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Has anyone been to Chichen Itza during the Spring Soltice March 20/21?

If you have been there during the spring soltice, what time do you suggest arriving to the park. I know thousands of people go there on this day but what time would I need to be there in order to be close to the pyramid instead of being in the back row and not being able to see? Thank you.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never been nor would I go - a shadow moving at the speed of the setting sun isn't something that I would go through that much headache for. But if you want to go, you have about 5 days on either side of the actual solstice to see the same phenomenon. Do yourself a favour and go a few days before or after and miss a lot of the crowds.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be there when they open if you want the front row.

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