someone does not mean we approve of what they did. Even though you may never see the person again or they may never ask your forgiveness, you can tell God you forgive them and release the bad feelings to Him.

    We say, I love God with all my heart, however if a part of your heart has bad feeling towards a person, that part of your heart can not love Him. You can forgive and not forget lest they do the same thing again. I firmly believe that as a Christian it is my responsibility to warn others about this person. If I am wrong it will be God that changes my mind.

    Also, forgiving someone does mean they are free to do anything they want. If a person is a known child molester, no don't let them be around children. If someone is a thief don't let them be involved with money.

    I pray you find peace in the answers and I will be praying for you.

  • Joyful
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Forgiveness is the act of not holding a trespass against another. There are consequences for all crimes. A person can be forgiven for the hurt or pain he or she caused another and still be expected or required by law to pay restitution or face prison. Laws were established to protect children from pedophiles. A person like that is not allowed to work, live, or be around children in most states of the U.S. People are accountable for their actions, even if they receive forgiveness from the one they did harm to. Years down the road, the person who forgave another will not throw the trespass back in the face of the trespasser. When God forgives us, he does not forget what we did, but he no longer holds it against us. We get another chance, but we will still have to account for our wrongs on judgment day.

  • 1 decade ago

    When we are told to forgive, we are told to forgive practically without end, all "tresspasses", and all wrongs are to be forgiven. That said, forgiving is the not same as permitting. If a man stabs you with a knife, you forgive him, but you do not hand him another knife...this is a tough concept, especially with the other cheek bit...but if a someone betrays a trust, it is not wrong to remember this. Forgiveness is a tool to bring repentance and change.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    70 X 7

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    To forgive someone is to recognize that they made an error, but that they are human and are entitled to mistakes. That does not mean that they return to their original status...once someone has hurt you it would be foolish to put them in a position to hurt you once again.

    Example: My dad molested me for years, and did his time in prison. I have forgiven him for what he did, but I will never allow him to come back into my life or meet my children.

    Forgiveness is more about letting go of your anger then letting them go free of responsibility.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    James 5:16 - James clearly teaches us that we must “confess our sins to one another,” not just privately to God. James 5:16 must be read in the context of James 5:14-15, which is referring to the healing power (both physical and spiritual) of the priests of the Church. Hence, when James says “therefore” in verse 16, he must be referring to the men he was writing about in verses 14 and 15 – these men are the ordained priests of the Church, to whom we must confess our sins.

    Acts 19:18 - many came to orally confess sins and divulge their sinful practices. Oral confession was the practice of the early Church just as it is today.

    Matt. 3:6; Mark 1:5 - again, this shows people confessing their sins before others as an historical practice (here to John the Baptist).

    1 Tim. 6:12 - this verse also refers to the historical practice of confessing both faith and sins in the presence of many witnesses.

    1 John 1:9 - if we confess are sins, God is faithful to us and forgives us and cleanse us. But we must confess our sins to one another.

    Num. 5:7 - this shows the historical practice of publicly confessing sins, and making public restitution.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • Peter
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    As we forgive we are forgiven. Harbouring anger and wrath is not good for us.

    Obviously severe forms of sin against us are tougher to forgive and forget.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are supposed to forgive others the same and as freely as God forgives us. That is very challenging.

  • mack
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Check out Metal K's answer. The verse it right on the money and that is what Jesus said. Kinda contradicts the way we do things here in America doesn't it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mat 18:21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

    Mat 18:22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

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