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Sweety375 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Why did my new cat pee on my husband?

We got a new cat a few days ago from the humane society. Ever since she has peed on the bed, on a pillow and now my husband who was in bed. Does anyone have any advice? Please help


sorry I forgot to mention, she is already potty trained and using the litter box too.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the cat is marking her territory, she is probably still a bit scared, coming from a shelter u don't really know her background, i would try putting poo trays in your bedroom, don't clean your bed with bleach or any products that contain ammonia, as it will smell even more like her toilet, use lemon scented cleaning products, pick her up and put her in the poo tray and encourage her to scratch in it, u may need to scratch in the tray she may just need showing how it works, some cats do. it might be worth popping her to the vets she may have an urine infection these can be brought on by stress, and shes just had a move which can be very stressful to cats. keep at it u will get there with her she might just need time to adjust.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She might be marking her territory, she might be confused about where the litter box is, the litter box might be too high for her (use a smaller box), she might be so busy playing that she doesn't allow enough time to get to the litter box, or she might have a urinary tract infection. Take her to the vet to rule out that last one. For the rest...make sure that she is confined to a room or two for a while. Have a CLEAN litter box in that room or area, and make sure that it's low enough that she can see into it when she's standing outside of it. Ask the Humane Society what brand of litter they use, and use that. She might not recognize the brand you're currently using as cat litter. Kittens are pretty dumb. Adorable, but dumb*. If you want to switch her litter brand, use mostly the old brand, and gradually introduce the new brand by stages, that is, for the first couple of weeks, just use the old brand, then use about 10 percent new and 90 percent old, then 20 percent new and 80 percent old, and so on. It has to be very gradual.

    Since she's from the Humane Society, I would bet that it's a UTI, or a combination of UTI and general confusion. Kittens get confused very easily. Think about it. She's tiny, and she's just been moved to a brand new territory with two giants around. She doesn't know what's happened to her, or what's expected of her. You need to place her in her litter box several times a day, especially after she's eaten or drunk something, and take her little forepaws in your hands, and gently move them in the litter in a scratching motion. She'll probably catch on pretty quickly, if she doesn't have an infection.

    Keep her litter box in the same area, and if you have a large house, give her several litterboxes. Keep her box very clean. Cats are notorious for hating to be dirty, and if her box is dirty, she might decide to do her business elsewhere.

    *They are incredibly smart about finding and causing trouble, though.

    Here's something to laugh at:

  • 1 decade ago

    try to potty train her theres tips on the internet

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