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Do you think that thugs are choosing INDIANS to attack?

I think they would pick on anyone who looked as though they might have money or coveted possessions (and in fact they do pick on many other people) Though I do think that by declaring the attacks as racially motivated the Indian press and government have created the very thing they were supposed to be protesting against. You can't blame people for being angry if they truly believe that they are being singled out for poor treatment but they need to temper their paranoia with a smidgeon of common sensitivity. My own experience in Australia has shown me that if you complain about racism here you just get a whole heap more dumped on you. How can we combat racism without pushing the buttons of the racists? Is there a way?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "...if you complain about racism here you just get a whole heap more dumped on you. How can we combat racism without pushing the buttons of the racists? Is there a way?"

    Just look at how heavily people voted down one of my previous answers on this issue when I said that most Australians are racist and fervently deny it - especially the people who go around calling other people "N-------" to their faces.

    People don't like to be told they are racist, let alone face up to how racist they are, which is why you get such extremely violent responses to pointing out it's existence and why groups standing up against racism become the next under attack. It not only demonstrates how bad the racism in this country really is, it also shows how much maintaining the status quo, including racism, is so central to Australian identity. Is there a way to reinvent Australian identity? I don't know.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Indian Government has done WRONG by the indian students living in Australia. especially since Australia, feeds , employs, educates their sons and daughters on so many levels.

    What would they prefer? We send them home back to India into the slums the Indian Government provides for them!

    For goodness sakes , India is getting children to clear drainage works for Commonwealth games stadiums. Yet the politicians in India have the nerve to come into the newspapers and call Victorian police the KKK.

    I say India GROW UP!

    Crimes happen every day, they are opportunistic crimes that will always happen. You DO NOT ruin relations between too countries over petty things committed by thugs. In effect India has caused their own students to come into harms way by putting them in the spotlight.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its just a media fueled thing. If you have seen videos of indians getting bashed on trains and stuff like that, did you notice that they were the only one on the train, its not racially its just opportunistic. Over in india the media reports false information saying that indians are getting killed all the time. I know australians at times can be what people call "racist" but there is always to sides to a coin. People just don't hate another races naturally there are always reasons this is happening and most times the blame can be media. Obvisously media station aren't going to say that there to blame are they?

  • J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, Australia treats its citizens very poorly, much worse than India. I'm very annoyed, if Australians are so racist, then we wouldn't let anyone migrate in the first place.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i doubt many specifically go out to bash indians and none other.

    They go out to bash people they catch sight of that their gut instincts say they best off targetting in order to satisfy their violent and racist elements within,

    and that may often be someone who looks indian for various reasons including media portrayal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Move out to a better place, Australia is nothing compared to America, the US is much much much better in terms of race relations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, I don't even think about Indians.

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