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Pretend you are God and judge?

You are presented with the soul of Tomika. I am not making this person up. Tomika has dealt drugs all her life, made some kids, lived on welfare and foodstamps and generally has been evil. Her children hate her and she says of herself "I'm not a family chick"

Recently Tomika, out of the "kindness" of her heart took in Heather and her two teenage daughters. Heather had been laid off her job and her husband had been in prison for a year. Tomika demanded that Heather turn over all her unemployment and feed Tomika and her every increasing brood of overnight visitors on Heather's food stamps. Heather had NO WHERE else to go. Heather's sister had already deprived Heather of some of her furniture and her stove. Tomika threatens to pimp Heather and her children if they do not pay Tomika what she demands. Heather is working a temp job hoping to get hired in and makes $8 an hour now. Heather almost fears the homeless shelter (full now) more than Tomika. Heather can neither eat nor sleep and is ready for a nervous breakdown.

Tomika stands before you and Heather is demanding justice from you, God. Should Tomika be punished? How? Is there any real justice in this universe and how will you, God deliver it?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd stuff a huge wad of food stamps down Tomika's throat and let her choke to death on them. Lol.

  • I am not God so I cannot judge anyone. It does seem that Tomika has made some very disgusting threats, however does Heather think she can just live off Tomika without making a contribution to the household. Of course I do not think the food stamps should go to feed visitors, but they should be used to feed those that live in the home as long as they also are providing something. As for the unemployment check she should not have to give it all to Tomika. The expenses should be split in half.

    Why doesn't Heather get some additional assistance from the govt. such as housing so she doesn't have to put up with Tomika?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have to pretend to be God to make a judgment on this lifestyle and neither does any other thinking person.

    Pathetic, the lot. You wish to villify Tomika, however, and let Heather be the victim. See, this is where I think God will do a much better job. He knows which came first, the chicken or the egg and He knows where the buck stops.

    You're leaving so many people out of the scenerio. Tomika's parents. Tomika's education opportunities. The government for creating this bondage in the first place (and all the idiots who keep voting in favor of taking money from hard-working people to pay for it). The fathers of Tomika's children. The father of Heather's children. And so on.

    Source(s): Weston, Tomika cannot legally take the state's provision for Heather's children and Heather is also breaking the law for doing it in the first place. This whole scenerio is a ghetto nightmare created by liberal government and dwindling societal morals.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tomika's conditions on Heather may not seem reasonable or fair, but she has every right to require something in exchange for providing shelter for somebody. Tomika is under no obligation to give of herself freely. She doesn't sound like a very nice person. I wouldn't punish her, though, unless I thought that some good might come of it. I would certainly not send her to an eternal Hell. Nobody who has ever lived deserves that.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not God and I will not dare to pretend I am.

    Romans 3:10-12

    Romans 3:23

    Romans 6:23

    John 3:16-18

    Source(s): Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd just let Heather take a whack at her with a club then send her to heaven along with everyone else.

    Source(s): Temporal misdeeds do not justify eternal punishment.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Heather needs to take care of herself and her children and stop blaming other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are both living with the results of the choices they made. No judgment necessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    god would as i would say and what have you done with my son tomika.what she has done would determine if she goes to heaven or hell

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