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The most significant aspect in life is "To Love"... your thoughts?


"Love" is the foudational element of true expression; "Expression" is what gives signifcance to purpose; "Purpose" is what justifies existence Take care, Hector

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most significant aspect in life is to love.

    This is well said and very true.

    Can we forget what Freud says about the ultimate motivation in man which is "the satisfaction of a want sexual in nature?"

    And we should not be so superficial in our treatment of love so as to relegate it to being just the kind that is sexual in nature. For love is the binding force of every human activity in the universe. Would so many feel averse if I say that even war and violence are also spawned in love?

    Well, well, before my opinions get beyond the acceptability level of conservatively conditioned minds, this dissertation will be limited to the topic at hand.

    In life, what is there to love? To be alive, first you have to love living. Otherwise, there would be no sense going on. Suicidals adopted this line of reasoning and some even died for it. It is this love for life that we go on procreating. And again will the conservatively conditioned minds feel averse to my saying that it is also this love for life that led many to kill? What if you have to kill in order to live? What if you have to fight for a space under the sun. Echoes of the Darwinian theory of natural selection? Of the creed of survival of the fittest? And that would lead us now to consider war or violence in a new light.

    If love could result into ----or in a more apt phrasing--could require drastic means, what more is there to say about love begetting love itself, as it really is meant to be?

  • 1 decade ago

    What else could be the reason for all experience? The very blinking of our eyes, the sorrows, the doubts, the fears, the pleasures and pains, the seasons, the learning, the building of character, the meditations, our many births and deaths, these things enable us to love some more and thus realize ourselves even more. The final outcome of all things is love (not the lame human love which requires reciprocation) but the eternal, omnipresent, evere blissful, unchanging need to ensure the well-being, growth and evolution of every creature in the great universe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Love is more an expression of the most significant aspect of life, which would be something like "being" or "awareness". For example non-judgmental awareness of another person being what they are, which implies accepting them as they are, experiencing them as they are and enjoying them as they are, results in what some might call love. Thus love is the result of and dependent on something else, something higher, without which, love is not possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes Hector, love is highly significant aspect in our lives. Here are my thoughts:

    There is nothing remarkable about love at first sight; it is when people have been looking at each other for years with eyes of love that it becomes remarkable. I think love is happiness given back and forth.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to disagree that love is the most significant aspect in life. I don't think it is humanely possible to love everyone and everything and make that your purpose. IMO, caring and tolerance are the most significant factors in a satisfying life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's said that love traverses all borders. It doesn't matter if you can displace mountains with faith but without love, neither preside over if you cannot love, nor give, being inconsiderate of this one factor, for with love, you exercise, what in yourself moves you to action. I think, it's well said, that Love is essential for all aspects of Humanity; for us to thrive together, live, make breakthroughs,'s important to acknowledge the efforts that moves us/have moved us this far. When a person works in say a farm, and helps produce food etc, its out love of himself or family that moves him to earn, or help society,...etc. and so on, and so forth, coming down to, the greater/the many you love, the much you sow, for investing so as to reap for oneself[many], since you love oneself[many]

  • 1 decade ago

    My dear Hector.....

    Intrinsically safe I feel you must have had me in mind when you thought of this Q. because you know how much I am "living with love" in all I do...-unconditionally-...

    You are definitely correct with your statement and I wish I was able to formulate my answer as brilliant as Questor has done one can express himself more eloquent than Questor...He is "The Champ" of expression ! He formulaties every response so exquisitely and stunns me each time when I read his superb explanations....-smile-

    But...let me try to put (my 5 cents worth) in my laymen terms by saying that "to love" is as significant as life simply because I feel without love there would not be life ...just like there would not be life on earth without "the sun" as David Viscott has put it :

    To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.

    David Viscott

    “It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.”

    The above statement came from my mentor Leo Buscaglia who is the expert on the subject of love, even taught a college courses in CA about <LOVE> for 25 years and is so inspiring when he talks about how significant LOVE is....May I ask you to take out 5 minutes to listen to won't regret it:

    In closing I'd like to leave you with a profound statement which incorporates all you've said in your question and is my way of transmitting my unconditional love for you:

    Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.

    Leo Buscaglia

  • 1 decade ago

    For me, I'd agree, Love isn't only between people, I Love all sorts of things. It's great to love, and be open. You may find it gives things more meaning.

  • Dawn W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I can not remember who said it, but I used to have a paper weight which said " He prayeth best, who loveth best, all things both great and small. " I think that this is a great truth, there is something about love in all its various manifestations that links you to God, causes you to exceed yourself and motivates to the greatest good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only to love but live through love. One day we all get there.

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