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livin life asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Is today the day no one can afford a vet?

It seems thats the new lame excuse used to NOT take care of your dog when it needs the vet. I'm sorry but if you cant afford the vet, then dont own a dog...I just used my last $150 at the vet for my dog last friday, and dont have a penny to last me until payday next monday. I always make sure he gets his insulin, and food, I can live on PBJ for a week if I need to.

Am I wrong on thinking like this?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not many people can plan their finances 10-15yrs in advance when they get a dog.. My needs and the needs of my family come first. I will pay and plan vet visits at times when i know i will have the money for it. In an emergency i will go to the vet and i will make sure that they DO give me a payment plan regardless if it is on offer or not..

  • 1 decade ago

    No you are right, if you are a dog owner or some one who wants to own a dog, that DOG comes first.

    seeing they cant drive to the vet like we can we need to know that they come first no matter what. it is neglect and abuse if you do not take them to the vet when they need it and when it is advised. there are so many people out there that think of only themselves and put off going to the vet or feeding their dog or even giving them a simple bath.

    i am so sick of the sorry excuse that "i dont have the money" if you dont have it why did you get the dog? if you would have known before hand how much a dog cost yr to yr would any one have gotten a dog??? i know i would have, it my job, there are too many irresponsible pet owners out there that take their pup for granite. im sorry im one of those people that feel that you need to have a % of income to get a dog, a back ground check, and a lisence for ANY dog.

    being a vet tech i see too many abused, abandoned and homeless dog, because their owners couldnt pay and care for them. i see families come in and want their perfectly good dog put down because they are done playing with it because it grew out of its puppy stage.

    i thank you for doing every thing you can to keep up with your pup. we dont find too many like you that would Do ANYthing for them.

    sorry for the vent

    Source(s): vet tech
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not just TODAY, these questions are posted on a daily basis. Funny how they can afford computers and internet service, but not vet care. If I didn't have the money, I'd sell whatever I had to, borrow money from relatives, friends. Any vet I've used on a regular basis will put you on a payment plan.

    Here's a good one, just posted shortly ago: my dog can't BREATH, he's gasping for air, he's been poorly for a couple of days, off his food, vet's closed, blah, blah, PLEASE HELP. Just what does this person expect us to do? They just go on and on. My favorites have to be one's like, my dog just got hit by a car, he's bleeding from the nose and mouth, whatever shall I do?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From the questions i have read yes it is?

    I have a vet fund that i put £150 a month into but i would go with out if it was needed to make sure i could afford the vet bill

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  • 1 decade ago

    I thank the Lord that someone thinks like my family does!!!! When Jinx (pictured) scratched his eye so much that he made it bleed, we sold a guitar for half of what it was worth to take him to the vet. The worst thing we've ever done as far as not getting to the vet at the right time was getting Molly (GSD) her twice yearly nail trim---and they still didn't get too bad at all. I would rather eat PB&J for 3 weeks than make my doggies suffer.

  • 1 decade ago

    No i think your right. we had to put out $300 to fix our poodle because he needed a blood panel and special anesthesia because he has epilepsy. And when he gets older he has to be on meds that are like $50-60 a month.And both of my dogs have food allergies so their on a special organic dog food. Its all part of being a responsible pet owner. Im broke but its just the way it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you completely.

    I have lived through some financially challenging times, when I had to budget carefully to ensure I could afford to pay the monthly direct debit for canine insurance & not touch the money set aside in the bank to pay for the excess.

    To my mind if an owner cannot finance the veterinary care {by whatever means they prefer} the instant the dog needs it, they should not have a dog. After all, a dog cannot take itself to the vet & is at the mercy of its owner to act responsibly....

    It's a question of balancing priorities so utilities are paid, a roof is kept over your head & temporarily doing without unnecessary luxuries until your financial circumstances improve & you can reasonably afford to have them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had some broke a$$ times in my life, but my dog always got the care it needed. I'm responsible enough where I didn't allow my dog to run loose and get hit by a car, get in fights or eat posion...

    The only large vet bills I had was when I had them fixed, and had that lined up when I first got my dogs..

    Some people get "free" dogs thinking they will stay free and that's just not the case....

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right, they can't seem to take care of a living creature but they can afford the internet, a computer, cable and a cell phone. Oh and I bet they eat out almost every day of the week. I would get rid of anything to be able to help my dog. And if I had nothing left i would find him a loving home who could provide for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind that parts of the east coast is still in a state of emergency in the snow. Our streets are still hardly plowed at all, so I could see where a trip to the vet would be difficult.

    However, I completely agree. I only have about 1500 dollars in my savings, and while I'd hate to touch it, I would spend every penny if my dog had a health problem to attend to.

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