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So, if gays in the military present a danger to our security and to straight people, how do you feel about?

gays sitting in a classroom with straight children, or next to you in church, or in a college dorm, or at work, or at the table next to you, or next door? Ideologues have a hard time presenting a realistic or sensible answer, but the in-your-face gays don't help their cause either. Isn't it all about dignity and respect? What do you think?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, as conservative icon Barry Goldwater said, you don't have to be straight to shoot straight. Yes, it's all about dignity and respect. Any gay who would proposition a straight soldier would just be asking for it, wouldn't he? Just like a straight soldier who propositions a female soldier. Just use common sense, that's all Mullen was asking. I'm so glad it's finally being brought out into the open, though. DA/DT was insane. I don't give a rat's *** what gay people do with their sex lives. If any gay person is willing to serve in the armed forces, though, he or she should be allowed to do so. As a matter of fact, he/she should be encouraged to do so.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Military units depend upon "Unit Cohesion", basically focused individuals working as a group. Unlike other situations that you mention, such as in a class room, a break down in cohesion in one of these locations won't get you or others killed or injured. A military unit which looses cohesion has a significant increase in taking casualties or negatively impacting the ability to complete a mission.

    Any number of things can cause a soldier to loose focus, worrying about personal problems at home for example. In the field concern for an injured comrade may make that individual take an unnecessary individual risk rather than waiting for assistance.

    So with all of the things a soldier can worry about, why would you want to add more ? Suppose you had a Co-Ed squad where several romantic relationships developed. How would you feel if you saw your lover in peril during a combat situation? Wouldn't you want to give immediate assistance assistance to them? Would that drive be stronger than if it were just another buddy in the squad? Would you take a chance that you otherwise wouldn't?

    How about a Love triangle, and you see a romantic rival in trouble, would you be as quick to render assistance? Is a soldier able to disassociate themselves from these distractions during battle?

    These are some reasons why we don't have Co-ed combat units...

    If you have gender segregated heterosexual units, wouldn't you eliminate the distractions of romantic involvement within a unit? How would you be able to prevent romantic involvements and similar distractions from occurring in a gender segregated unit with homosexuals (or lesbians)?

    If you cannot guarantee these and similar issues form occurring, you run the risk of negatively impacting unit cohesion and someones going to get bloody over it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where are you getting this garbage that gays present a danger? The problem stems from not wanting equality but preference, there are rules and regulations in the military that prevent a person from discussing sex, making sexual gestures and so on. I do not have a problem with a gay in the military, but keep your mouth shut just as I do about my sex life. This move is nothing more than to allow gays to run around pronouncing their homosexuality and crying homophobic to any one that does not like it or does not want to hear it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's about trying to push your life style on others and force them to accept your lifestyle whether they want to or not. No one would say a word, but when when they make themselves a special minority because of their sexuality, it does them more harm than good. Gays can serve in the military, they just can't say "hey Major I am gay." Why would they? It isn't about anything except legalizing a controversial lifestyle. What a person does in their private life is between them and God, but when it is pushed on the society, or taught in school, it is is another issue.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel no different about it than what I felt when I was serving in the U.S. military in the 50s through the 70s. Back then homosexuals and lesbians knew to keep quiet about their sexual lifestyle and everybody got along just fine. Homosexuals in the military probably goes back as far as the civil war, no big deal until some radical homosexuals and lesbians wanted to come out of the closets and wanted to flaunt their sexual lifestyle.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the military enlisted men live in close quarters and usually one big bathroom for the barracks. a gay person in that setting would be like me being in the girls locker room when they are showering and dressing. I would think l died and went to heaven. So how would you feel if you were looked at like a peace of meat on the hook and can not do anything about it if the don;t ask don't tell is changed.

  • p h
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Some of the most talented people I know are gay. I have no problem with them being anywhere and I am a straight old person. What is the big deal?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The military is not anything like those examples you give. I personally have no problem with gays, but you comparing the military to church or a dorm shows your ignorance of the military life.

    Source(s): 8 year Navy vet
  • 1 decade ago

    I think the media in our society try to portray the gay community larger than they are,not to mention big Hollywood. And yes, the IN YOUR FACE GAY crowd has gotten old,and is not only hurting their cause,its destroying it. The first step to acceptance,is quit show boating.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont see how gay people affect society. If they do a good job at what they do and they are good people who cares what they do in their personal life.

    I personally couldnt care less if a person is hetrosexual, bisexual or homosexual.

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