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Overvaccination and new disease?

I answered a question earlier tonight ( First dogs went through parvo like symptoms, a bit of a recovery and then a distemper like phase.

Do you think this could be due to over use of vaccine? and what should we do for vaccine protocols if you think so ?

I will share my vaccine thoughts later.


While I can't say what these new strains are. I will say this.

I do think we are over vaccinating, which can inturn cause weekend imune response to even the simplest of viruses. And not only have we abused antibacterials in people we've also done so in animals.

While I can't say for sure the disease in the question I mention is related to this due to lack of research and diagnoses. I will say that we are harming not only our domestic animals immune systems but our own as well.

We as a society have become germophobic. Anitbiotics are always the answer, even when we're dealing with a virus which no antibiotic has control over. It is scare tactics by large companies and our own parnoia that has lead to these "super" bugs.

10 Answers

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I do believe it is due to annual vaccination especially when they don't need it as the vaccination are just done without checking if dogs need it or not........many are already protected, so knocking out that 'natural' protection to start again......check before vaccinating automatically should be done first.........I would agree with you that antibiotics over used in humans by the medical profession has now becom in affective in many people.

    Feeding dogs healthy food together with extra supplements if required, appropriate exercise all their life,mental stimulation and keeping their immune systems functioning at optimum levels........laying off chemical flea sprays, shampoos, worming tablets which scour their inside all helps the dog to live a healthier, longer life...

    .............all my dog have lived to an old age, all fed raw, all given neem oil daily,all oldies wear Bioflow collars, all get TTouch, acupressure, all get first vaccination then tested and none need vaccinations done.

    Source(s): Animal behavourist
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ooo, interesting.

    Not sure what I think. Nobody knows for sure what the disease is; even if the symptoms are similar to parvo/distemper, isn't it possible it could be something else entirely? Even some sort of bacteria, not a virus?

    Isn't the "dog show crud" sometimes mistaken for parvo? I can remember about 10 years ago the "crud" was a topic of discussion on a Boxer email list as it was going around various dog shows. Could this mystery disease be a strain of dog show crud?

    As I understand it, new strains of diseases can pop up BECAUSE they gradually develop resistance to antibiotics (and vaccines?) With humans, we've overused so many antibiotic agents, now we have "superbugs" that are resistant to every antibiotic we have. Does the same thing happen with vaccines...can a virus develop resistance to a vaccine if it's wildly overused?

    I do lean towards the idea that we are overvaccinating our pets- I only do what's required by law with the Basenjis, especially Jibini since he has a noticeable all-over body pain reaction to vaccines. I thought the protocols were already changing?

  • I disagree with the "over-vaccination" bit. I myself am a veterinary assistant, and it's the same as humans; 3 booster shots over a period of time to build up immunity to the virus. Just like Hep. B and the HPV series of shots. After that, it's due once ever three years. IMO, that's not often enough to be a problem, just like Rabies. New strands can become immune to these vaccinations, however, is has nothing to do with being given too much. I know that we carry AHAA standards/are certified and also have good precautions in any type of outbreak case we have come into our hospital. When a patient comes in with any signs of upper respiratory problems (I.E. coughing, sneezing, etc.), we place them directly in a room. That room is then bleached thoroughly and we leave it to sit for 10 minutes if not longer. Any type of new disease-especially with Parvo, Distemper, or sneezing and coughing symptons is suggested to use the bleach method which would work. Also, any ISO patients we have are treated the same. I wear a surgical gown and gloves when working with that patient, then have a "bleach bath" for my shoes for after words. Any dishes the patient used are bleached, anywhere they were (ISO room), bleached, all laundry is washed seperately from that patient and used with hot water and extra bleach, and I usually spritz myself with the bleach spray we have as well. I also carry a change of scrubs/clothes and shoes to change to at work so I don't bring anything home to my animals. Any of these precautions should be helpful if you find you or your pet are around any infected animal and especially if a case is filed within a shelter or rescue group.

    Source(s): Vet Assistant/ Night Nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    My dogs are not overvaccinated as it is my choice what I want to have the Vet give them.They were vaccinated as pups but they are house dogs and have an area that they go that is enclosed so no other dogs cross their paths.They are not around other dogs to catch viruses and dogs are not allowed in my home..My Vet is good about this as the Rabi/Distemper is only every 3 yrs if that and it's not a 3 yr rabi but a 1 yr that when I decide I want another I'll get it.If my dogs need to stay at the Vet he then has to vaccinate them and then only.I have never had a dog come down with any of the dieases that are talked about or what they vaccinate against.i belive just with your child,,do your homework..My mom would get all these shots for her dogs and cats and they were always sick

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  • 1 decade ago

    I just answered her question & no I do not think it is due to over-vaccinations.

    I know of three people now having this very same issue going on with their pups/dogs.

    It's heartbreaking, because whatever it is, has symptoms of Parvo & Distemper & it seems to kill fast & without much warning.

    It's definitely a new strain & if I had to guess, I would say it's a virus.

    ADD-I am a germophobic, but I never take antibiotics, when I'm sick, I ride it out.

    My son however has ear infections that sometimes have to be treated with antibiotics. I know what you are saying though, too many people go & get antibiotics/meds for every little thing. Antibiotics are wonderful if used when you actually need them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do believe that the vets are over vaccinating our dogs. Even the states are starting to accept that fact and where we used to have to vaccinate every year we now only have to vaccinate every 2-3 years for rabies. I think that we should look into the possibility that other vaccines are given too frequently and it messes up the dogs' natural immune system. My daughter vaccinated her new St. Bernard puppy for Parvo and within two weeks the pup not only had Parvo but could not fight it and with the vet's treatment the puppy still didn't survive. Do I vaccinate? yes because it is the law, do I like it? NO. I worry every time I vaccinate...... will this be the one that pushes his immune system to the brink? I could go on and on. But I won't

  • No, I don't believe that overvaccination is the cause of this new illness... I think this is something new that has cropped up.

    I do believe that overvaccination (vaccinosis) is cause for a myriad of different issues, most prevalent being auto-immune issues.

    I use a limited vaccination protocol that includes titering. The ONLY things I vaccinate for are parvo, distemper and rabies.

    ONLY rabies is LEGALLY required.

  • 1 decade ago

    > Permission to cross post !


    > To: Local Veterinarians, Groomers, Boarding Facilities, Rescue

    > Groups , and Shelters

    > From: Wendy Swift DVM, Veterinary Medical Director of the HSKC

    > Date: August 20, 2008

    > Re: Please Read!!!!!! New Parvo Strain Hits West Michigan

    > Parvo 2c has been suspected as the cause of death for at least three

    > adult canines in Kent County and surrounding areas. Two of the three

    > dogs had a known previous vaccine history and tested positive on the

    > Idexx Snap Parvo Test. The most current information on Parvo 2c from

    > the vaccine/shelter medicine specialists around the country is as

    > follows:

    > Disease: Parvo 2c is a highly virulent strain of the parvo virus that

    > is extremely fatal in puppies and adult dogs. This strain of parvo

    > attacks the circulatory organs approximately 24 hours before

    > attacking the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, by the time a dog is

    > presented for lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea it is generally too

    > late.

    > Diagnosis: Parvo 2c is detectable on the Idexx Snap Test, but it has

    > been showing as a weak positive on many tests. Viral isolation is the

    > best way to confirm the diagnosis, but it is not going to assist with

    > diagnosis upon presentation.

    > Treatment: Conservative treatment with supportive care has been

    > rarely successful. Plasma transfusions from recovered dogs have shown

    > to yield the best treatment success at around 64% survival rate.

    > Prevention: Schering-Plough (SP) and Intervet vaccinations have been

    > proven to be 100% effective in preventing this strain of parvo. If

    > you have any questions in regards to SP vaccinations please call 1-

    > 800-224-5318 (SP technical support). Fort Dodge vaccines were

    > effective in less than 90% of the tested dogs/puppies, Pfizer was

    > less than 70% effective in preventing disease, and Merial was less

    > than 50% effective. This data was obtained from an independent

    > source, and at this time the only published data is an article from

    > Schering-Plough (S/P).

    > Cleaning Protocols: There are only two products that kill this virus

    > with a ten minute contact time. Trifectant and bleach (1/2 cup/gallon

    > dilution) will successfully kill Parvo 2c. All other products that

    > claim to kill parvo are not effective per Dr. Hall (Vaccination/

    > Shelter Specialist at SP) !!!!!!

    > Prognosis: The prognosis is extremely poor. Most puppies or dogs die

    > acutely from the cardiac components of the disease process. If GI

    > signs are present, the disease has progressed and is most likely

    > fatal.

    > Please feel free to call me with any questions (616) 791-8218. Over

    > seven veterinary clinics have seen this type of disease locally. The

    > citizens of Kent County need to be aware of the risk associated with

    > this disease. Please inform your clients and protect the canines in

    > your area.


    > Rose Leslie

    Source(s): submitted to
  • Jesse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It IS a new virus. My vet is treating dogs for this at least 5 times a week. (My daughter works for my vet).

    No, we are NOT over vaccinating. I have all of my dogs vaccinated for Lepto because there is an epidemic in our area.

    I will NOT take a chance. These viruses etc can kill. People are inclined to ignore the symptoms and chalk it up to an upset stomach waiting too long which has resulted in deaths.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't think this is due to overvaccination, because this is a new problem.

    Every so often new strains of diseases pop up, or old diseases somehow mutate.

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