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Why does it always seem the more intelligent you are, the more arrogant and obnoxious you become as well?

Have you ever noticed that some of the most brilliant people are sometimes really pretentiously horrible. I'm not saying that being ignorant is the way to go, but lately I've come to distance myself from my super-intelligent friends. They always like to tease me when it's uncalled for or make rude gestures to me as if I was a 6-year old child. Is it perhaps that because i'm not as smart as they are that I don't see the "joy" in being a mean and irritating smart-aleck; or is it that one's intellect and ego are completely unrelated?.In my opinion, a high I.Q. shouldn't necessarily give you license to be a bona fide horse's ***.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How's this from one helluva smart guy, H.W. Fowler, in 1926:

    "Display of superior knowledge is as great a vulgarity as display of superior wealth -- greater, indeed, inasmuch as knowledge should tend more definitely than wealth towards discretion and good manners."

    But, sadly, we have well-surpassed even the roaring twenties in our love of vulgarity.

    Source(s): "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage", page 193 in 2003 edition.
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you only THINK those friends are super intelligent. People who act the way you describe aren't necessarily intelligent but they are very insecure. They hang around in groups of like minded bullies to pump each others egos up. The truly intelligent person feels no need to put others down because they are secure in their own intelligence. If it were me, these horses a.... wouldn't be counted in my circle of friends since "friends" they most certainly are not! Don't waste your time on those losers and find a group that is congenial and one you can comfortably fit into.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure if this is linked. Maybe you hate being unknowing of things they know off? Just tell them when they do or say something towards you that you don't appreciate, and they should take notice of it and they should be so smart to not do it again. ;p

    Another option is that they could just be annoying friends, and that you should find ones that suit you more.. I wouldn't blame their intelligence, they just don't respect you enough. Find your qualities, if you already have, flaunt THOSE qualities, they're just as good as being highly intelligent. It's only when peoples different talents gather and they can bind them together and help each other out, that you have a fantastic group of friends.

    We are all to be appreciated for who we are. And if people find themselves so great for their own qualities, they dont need other people to praise em for it, nor do they need to degrade those who havent got what they have. No one has the license to make fun of anyone.

  • Well I'd like to think of myself as intelligent... But it's not like I go around announcing it to the world and try to let everyone know that I'm smart like that.. To be honest I din like people knowing I'm smart.. When I hang outni like being dumb lol that's just my personality.. I don't like being smart in my free time mostly I fel like lol acting like a retard is more enjoyable and entertaining. Not to say some people don't like Togo aroud and boast their intelligence to other people to make th Orr person feel lesser than them.. It's all about power.. Everything in life is about power thy try to put you down to feel like they're more powerful than you.. They do it because they're so insecure with theirselves they try to over compensate and try to make it seem like they're so feat because they're smart... I personally don't like hangin out with other smart people they piss me off haha it'd whatever though people are gonna do whAt there gonna do and you don't really had a say over it

    Source(s): Lol sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm on my iPod and I'm not watching the words as I'm typing them :P
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  • Chris
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think that you're exaggerating your question because of the way your jerk friends treated you. Just don't rent space in your head to these jerk friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe it's due to above it all or know it all snobishness

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