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Lv 6
golden asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

This could be coming to a place near you?


@confused hal put your head back in the sand.I suppose honour killings are the fault of the knife.

@ L,the true Fascist will remove debate in anyway, where's the hate that drives you!

Update 2:

@confused Hal,I support justice,paedophiles CAN NOT BE CURED!!You are confused because you think crimes that are still going on after say 2000 years should be treated as if it's the fault of victim which is the same mentality that will not admit it isn't fit for purpose.Remove responsibility and you receive anarchy

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How utterly disgusting.

    So the victim is punished and the perpetrator is pardoned?

    Is this Sharia Law?

    Then it can go to Hell. It is not Law and has no place in Europe. That sort of behaviour doens't even belong in the ******* Middle Ages. Its barbaric.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad and disgusting that this could happen in the 21st century. Whether this actually happened or not who is to know but it does happen. I've seen similar incidents when I've been abroad but there is nothing you can do as the countries in which its happening seem to condone it. I'd not like to see it here but then we already have kids murdered in their homes by parents or family, old people starving, feral children on the streets beating and killing other children, honour killings and beatings plus rape. Just hope we don't descend any further into this uncivilised mayhem but with the politicians and PC brigade we have here it looks as though its coming.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always find it ironic when people who support capital and corporal punishment use examples of it being used and then say it could be coming to a place near me. It is also ironic that people who support vigilante actions moan when a village take the law into their own hands and punish others.

    This is one of the reason why I would never support a party that promotes it as I oppose it.

    This case was not conducted in a court of law under Bangladeshi law

    We only have this girls word that she was raped she didn't report it at the time, could it be possible that she made it up after finding out she was pregnant after a fling? She then accused her innocent lover to prevent being an outcast from society?

    Many people in the UK support the punishment of women who falsify rape - many also support the use of corporal punishment.

    How many people would think that if she did make it up a rape and was found to do so in a court of law that a good stoning would be OK?

    As somebody in previous questions has supported stoning, flogging etc maybe you could answer that.

    Personally I think flogging, stoning, putting people in the stocks etc is barbaric, disgusting and outdated regardless of where in the world it is done.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It does not matter how or when or by whom she got pregnant.. She Named the father . Why was it necessary to give her 101 lashes ? SHARIA LAW.

    Why was it obligatory for her father to pay the villagers the money they demanded of him. SHARIA LAW?

    The truth is the Muslim religion is without Mercy ,Compassion, or Forgiveness. In fact it is devoid of All Human understanding.of the 21St Century world.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    some places in this world shouldnt exist. and some people need burning at the stake. screw some peoples human rights. people who think this injust carry on is ok need to be tortured badly and then killed

  • 1 decade ago

    just goes to show you can't trust them muslims they all get tarred with the same brush but they live by their outdated[2000years] muslim law seems they hate us and hate change christianity has changed now we have gay priest but still muslims are living under past rules seems there's no room for change in that religion if that's what its called i call it terrorism of religion they talk of race hate in england but they are the haters they come here to hate .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Confused Hal is right, but then, this report gives you another opportunity to stir up a little religious and racial hatred.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's disgusting! I can't say what I think or I'll end up getting reported

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its already arrived with islamic honour killings in british towns which are on the increase

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