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Lv 43,847 points

jackie g

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  • i think someone at work is in love with me?

    hi there is a women at work who is always making sexual inuendos towards me, she is always saying that she is so happy working with me, she will sit next to me and touch my arm and smile and tell me that i am so lovely, at first i thought shes just being over friendly, last week she brought me a packet of fags cause i only had 2 in my bag, she brought me some sandwichs and coffee when we were out (i work with people with learning dissabilitys so we take them out for days she is our bus driver so shes always with my group) we took the group shopping the other day and we were looking round m and s and i saw a dress i liked she wanted to buy it for me i said no and made some excuse about not having it. On saturday my daughter was in the hairdressers where we live and she heard this women asking to put £70 into my account for my birthday present. now i dont know what to do i dont want to upset anyone in case i am reading this wrongly, however i feel that £70 for a birthday present for someone you work with is to much. Im getting quite worried about this now, she knows im happyly married i dont want to tell my husband either. I dont want to report this to management as i dont want to get her in trouble, i dont know how to approach this, any sensable suggestions would be welcomed

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • my fathers house can it be rented with out my permission?

    my dad died in febuary, he left a house which was to be sold, and split evenly between the four children, my sisters now want to rent the house to another family member, im opposed to this, can they rent the house without my permission.

    10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • cat has started spraying me?

    at easter my son moved back home, he brought his 2 cats toby and tyler brothers i allready had 7 cats, we did all the introductions properly and all went well, toby and tyler were indoor cats only because of where they lived next to a road, i live in the country so they were allowed out, and they love it outside in the garden and fields, toby was a very timid cat at his old house, well hes really come out of his shell here, we have the odd scuffle with one of my cats but thats getting better, a few days ago toby started spraying in the room, well last night i was in the garden watching the hedgehogs, have thier evening walk through and toby sprayed my leg, then i went to the loo in the middle of the night and he sprayed me again. while i was sat on the loo. urrrrr i have been useing feliway since they arrived, there is nothing wrong medically with any of the cats, im wondering if anyone has any suggestions, none of my cats have ever sprayed in the house, toby has never sprayed up till now in either of his homes, all the cats have been fixed,

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • baby housemartins ready to fly?

    hi a few weeks ago i rescued 3 baby housemartins from a shattered nest, i didnt think they would survive but they have and are now ready to fly they have been practiceing around the room, i want to know the best time of day to let them go and where should i let them fly, i have 9 cats so here is not the best place, any suggestions would be great thanks

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • tit nest fell 3 little birds on side of the road had to bring them home what to do?

    hi a birds nest had fell off the side of a building the 3 little birds were on the side of the road (in a town) so no bushes or anything around, i have brought them home they are fully feathered and flapping wings when they are touched, what do i feed them and how to give them the best chance to survive, i doubt they will live but they might have a better chance in my shed than where they were at the minute they are in a cardboard box in my downstairs loo, any help would be appreciated

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • my sons cat is chaseing harry my young cat?

    hi my son moved in with me and my cats about 6 weeks ago, his two boys are fine with all my cats toby is getting along great, started to go out (they were both indoor cats before coming to our house we live in a very safe area so can go play in the garden and field) and enjoying his new life. tyler however seems to have a problem with harry, hes fine with all the 6 but he chases harry out the house, harry seems a little frightened of him tyler is a big cat, harrys only a year old, all have been fixed. im not sure how to handle this we think harry must have jumped on his head when he first arrived, harry does that to my cats to play. any advice would be gratefull

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • ive just taken my neigbours cat to the vets?

    hi ive had this tiny cat coming into my house for days, its very tiny and cleary has a very bad worm problem, it is skin and bones, well i took her to the vets this morning, she weighs 2kilos, they have given her half a wormer and flead her also cleaned her ears out, i think this cat lives about 8 doors down, that is where i have seen the cat outside in the front garden, or not, the cat may not live there im just assuming it does cause they have lots of cats. the vet said the cat is quite old but clearly hasnt had a vet visit for a long time. and needs to put some weight on, which it should do when the worms have gone, and its getting regular meals. do i tell them and risk getting into a confrontation, or just keep feeding this little cat.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • does anyone know where i can get a cat hood for grooming?

    i have heard that you can get cat hoods to calm a cat down whilst grooming my boy scruff will not let us brush him, he came to us as an older cat who had never been brushed as a youngster, he has been to the vets to be dematted under anastectic a few times, this costs me about £100 a time and he has to go through the trauma of having to go to the vets and a couple of days to get over it i manage most of his matts with cat shavers but at most i get about 1 minute at a time, his knots seem to appear over night, someone told me that a cat hood will keep them calm whilst clipping him, i have search the internet but cant find them maybe they have a special name, i cant find them if anyone knows where i can get one to give it a try it would be appreciated, thanks

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • my son and his 2 cats are moving in with me and my 7 cats any advice to help them settle?

    hi my son is having to move back to my house with us he has 2 indoor cats, big tabbys boys toby and tyler they are twins, i have 7 indoor/outdoor cats, 5 boys 2 girls, it is a very safe area where i live lots of fields no busy roads no preditors etc, he is moving in 2 weeks i have taken the week of work to settle the cats in, they are not used to other cats my lot are quite tolerant of other cats, most of my neighbours have cats, does anyone have any suggestions to make the transition a little easier for toby and tyler, they have a very close bond with each other, i dont want them to be frightened here new home new cats etc any help would be usefull thanks

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • what is the best way to introduce my sons cats to my lot?

    hi my son is having to move back to my house with us he has 2 indoor cats, big tabbys boys toby and tyler they are twins, i have 7 indoor/outdoor cats, 5 boys 2 girls, it is a very safe area where i live lots of fields no busy roads no preditors etc, he is moving in 2 weeks i have taken the week of work to settle the cats in, they are not used to other cats my lot are quite tolerant of other cats, most of my neighbours have cats, does anyone have any suggestions to make the transition a little easier for toby and tyler, they have a very close bond with each other, i dont want them to be frightened here new home new cats etc any help would be usefull thanks

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • cat has bitten my sons cats tail?

    hi , ive just dropped my son and his wife off at the airport, thier cat megs tail was bitten last night by another cat, it is limp this morning, she will be going to the vets tomorrow, will she be ok untill tomorrow and should i bring her to my house, bearing in mind i have 7 cats, but i have a spare room she could be locked in for the time being, if i leave her at her house which is also a mutiyple cat household there will be no one there over night, i am very tempted to bring her here just to be able to keep an eye on her, what would u do, i dont want to stress her by moving her but i need to keep an eye on her, i do go down for a couple of hours morning and night,and my daughter pops in, in the afternoon after work unfortunatly i am not able to stay at my sons over night.oh dear things alway happen when u dont want them to.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • internet company sending the wrong item?

    i have just recived a parcel i ordered a 7.5 litre bag of cat litter they have sent me a 15 kg bag do i have to legally imform them of their mistake, i feel i should but husband says its thier mistake they have only charged me for the smaller bag, its quite expencive litter

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what do your cats do to wake you up?

    im interested to know what peoples cats do to wake you up in the morning, my harry at 4am every morning starts by standing on me meowing, when that doesnt work he starts scratching the window urrrrrrr horrid noise, that ususally gets me out of bed to move him from the window, he then starts jumping on the bed, then he gets under the duvet and bites my bum, when that doesnt work he knocks things of my shelf next to the bed they ususally hit me on the head, by this time ive had enough and get up, about half an hour later i find him asleep in his basket urrrr little bugger.

    18 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • what are the signs of a broken front leg in a cat?

    hi spike he is sort of a ferel cat that lives me with, he comes in every day but will only stay in the house and have fuss when its really cold, He has an appointment at 2.45 with the vet. he came in this morning covered in a lot of mud, he is limping, well more hopping he wont put any weight on it, when he was lying down he wouldnt tuck that leg under his body he kept it straight, does this sound like it could be a break, or a sprain, he has an appointment with his vet very soon, there is no blood or anything obvious, it does look a little swollen just thought i would ask while im waiting. thanks

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • im going to the us tomorrow can i bring back household flea and tick killer back?

    hi im off on holiday tomorrow, in the uk household flea and tick killer is expencive for the good ones and they only tend to kill fleas and not ticks, i have looked on wallgreens and they do a household one for both as one of my cats has had ticks this year i cant be sure if he has dropped any in the house. we dont generally have a big problem with ticks in the uk, they dont tend to carry the dieses they do in other countries. which is a good one to buy and can i bring it back to the uk. thanks

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • will a tavel kettle brought in europe work in america?

    hi i have a travel kettle that was brought a couple of years ago in spain, will this work in the us, its 240 v, if not approx how much are travel kettles to buy in orlando, the hotel does not have coffee machines in the room, its only a basic room were staying in, i have an adaptor, but i remember my hair straightners wouldnt work in the us but things like phone chargers did.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • jasper had a funny turn this afternoon?

    hi jasper has hcm his vet said a year ago he only has about 6 months to live well he visited a couple of weeks ago and his vet was very pleased with him he is on fortekor which is keeping him stable, today he came in from his usual walk round the garden, he was a little bit sick with grass, then his breathing was really hard and fast, he sounded like a stream train, he was streching his neck out obviously to open his airways, this lasted for about 5 minutes then he started breathing normally, again, at first i thought he had gone in heart failure, this is the first time this has happened, is this normal for a cat with a bad heart, his heart murmur was first noticed 4 years ago,

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • does anyone elses cat do this?

    hi you need to picture this its the middle of the night, we are soundly sleeping well as best we can with all the cats on the bed, scruff wakes up and decides it time to lick our ears, he stands on me or my husband and starts licking, i hide under the covers he then starts pulling my hair with his teeth getting really close to my scalp, gets some hair and pulls it really hard, he only licks my hubbys ears hes got no hair to pull, we think he might be getting a bit fruity he has been snipped, he came to us as a stray he was nasty at first about 18 months old, hes been here fr 3 years now, and hes quite a friendly chap now, any ideas why he might do this

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • going to the states in december can i bring back hot sauces and chocolate?

    hi im going to orlando in december can i bring back bottels of hot sauces and chocolate gifts

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • how to get my cat to stay in again?

    hi my cat spike came to us about 8 years ago, as a semi feral he was bad tempered, full of fleas and worms and half staved, he has been quite happy with us for those 8 years, hes never been a people cat we can touch as and when he chooses, he claimed the spare room as his and would sleep on the wardrobe. earlier this year he went missing for a couple of days, then he came back he would not stay in the house just coming in for food if i tryed to get close to him he would spit and run away, next doors black cat went missing before spike did, i was talking to them the other day i asked if they had found their cat, she said we thought we had we managed to get him in but he was wild we locked him in for a couple of days but had to let him go, she then said that she thought the cat they locked in wasn't theres, i think it could have been my spike, and now he totally mistrusts humans, what can i do to make him stay at home now winter is coming, he is coming in to eat 2 or 3 times a day, i don't want to lock the cat flap and make him worse, any ideas would be appreciated,

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago