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jackie g asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

what do your cats do to wake you up?

im interested to know what peoples cats do to wake you up in the morning, my harry at 4am every morning starts by standing on me meowing, when that doesnt work he starts scratching the window urrrrrrr horrid noise, that ususally gets me out of bed to move him from the window, he then starts jumping on the bed, then he gets under the duvet and bites my bum, when that doesnt work he knocks things of my shelf next to the bed they ususally hit me on the head, by this time ive had enough and get up, about half an hour later i find him asleep in his basket urrrr little bugger.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This made me laugh. :)

    Frankie sleeps either on my pillow or at the foot of my bed, but when he's ready to get up he always expects me to be ready too.

    His favorite tactic is just to lay on top of me, purring. As he is 17 pounds and sounds like a jackhammer, it usually works.

    If I manage to block out the sound and sleep through the deprivation of air to my lungs, he begins kneading my pillow... through my hair, which, being naturally very curly, soon becomes very knotted and painful.

    His third and final method, which is always successful if he must resort to it, is to climb on my headboard and scratch the glass of the huge picture frame hanging there. This lasts indefinitely until I am up and out of bed, and generally reaches decibels that the upstairs neighbors can hear. And, of course, complain about.

    And then, like your cat, Frank loves to immediately pass out as soon as he's woken me. Annoying, but I love the little monster!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I don't get home from work until 11.30 p.m. at night, mine is generally very good and goes to bed when I do and gets up when I do. I get a right look when on rare occasions I have to get up before 10.30 a.m. At the moment though, she has decided that there is a mouse or two in my kitchen, so has spent the last few nights keeping watch and at 4.00 a.m. decides that after keeping still for so long she needs to release some energy by charging up and down the stairs for 10 minutes. She then jumps on the bed and needs a cuddle and then settles until I get up. On cold nights, I get nudged awake so that I can let her under the duvet. I don't mind that as it is so cute.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes she meows while carrying one of my dads socks (No, I don't know how she gets them) so it sounds like she's crying really loudly and she'll just sit by my bed meowing until I'm up.

    Other times she just jumps right on to my stomach and stares at me. And since she's 15lb its pretty hard to ignore this.

    Or she just jumps on the bed, kneads my legs and knocks stuff off my bed side table. This technique works because I have to get up before she breaks my glasses.

    Thanks to my cat constantly waking me up, I'm sleep deprived, everything on my table has tiny scratches, I have a collection of socks in my room and I'm never late for school..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ughh i sooo know your pain!!

    my cat is 10 and still a pain in my ***

    im so tired so i literally never get sleep coz of him at night.

    as soon as i turn the light out to go to sleep he will start being naughty. he starts by meowing around the room. when that doesnt work he jumps on the bed and tries to climb on the window sill which he knows hes not allowed coz hes to fat and just gets stuck in the blinds. then he goes on the computer desk and pushes everything off that he can. then he goes over to the dvd rack and starts pulling dvds out and scratching on it. by this time im so friggen fed up its not even funny

    i cant do anything. i live with 3 other people, if it was just me id shut the door of my room and let him cry til he gives up. but my roomates get pissed off coz they can hear him and he tries there doors to. ugh. so i hav to leave mine open.

    another thing he does is scratch on things in my room, lately its been the printer. and he also claws the carpet really loudly.

    i cant stand it anymoer!! i duno what to do!

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  • 4 years ago

    some human beings on here are bloody stupid. Your cat isn't being fussy or manipulative. the reason your cat gained't devour with out you status there is because he doesn't sense smooth interior the homestead. Cats gained't devour or use their muddle tray in the journey that they sense dangerous, and as you've said, he's frightened of your canines. would I ask no matter if you got the canines or cat first, and how lengthy they have lived at the same time? this is in simple terms that it doesn't sound like an appropriate difficulty on your cat if he's residing in concern. i'd pass with the quicker suggestion of shutting the cat in a unmarried room upstairs with all of his sources. he will sense safer if the door is closed and should be able to devour with out you status there. in spite of the indisputable fact that, are you able to feed him a huge meal in simple terms earlier bedtime and stand with him at the same time as he eats? it would keep him chuffed and inspire him to sleep by the evening. xx Emmie

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol aww, your cat has some creative ways of waking you up. I have 3, and they are all on a mission to make sure i never sleep (which is why i'm awake at 3am) they just meow at the top of their lungs and scratch at my door, sometimes it even sounds like theyre banging on the door, until I get up and let them in (or out). They each take turns doing this. and they love to wake me up as soon as i'm drifting off to sleep. This will go on between 11pm-6am. But they're the cutest little things in the world so I can't be mad at them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My cats will sit outside my bedroom door and jangle his bell a bit, if i don't hear him, he will start meowing, and that will get louder and louder, if I still don't hear him, he will start stratching my door, then that will get worse (like he is trying to dig a hole under my door!), then if I still don't hear he will start barging into my door. He walks back then runs into the door, trying to make as much noise as possible!

    If he is already in my room, he will punch me in the face with his paw or tickle my face with his whiskers!

    My cat always decides to do this at 4am too! Seriously Cats need to learn the concept of time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My big male cat is a bob tail manx so he meows constantly and is super hyper so he likes to jump at the wall.. im assuming chasing shadows.. and my two girls get in my face and sniff it.. they when i open my eyes they meow.. and go wild from then out... they only do it if there isn't food in there bowl at 5am and usually like an hour before i have to be up..ugh.. irritating sometimes but i love my babies!

  • 1 decade ago

    He's got you well trained. ;-) The cure to your problem is put the cat out of the room and shut the door.

    To answer your question, sometimes my cats will sit on my headboard shelf and stare holes in me (I'm supposed to know they're doing this I guess - my husband tells me they do it) then they'll start patting my cheeks with their paws.

    You need to look on Youtube and look up Simon's Cat - Cat Man Do, if you haven't already. Your cat sounds just like the one in the cartoon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You must have my cats sibling! Lol

    She does exactly the same things. Except mine also sits on my head or face in an attempt to get me up sometimes too!

    Little buggers aren't they

    But we love 'em!

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