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A political alignment question?

So I was taking one of those kinda dumb 'what political party are you' quizzes that populate the interwebs and most of the questions where pretty easy to answer. Not in a right/wrong way, but in the sense that I know where I stand on most issues so I could agree or disagree with the premise rather quickly. But I came across one that's got me thinking, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it:

If a company invents a pill that cures all cancer, they should be allowed to charge whatever they want for it. --> Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

That's quite the conundrum. What does the Yahoo community think?


It doesn't make a difference that the pill in question cures CANCER? I totally agree with the idea if we're talking about curing erectile dysfunction or something minor like the common cold. But, cancer? That just seems like a case where the government should step in and say 'We're making this a little easier to get.'

8 Answers

  • DrPhil
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Political alignment is a misnomer, particularly as the american political landscape is in a current state of flux.

    I am, like most of the country, to the right of center. However, I left the Republican Party several years ago, and have yet to look back. I don't vote party line, I vote candidate's platform.

    There is a very distinct difference in mindset between European and American voters. A European voter, generally, will say, "You voted for it, quit complaining." Whereas an American voter will say, you didn't vote at all, so don't complain."

    All in all, I prefer the latter, as it connotes a responsibility rather than a right.

    This is not a defense of drug prices, this is a recognition of reality. Consider this:

    It's not a matter of how much they charge, as it is a matter of how much it cost to develop the drug in the first place, and from where the money to do that came.

    The answer, very simply, is the prices that are charged on their other products.

    Now, if the government steps in and regulates costs, one of two things are going to happen: either the company can no longer afford research and innovation, which means no more drugs like that are made, or, the government will pour money into it so they can continue providing that service.

    Where is the government going to get the money to pour into the company? From you, through higher taxes.

    So, no matter how you look at it, you have to pay for the service, or you don't get it. The question you need to ask yourself at this point is: Do I want government to have that much control over my life? Once they start pouring money into drug companies, they gain control of what, and how much, of a given drug is produced.

    I want that no more than I wanted school vouchers. And for the same reason.

    Vote your conscience, not your party.

  • 1 decade ago

    I strongly Disagree. Just look at what they already charge AIDS patients for their drugs, and that's just the cheap drugs the ones that just barely keep them alive for a few more years. But take a look at what can happen when you are super rich like Magic Johnson. This man has had this disease for well over ten years now, yet he looks even healthier than he did before he got sick. Do you think that's because he lives such a healthy life style? No way! Its because he can afford the really good and highly effective medications that are available to the super rich and well connected. The drug company's aren't in business to help sick people they are in business to make MONEY! That's way they fought so hard to keep people from being able to buy their prescription drugs form Canada.

    Source(s): CNN, Internet, family, friends, reading.
  • letta
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I are not able to consider I'm truthfully going to ought to provide a major reply on my troll account considering that someone has any such deficient seize of historical past it makes me desire to cry on the state of our schooling process. There have been no legislation towards abortion again then considering that humans did not speak approximately it. It used to be highly unsafe and used to be a major wellness chance to the mummy that used to be visible as ample of a deterrent to getting an abortion. In reality, that is one of the crucial factors (despite the fact that some distance from the one one) the legislation have been handed to start with. All of this ignores the truth Tea Party rallies mainly say not anything approximately abortion, and so far as I'm mindful have by no means centered at the quandary, which makes this complete query moot. I'm perplexed of the way you might get this so incorrect. And that is coming from anybody who thinks the Tea Party is a whole shaggy dog story.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree. The pill should be distributed to those that need it - but there should be a minimum amount paid for it, like every other cure/drug on the market. I am sure the drug companies would still come out way ahead financially and would be doing humanity a great favor by curing this deadly disease.

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  • Yes, They should be allowed to charge whatever they want for it. They spent the Billions of Dollars and came up with a good product. In a freemarket environment , they will be able to come up with a price people are willing to pay, and because they can make a profit, there are sure to be competitors that develop similar products and products that treat other diseases as well because they can make a profit from doing so. If someone (Fascist Government ) forced them to charge a lower price than they were willing to sell it, that would put a huge damper on the freemarket, there would be less competitors, less products and less motive to create new products.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a free capitalist society ( like ours ) I believe, the company should be able to charge whatever they feel the right price is.

  • Annie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I believe they should be strongly rewarded but it should be available to anyone who is suffering from this horrible disease.

    It's inhuman to be in the medical field & not want to help people, just line those pockets.

  • 1 decade ago

    Another way to look at it is costs to environment by shipping and producing it.

    Then socialist angle where paid for already

    Source(s): env, suggestion
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