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? asked in HealthAlternative Medicine · 1 decade ago

should i start drugs again? seriously and read all aditional details or dont bother answering?

I dont know what to do i am always EXHAUSTED. It seems never ending. I am 16 played highschool football and have been very athletic my entire life, but i can barely do ANYTHING anymore. Such as even moving some boxes (3) in from the garage the other day without needing a break cause it feels like i'm out of breath and need to rest. Also i can barely concentrate at all and can't even do the simplest of schoolwork without a a very large dose of stimulant supplements which i will get to later.

I am now in danger of dropping out of highschool and am in a home study program where i am in the easiest of classes basically used to help kids get credits. which bugs the HEL* out of me since i used honors classes.

Currently to even get that little bit of work done i need a very large dose of either caffine or some sort of diet pill. (examples: lipodrene, meltdowns). I was diagnosed with slight ADD when younger but i was still able to get work done but now it doesnt even seem like that since back then i used to have to much energy and kinda go off topic , but now i cant even finish the paragraph before i realize i dont know what i just read.

I do have a psychiatrist but he seems to almost laugh at me. when i tell him i cant concentrate like its absurd or something. i guess he thinks i'm just drug seeking because of an incedent that happened. (btw, i actually dont want those addicting adhd drugs again i would prefer a drug called modafinil due to it being less adicting and more keeping you awake)

but anyways my body seems to have adapted to these diet pills and such and now i have to take more than is safe to be able to get much of anything done. like i'm scared gonna die type amount. oh yah, and no i havent been taking these all along since i know that that could be the reason for being so tired. i went months without taking ANY drugs and i still was always tired. i've also tried drugs that my doctor has prescribed to help which all seem to make things much worse.

the reason for the "again" part in the my question is because my regular MD prescribed me adderall about a month after all this started and it did seem to help alot but my depression which has also came with the fatigue caused me to try to basically kill myself on the adderall (very stupid since later i found out that it would take a very large amount to do so) which ended that.

so my problem is i dont wangt to take anymore supplements or very large doses of caffine cause it makes me VERY sick and am considering just attempting to obtain stimulants illegally. The problem with this is that pharmacuticals are actually hard for me to obtain and i would probably be using mostly meth and trying to incorparate small doses of MDMA in. and of course theres always the problem of getting caught and get put juvy or prison but it seems like these risk must be taken because im just gonna end up failing high school and not being able to have the energy to support a job anyways. i of course would TRY to control any addictions that would occur and keep it all as medicinal as possible

Lastly i've had many blood test tried eating right, sleeping well, vitamins, supplements, following what my doctor has said for along time, and just about every other option i can think of. but failing school and my decling inabilty to do just about anything is gonna have me back to being sucidal soon if i dont do anything. and thankyou for reading the entire thing.


i have asked my psych about cfs and he said that it basically means your tired and he cant do anything about it even if it was. also where i said i tried to kill myself on the adderal i meant i tried to use the adderall to kill myself

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know exactly how you feel and you've probably exhausted all the resources of your mind, with all the confusion and suggestions that you've gone over trying to find a solution.

    The reason you're running out of energy or you don't have enough energy is because you've exhausted all the 40 different hormones that your adrenal glands produce and without hormones

    you have no energy like coming down off of speed. One thing I do know is that every single cell in your body needs lots of live enzymes for energy. It's tough right now because we're living in a chemical world. I can only speak for myself I'm 69 years old and I haven't had a physical examination

    in 35 years and I don't get sick. I exercise on the trampoline like a little kid and that trampoline exercises all 60 thrillion cells in my body and when that happens I get in more oxygen which means more white blood cells which fights off disease through G-force (2-4 G's of g-force).

    I take 25 tablets of chlorella (pure water green alge) a.m. and 25 tablets p.m. a good source of plant protein and loaded with live enzymes. No meat, no dairy products,no sugar, no microwave, no cooked food unless it has lots of live enzymes, no teflon frying pans only because it emits poison fumes that will kill a bird on your shoulder. Don't swim in chlorinated water which causes hardening

    of the arteries.That's all for now have to go sorry and good lick, Jake

  • LisaC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can certainly tell you are struggling. I would never encourage you to use street drugs, nor use more of something than was legally prescribed. I'm wondering if you have ever had a polysomnogram (sleep study) to see what's happening while you sleep. Perhaps you are not really obtaining deep sleep, and this is what is causing your excessive daytime sleepiness.

    *Trying* to control your addictions sounds like a losing proposition to me. If you are addicted, you risk doing what you have to do to get whatever you think you need through legal or illegal maneuvers. Also, street drugs are very unsafe. You never know what is in them, and I'd hate for you to land in the coroner's office or prison.

    Have you ever been to a Neurologist? If not, I highly suggest it. I am also wondering if you may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which may be diagnosed by a Rheumatologist or perhaps Internal Medicine doc. Please ask a doctor other than your psychiatrist to check you out. I'm sorry to say you may have to visit multiple doctors to get the correct diagnosis. It's often the case with situations like this, but try not to give up hope.

    It seriously sounds like someone needs to help you get off this Merry-go-round before you burn yourself out at both ends. I wish you luck, and hope you get some relief and help in a healthy and safe way.

    Source(s): I'm a nurse.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I feel for you.No nasty comments but you are attracted to him because he is treating you like crap. You like the fact he uses you. You need to break that thinking and get with a guy who is a good person and doesn't use you. You are attracted to him because he is a player " alpha" . It is okay many girl's like these guys. They like the fact they think they are smarter than the women played. These guys laugh about how pathetic the women ( like you I am sorry to say) are who are attracted to them. You have to stop dating these guys. If you date to many of them you will only be able to be attracted to a player and never a nice guy. You will see the player and the best thing in life and the good guy as broken. when it is really the other way around. The player's call the girl's who have sex with them( even if the girl's don't sleep around) alpha skanks. don't be an alpha skank. Look in your college look for a shy quiet guy who hasn't had many relationships. Don't be one of those girl's that player's write on the internet about . Don't be a player skank. Player's ( alpha's) fool girl's in to thinking they would make good relationships. You assume since he has had any girl's he is a good catch. No this is only them thinking you are too dumb to see through this. I help girl's see that they can stop being the stupid girl and proving the player is smarter by leaving him and going for a shy good guy and treating him well. Best of luck to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    you've put your body (espeically your heart) through alot being on those drugs and being so physically active while on the drugs. It will take time to get your energy level normal and healthy. More drugs is not the answer.. those drugs will kill you.. and if they dont kill you they make you worse even though they trick you into feeling better while on them.. they will rape your wallet, leaving you broke, cause you mood swings like crazy .. especially when going without them for a day or two.. you will end up doing things you swore you would never do and you will become someone you really do not want to be if you do those drugs.

    What you should do is detox your body... the bad toxins that have accumulated in it need to be removed.. there are a few really good body detox kits available in health food stores. You also need to get on a healthy diet ; fresh or frozen organic fruits - canned stuff has way too many preservatives and additives and they are not good for the body - lean meat, fish, some carbs.. pasta and rice... some dairy.. be careful about your foods sodium levels.. no artificial sweetners.. black or green tea is good. pop isnt.. kool aid isnt good for us.. chips.. most frozen dinners.. candy.. etc. not good..

    alot of people are becoming more unhealty and feeling yuky due to things in our food today.. its not hype its truth... pesticides, antibiotics given to cows, pigs, chickens etc., preservatives, too much sodium, artificial sweetners, even genetic alteration of our food can cause problems. get organicly grown foods.. rghb free dairy products.. and try to eat meat raised as free range..

    all food has energy in it.. just like we have an energy in us.. it can be good and healthy or negative and unhealthy.. when we eat food (like a steak for instance) we are taking that cows energy print we cant see but is still there.. into our bodies.. if that cow spent most all its life in a 3x5 stall .. never getting to roam about and socialize with other cows.. it was unhealthy.. and it probably was given antibiotics often to combat or prevent bacterial infections etc. from being forced to live the way it was.. and it was being fed corn products to fatten it faster rather than grasses (cows are meant to eat grass not corn!) chances are its also a very unhappy depressed unenergetic cow.. and a person eats some of that cow after its dead.. that person is absoribing into their body all that the cow was.. its unhealthy body filled with drugs and the remenants of its sad negative energy of its spirit.

    call me crazy.. but energy transferance happens all the time even though we dont see it.

    another thing is your environment and how you think.. are you around alot of negative or stressful drama type people and places.. that can drain your energy too.. so can your being depressed over things you've done in the past or didnt do.. adding more drugs into your life will only make it worse. its not worth the temporary energy the drugs will give you.. trust me..

    whatever you do .. do not do meth or coke or anymore speed .. even the energy drinks are something to stay away from.. they cause a major crash when they wear off and arent good for you.

    it will take time to feel healthy and energetic again.. but you can get there.. talk with someone at a health food store.. not GNC.. but a natural health food store.. they can point you in the right direction.

    If after seriously changing your diet you still feel this way, maybe you should get tested for sleep problems.. if your not getting the right level of sleep for the right periods of time that can result in problems. You might even ask your doctor to test for diabetes, thyroid issues, and anything else that might be causing the lack of energy.

    I will be keeping you in my thoughts.. hope you dont go back to using any speed or other drugs..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow ok well i will be perfectly honest wit you i am the same way. always tired. im a single mom in school and i have a job so i know what you mean and i was also given drugs for my adhd and i refuse to take them because they drug me out so bad i become a vombie for real and i just cant seem to get motivated for school anymore. problems tht used to be extremely easy for me are now really hard and i get frustrated and give up. well i found something tht helps me. one sec....

    Source(s): ...ok im back. i have had the same problem and the only reasonable and affordable thing to help me is tht i smoke just a little pot before i go to bed. just enough to make me sleep good enough that my body regenerates and i take a hot shower in the morning to wake me. i have never done anything irresponsible when i do it and like i said i only do it right before i go to sleep. i have never done any other drugs before so i dont know wat any other "street drug" would do but yea thats my honest answer. i hope everything works out for u. feel free to email me. <
  • 1 decade ago

    If you cant concentrate to get anything done how did you manage to write this essay of a question? You want Adderol I want Adderol, that stuff is IT. Convince your mom you need the ADD meds and she'll probably find another person to give them to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can still do them just not as much

    drink more caffine DONT DROP OUT im 15 im in high school just

    DONT DROP OUT thats the worst thing u can do!!!!

    u tried to kill ur self y????????

    u seem like a cool kid haha i would consider u awesome haha

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