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My 17 month old doesn't feel pain.?

my 17 month old son doesn't react to pain. His family dr is concerned about it. So we went to a neurologist and he said "oh ok, there's nothing to do or say about it". I am just not happy with that answer and I feel like we need to either get a second option or see another type of specialist. But the nurse said something to me and if there's nothing really wrong why go looking for a problem. BUT from what I have read this is a very serious condition and there are alot of problems that can come from it.

So I am looking for advice, are there other mom's out there who have special needs kids who had to fight to get someone to take them seriously? Any ideas on what to do next? I do to see our family go dr next week to talk to him and see if I can get another referral.

Thank you


there was nothing to misunderstand I have it in writing,, " nothing to do about lack of pain sensionation" he didn't even do any tests to see if he could feel anything or not.

Update 2:

It's not so much that I am looking for treatment or a cure,, I understand enough about it to know there isn't,, I just really need the digionses so when I go to the dr's cuz he's fallen off the table again,, or he's done this or that they don't look at me like I am crazy. And also for insurance reasons.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mommys know best.

    Go get a second opinion

    My daughter got real sick and i knew she was sooo sick and every doctor and hospital kept telling me its just a viral infection or a fever. well if i wasnt pursistent my daughter could have lost her arm or even be dead right now. she ended up having an infection in her bone and had to get surgery she was in the hospital for 2 weeks and yesterday got discharged from physical therapy.

    So listen to your instincts you will always know better then your doctor you spend way more time with your kid then they ever will.

    Good luck with everything.

  • 1 decade ago

    My niece is special need she has a very rare genetic disorder she was in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) for the fist 3 months of her life on a ventilator and when she came home she was on the ventilator until she was 3. The Dr. in the PICU told my mom (who has guardianship of her) that she should just unplug her and let her die because she probably wouldn't make it anyway. My niece is now 5 years old and has been of the ventilator for 2 years. They wanted to do so many things to her because nobody knows much about her condition and the only reason they didn't is my mom. Children can't advocate for them selves it is our jobs as parents and grandparents to advocate for them (and fight if we have to) sometimes Docs. forget what their in this for (to help those in need) you are mommy even if you are just being "paranoid" who cares it is better safe then sorry. I would get 5 more opinions if that's what it took to get somebody to pay attention and do their job. I have a heart condition that took 4 years to diagnose. There is a very rare disorder called congenital insensitivity to pain. This disorder is not only very rare but extremely dangerous. The lack of pain is something to be taken very seriously. You do every thing you need to, to find out what is going on. Good luck and I hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are heading in the right direction. I had the same thing with me. I went to a few doctors (neurologist) because the first and second one SUCKED. And he said I just had a bit low skin tone. I got medicine and now I am a normal 12 year old boy! Good Luck

    Source(s): Personal Expirence
  • 1 decade ago

    Do you mean he doesn't feel ANY pain?

    You could get a second opinion, but by the sound of what you say the neurologist said, I don't think you were listening all that well. WHat kind of neurologist says "Oh ok, there's noting to do or say about it." Even if there was nothing they could do, there would be plenty of information they could give you.

    Personally, judging by your question, you need to go back to the neurologist and get him to explain it again, slower this time. =)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have hear of this in my physiology class...if i remember correctly it has something to do with nerve endings and pain is completely possible to live a normal life, but they can get hurt and not know thus infections, etc. as a kid hes going to need lots of checking up wouldnt be anything to burn his hand on something and simply not know to pull his hand away...I would definitely seek another opinion cause this is a know problem and there should be some kind of information they can give you or help they can provide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's possible that your son has a very rare condition called congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP). I've heard of it before... but you really need to get your son to a neurologist. They should be able to give you a diagnosis.

    Source(s): Also, an episode of House M.D. that had something like this. I am not a doctor.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    THAT'S AWESOME!!!!! He's totally going to be super man some day.

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