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What do you think Death is? and what does death mean to you? Does science understand GOD's Physics?

How much do you think Science knows about the brain and the energy of the human body? when the scientific and medical communities both agree that of all what they have learned about the human body the least they know and understand is the human brain....

As many who debunk the near death experience, unless you yourself are a physician or a scientist who has studied this pheonomenon you have no evidence to back-up your denial of a NDE.

Doctors do not understand death they only know that when the heart fails to beat the brain shows no activity by all accounts the physical body is dead...But what about the energy that is within the human body? where does that go?

Biologys says-Electromagnetic fields generated by the human body can be detected with certan electromagnetic field meters. As it is, all matter has an electrical field. It is just that our fields are slightly amplified by the electricity in our nervous system.

Can you kill energy? When does energy cease to exist in the atmosphere, in quantum physics or in the human body?

Is our Soul- Our Quantum Energy that leaves our body upon physical death?

Quantum Physics, Dark Energy is just now coming to the forefront of the scientific community.

Maybe the question is, if your energy lives on upon your physical death, where is it headed to?


Fireball- From what I have researched biblically and scientifically, we are in a holding state....Meaning People who have died knowing Christ are in a State of Light and will be resurrected to a Perfect Body with the return of Christ..Unbelievers are in darkness that will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement..Like waiting to go on trial

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Crimmy Said:

    Maybe the question is, if your energy lives on upon your physical death, where is it headed to?

    Bill Said:

    I beleive the Bible's account of How things work.

    Because ...

    1. It is made simple and Eloquent in John 1:1

    2. God made it simple because He did not plan on selling it ... it is free! No teaser then the price tag.

    Crimmy Said:

    Is it our Soul- Our Quantum Energy that leaves our body upon physical death?

    Bill Said:


    2Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

    1Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

    Death came as God said it would when Adam rebelled against God ... He also forenew that Jesus would come so all would live. From Adam until now we all accept The Messiah. Adam looked forward to Jesus WE look back to Jesus and FAITH ... We Beleive God.

    Bill Said:

    Unfortunately we have been misinformed by science over and over through out the years more so in the last days before the 2nd coming of Christ Jesus.

    We now take hear say from Godless men, professors of the truth but .... they have become fools.

    Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

    Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    Source(s): Romans 1:2
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Life after death = no Ecclesiastes 12:7; 9:5 Is there a God = yes Ps 83:18;

  • 1 decade ago

    Its possible that energy is given off or transferred, but the question we are concerned with is not where the energy goes, but rather what constitutes consciousness. Because your first-person subjective experience does not follow the energy you give off, it resides inside of your head. Neurological research has shown our consciousness is a product of a specific cycle and network in the brain. When the cycle is slowed down, we go 'unconscious'. During death this network is completely stopped. Without the physical system to run consciousness, we cannot say subjective awareness continues.

    Yes when you die your energy and atoms will return back to the earth where they will be reconstituted into new forms and act as food for insects and plants. In this way your energy is never destroyed, it is reincorporated into nature. But as for that which you call "ME", that stops when your brain stops.

  • What?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Do you understand physics at all?

    Energy is not some mystical magical force. The heat leaving the human body is energy. The human body decomposes- this is where the energy goes. Worms consume the flesh and burn it in their own bodies. Plants use it as fertilizer. Chemicals and gases release into the air, the elements in the body decay at a steady rate (this is how carbon dating works). The energy in our bodies again becomes part of the physical energy cycle on earth.

    It doesn't cease to exist.

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  • No78
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think anyone can know what happens to your consciousness or 'soul' after death. The energy you speak of is simply heat stuff, kinetics, bla bla I dunno. Try not to mix up science with this, because it just doesn't work.

    I think it's just like sleeping, only we never wake up. We'll be content because we won't even be aware of anything. It's an unimaginable state of being, but that's the most logical conclusion I can come to.

    But another question I often find that ties into this, what happens to forgotten memories? For example, some people become permanent amnesiacs and forget like their entire lives... They change as people as a result of that, so where do the memories go? Do they just die? Is it related to death?

    This is all the stupid stuff I think about, haha.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The energy remains in the matter that made up your body. And anyone who has done psychedelic drugs knows what your mind is like when your brain is under extreme turmoil such as that experienced if a person is close to dying.

  • 1 decade ago

    >unless you yourself are a physician or a scientist who has studied this pheonomenon you have no evidence to back-up your denial of a NDE.

    That's as idiotic as saying unless you're a physicist you have no evidence to back up gravity.

    Crimmy, you have absolutely no understanding of how science works, and you embarrass your fellow christians with practically every "question" you ask.

    >Maybe the question is, if your energy lives on upon your physical death, where is it headed to?

    Most of it is thermal energy. It heats the air around the corpse.

  • Energy can be transformed into a different form. In this case it becomes heat waves - the body cools down and slightly warms the room it's in.

  • Jay Z
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The spiritual dimension transcends space-time-matter, therefore, to attempt to quantify spiritual reality within creation itself is an exercise in futility.

    Experience during your time on earth is subjective, the only objective reality exists within the spiritual dimension which we "see through a glass darkly."

    Read the instruction book (The Holy Bible) to get a clue.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You cannot kill energy, but it can change forms... From a living consciousness, to radiating into the surrounding area.

    I reference to you to the Bull$hit episode on NDE, where there are SEVERAL doctors who talk about NDE as a freak out of the brain upon blood loss. Only the 'cooks' sell books talking about NDE like it is something more.

    Just like the Sun radiates all its glorious energy into space, and it will eventually burn out and die, we too radiate our energy into our local space, and will burn out and die.


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