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Isn't it interesting that Pres. Obama says we will withdraw all of our troops ?

From Iraq, but makes no mention of Afghanistan or Yemen ?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He will do EXACTLY what he says, but that does not mean that the troops will be home for long before they ship out to Afghanistan.

    It baffles me why the "Powers" want to continue this fight in Afghanistan. There is some ulterior, covert reason for staying there that baffles me right now. The "Official Explanation" is that we cannot leave Afghanistan until it is "stable" which means that we have to root out the Al-Qaeda.

    MY answer, that I emailed to Obama, is to REMOVE all the troops from Afghanistan and all of our military hardware as well and say "Bye Bye" while secretly leaving a crack team of CIA counter insurgency agents behind. Let the CIA assassins run rampant throughout the land and do what they do best ... eliminate the vermin, aka The Al-Qaeda.

    In this way the Al-Qaeda will drop their guard long enough for the CIA to pounce on them and wipe them out. Lately I hear that the world idea is to pay off the Al-Qaeda. Good luck with that one IMHO.

    Remember that Obama works for the CFR, not the American people. He tries to satisfy BOTH but his main allegiance, due to his CFR membership, is to the CFR. It is important to remember this when you listen to his speeches. Bush had the same affiliation, as did the last 70 years of Presidents. The ONLY member of the Congress who is NOT CFR is Ron Paul. Wanna bet that Paul will have a "mysterious" heart attack in the next couple of years?

    BUT, even if we "leave" Iraq we will still need to maintain a base there so that we can "interpret" the local situation there. In other words, we are NEVER going to leave, unless we can suck every last drop of oil from Iraq but then we will still keep a base there so that we can launch missiles from that location if necessary. We still have to keep an eye on Iran.

    Notice that Obama mentioned that he will continue to expect Iran to comply with World Requests that they dismantle their nuclear arms plants. This gives Obama an "avenue" to go into (attack) Iran should they give us any reasonable, or unreasonable, excuse to do so. I feel that our "ULTIMATE GOAL" in the Middle East is to neutralize the threat of Iran's nuclear power and turn them into a "Democracy" and ally after we crush them like grapes. But then we will have to deal with Russia's interests in Iran and that could get messy.

    Only time will tell ... Obama is not likely to give up the truth ... not just yet.

    I AM


    Source(s): I voted for Obama and still back him 100% but I always warned everyone that he will be the right arm of the CFR but I still preferred him over McCain. There is NOT a big difference between the two men but I feel that Obama is the better international ambassador. He's a very sharp, intellectual "wheeler dealer" and he still has my vote in 2012.
  • 5 years ago

    Yes. There are only a few battle troop left in Iraq and some of the leisure will likely be withdrawn within the close long run. Of direction he additionally recounted that he might broaden the troop force in Afghanistan, which he has performed and has set a agenda for the withdrawal there as good.

  • 1 decade ago

    By withdrawal I think he means re-dispersement. What good it does to send troops from one war to the next is beyond my comprehension. It's easier to get sympathizers in Afghanistan because the easily led masses are still under the impression we're searching for Osama Bin Laden over there, easily "legitimizing" our presence there.

    The United States government is like Dr. Frankenstein; create a monster, lose all control over it and then deny their flawed thinking had anything to do with it.

  • Brad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He's lying on this, just as on virtually everything else in the speech. He isn't going to stop the Regime's mass murder in the Middle East, nor is he going to do anything else for the better (he still supports the Junk Science Tax and the Insurance racket Bailout).

    It is long past time for a true revolutionary anti-war movement of the Right to smash the State.

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  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just another way for him to twist what he promised while campaigning. Yes, he got the troops out of Iraq, but he did it by shipping them to Afghanistan.

    I learned not to listen to anything he said a long time ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dems only cared about timelines when Bush was in office.

    Source(s): True story.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    he said he would put them back in Afghanistan

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we never needed to be in Iraq in the 1st freaking place!!! Its a freaking waste of money

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's nothing new. He even said that back in '08.....

  • yes, Libs must be livid

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