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Lv 7
DAR asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Have you seen this by Ron Paul, "Are US Taxpayers bailing out Greece?"?

What do you think?


Last week we were reminded that ours is not the only country suffering from severe economic turmoil. The Greek government is the latest to come close to default on their massive public debt. Greece has insufficient funds in their treasury to make even the minimum payments that are now coming due. Their debt level is about 120 percent of their gross domestic product and their public sector absorbs what amounts to 40 percent of GDP. Any talk of cutting costs and spending is met with violent protests from the many Greeks heavily dependent on government payments. Mounting fears of default have sent shockwaves through their creditors and all of the eurozone countries.

But there have been statements made by the European Central Bank to calm fears and give assurances that Greece will get the aid it needs. Details of agreements are not forthcoming.

Is it possible that our Federal Reserve has had some hand in bailing out Greece? The fact is, we don’t know, and current laws exempt agreements between the Fed and foreign central banks from disclosure or audit.

Greece is only the latest in a series of countries that have faced this type of crisis in recent memory. Not too long ago the same types of fears were mounting about Dubai, and before that, Iceland. Several other countries (Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Latvia) are approaching crisis levels with public debt as well. Many have strong ties to Goldman Sachs and the case could easily be made that default could have serious implications for big US banking cartels. Considering the ties between the Fed and these big banks, it is not outlandish to wonder if the US taxpayer is secretly bailing out the entire world, country by country, even as our real unemployment tops 20 percent. Unless laws are changed to allow a complete and meaningful audit of the Federal Reserve, including its agreements with foreign central banks, we might never know if this is occurring or not.

This global financial crisis is a predictable result of secretive central banking and unsound fiat currency. Governments are entirely committed to this system of fiat money and fractional reserve banking for obvious reasons: it enables them to do what they love most, namely, spend hoards of money with near impunity. Without the limitations of sound money, governments will spend without limit. They will spend money to hire their cronies, pay off special interests, give out favors, create dependence and generally distract from the terrible job they do at their chief mandate, which is to protect the liberties of the people. Fiat money is a blank check to government, which is very dangerous, and we are witnessing the death throes of the system as the bills come due and the underlying capital is squandered away.

Because of our globe-straddling empire and lingering reserve currency status, perhaps no one has a more vested interest in keeping this system cobbled together than our own government and the Federal Reserve. The agreements that Iceland and Dubai and Greece have negotiated can amount to little more than kicking the can down the road, as their overall spending habits remain largely intact, fiat currencies are still legal tender and more debt is issued on top of unsustainable debt. The American people have the right to know if they are going to be the ones holding the bag in the end because the Federal Reserve secretly put them on the hook for it. This knowledge would be a key factor in peacefully dismantling this immoral and unconstitutional system. "


Despite games to try to replace Ron Paul's audit of the Fed Bill with a weaker provision, he got it into the banking reg package that passed the House. (He voted against the ultimate bill, however, which had many other putrid provisions such as institutionalizing FUTURE bailouts.)

However, Dodd and Gregg have insisted the audit provision will NOT pass the Senate.

Do you think we need an audit of the Federal Reserve?

Update 2:

Sophie did you follow where the AIG bailout money went? Including to foreign banks? Without an audit of the FEd, a REAL one, we won't know.

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I remember something else he once said--"I guess you could say that the bubble will burst, and the taxpayers will once again forced to bail out investors who were misled by foolish government interference in the market"

    It's happening over and over everywhere. I don't doubt it that they taxpayers are going to be forced in some way to bail them out. Thats the easy way for government.

    Your correct--correct knowledge and action will be the key in peacefully dismantle this corrupt system

  • imaxkr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "The agreements that Iceland and Dubai and Greece have negotiated can amount to little more than kicking the can down the road, as their overall spending habits remain largely intact, fiat currencies are still legal tender and more debt is issued on top of unsustainable debt."

    Just like the United States.

    With over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities in the Social Security and Medicare Trusts, a current $13 trillion in accumulated national debt, trillion dollar deficits proposed for the next decade this nation is quickly approaching fiscal collapse. At the current projected deficit levels this country will have a 100% debt to GDP ratio sometime this decade.

    But to answer the question, look no farther than the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the worlds bank that is a front for all the nations central banks.

    The U.S. in the only country that is able to unilaterally block the super majority needed for IMF actions.

    The United States representative on the IMF Executive Board?

    Timothy F. Geithner, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

    His alternate?

    Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

    Interesting isn't it.

    We should be asking serious questions.

    “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

    --Thomas Jefferson

    The Federal Reserve has no oversight by the people. The people do not have any say or control, not even through Congress.( not that Congress would do the right thing)

  • 5 years ago

    When Obama tries to con the people by cooked up numbers to make his case and the Congressional Budget Office shows the real numbers, it is very scary the level of spending Obama and his Demobots are getting away with. As a % of GDP the spending ranks right up there with Zimbabwe and other glorious economies. "Federal outlays will soar in fiscal 2009 to $4 trillion, or 27.7% of GDP, from $3 trillion or 21% of GDP in 2008, and 20% in 2007. This is higher as a share of the economy than any year since 1945, when the country was still mobilized for World War II. It is more spending by far than during the Vietnam War, or during the recessions of 1974-75 or 1981-82."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ten years before it happened, a former KGB statistics guru predicted not only that the the Soviet Union would collapse; his computer models estimated just WHEN it would collapse.

    Using far more powerful computers as well as data that has grown exponentially, the guy has been predicting for about ten years, now, that the social, economic and financial demise of the U.S. will occur sometime around 2010.

    I foresee some messy stuff a-comin'. Not just here but globally.

    The watchful are aware and prepared, so we will survive.

    - - - - - -

    BTW, re: your answer to my Question on 'divisiveness vs heart and hand action against a secretive and corrupt govt, I couldn't agree more. And your mention of 'pollution vs AGW' is also a direct hit.

    Dang! If "Jurassic Park" author, M. Crichton (a Harvard Med-school grad) concluded that any warming trend on earth is almost entirely caused by our sun and galactic radiation, who am I to argue?!

    And, you know my stance: if Green is profitable, then Go Green!

    If green won't earn a healthy profit ... then don't go green!!

    And the progress in (non-mid-east...i.e. -- ) alternative fuels is advancing at a pace only Silicon Valley veterans could have anticipated.

    Its final hindrance to undercutting conventional fuel/energy is the problem of 'storage'. And a single breakthrough could vaporize that hindrance.

    Storing electricity costs 90 times more than storing the same amount of energy in the form of heat.

    We Conservatives need to hop on - and Stay On - the band-wagon where these inevitable profits from up-&-coming fuel/energy are at issue.

    Among my most pressing concern for the future of Conservatism is that, because of our disgust with Al "you haven't earned the Karma to touch me" Gore and his "Inconvenient Truth" compounded by the idiocy of governmental dictates to "heal" developing nations with massive, U.S. tax-payer expenditures, our emotionally-charged counter-action has taken a dangerous path to a fatal error. We are equating renewables with the AGW hoax.

    May we sear this into our memory?: AGW is the hoax.

    Renewables' are REAL. In some applications, they're already cheaper than coal and nuclear.

    Just as the chip-revolution salted IBM, renewables WILL dominate that finite tar we call petroleum.

    Judging by recent developments, the question is no longer "If" but "When".

    I'm makin' book that the "when" is sooner than we think.


    soMEone wrote another danged novella.... Crud!

    Source(s): serenely, soMEone
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  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just the fact that Paul, a US Congressman who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Committee on Financial Services can only speculate says it all doesn't it. This is scary stuff.

    If things go well in November, that would be the perfect time to get this audit into law!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Will humankind ever learn from past blunders?

    Throughout history, regions and continents have waged wars to gain "King of the Hill" status. Ultimately, one nation would rise to the top and establish its nation as the police or super-power of the region. And then?...

    Ultimately [and seemingly inevitably], the leaders of these empires become over-confident. They spend like drunken sailors to expand their power.... an excellent way to excite their Citizens and destroy their nation.

    England followed that delusional, assumptive logic for decades, if not centuries. And it nearly bankrupted their 'Kingdom'.

    Who replaced them as the World's police?

    The U.S. 'empire'.

    Forget what the news says. Our future can be calculated by examining the fate that befell all those empires.


  • 1 decade ago

    I think Congress and the Senate need to pass a stand alone fed audit bill so we can find out. I have a feeling Frank and Obama wouldn't let that happen though so we need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    No America is not bailing out Greece.

    Greece is part of the EU (otherwise we would). Pressure is being put on Germany to bail out Greece.

  • JoeBob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    looks like we are heading toward one world gov. and 1 currency. just need to figure out who will be boss

  • 1 decade ago

    the reason it APPEARS that the united states is bailing out the economic woes of countries around the world is because we once were a very strong and wealthy, independent, nation. that was mostly following WWII (a war that HAD to be fought, for if hitler had continued, we would probably all be living under this brown shirt rule here. we should have joined our allies in europe before we got nailed at pearl).

    the wealth of the united states came about by the the industriousness of its citizens as well as good, solid values, such as to reserve part of your pay to support your family in the bad times. and we have seen them, for instance, the time of the dust bowl. i am not mentioning the great depression deliberately because i think we are in it right now. this depression is a byproduct of the secrecy of the federal reserve board and their carte blanche ruling of the monetary system in the usa, therefore, since the other countries of the world have come to rely upon us, yes, it looks like we will bail out greece and the rest of the world--but we will not be allowed to know of it. besides, it will be an illusion because we, all of us around the world, have hit the outer limits when you think about the budget. we, all over the world, don't produce as much of a GDP as is needed for the ever slurping federal government of the usa (via taxation) to pay its bills, and it's the same all over. (sometimes i think that the government is a machine that lives to eat up the money that we make in an ever greater amount, as it doles out a tiny portion of it to us, so that we falsely believe that we have money). WE ARE BROKE, BROKE, BROKE.

    but we WILL know it, because we are facing awful times ahead. do you know that haitians literally make pies of MUD and "bake" them in the sun, all to eat?

    don't ya all think that we cannot possibly be next. and don't think europeans and the saudis too will not be next. here we have the breadbasket of the world to rely on, but thank you to the self-illusionary lies and quite over-the-top self aggrandizement of al gore, less and less acreage goes to the planting of food crops while the population of the world gets increasingly more enormous. instead, it now is subsidized by our government to produce plants like super corn and soybeans to use as fuel, when there is no real evidence that biofuel will be effective to power the way we live.

    wanna know where much of the food you consume is produced? it is grown in mexico, where del monte (i have to look up the company name again, but it is a big one) bought thousands of acres of the best ranchero land (that mexicans had saved and saved to buy a few acres of) all so that it does not have to have a liability to our own people to plant, week, pick, clean, package, freeze, can, and distribute food, and, so that it could not get fined for hiring illegal aliens. yes, it is true. and just look at seed banks! how much of the food now being produced on this rich soil is coming from traditional seed? it is bioengineered! and i believe, but i cannot prove it, that honey bees are disappearing as a result of biolengineered super crops and their pollen. i don't think that the bees are getting the proper nutrition from them. it's all thanks to lying, scheming politicians and THEIR reliance on a system of money management that is dishonest, underhanded and unconstitutional: the acts of the federal reserve board. but since when could we trust the politicians? i think it was well before when we were born, don't you?

    congress (excluding the upstanding americans like ron paul that consistently prove to us by their deeds that they act FOR us, which is their job!) is so scared of what we will do to its members come november that many of them are going to "retire" rather than face our wrath. our wrath is well founded, because wouldn't they vote to entirely reveal the secret undertakings of the federal reserve board if they wished for THE PEOPLE of our country--not only themselves--to return to financial prudency?

    we just cannot rebuild america in the shape it is in today: we are going to fall down. then the rest of the world falls apart because the countries rely on THIS ECONOMY. there will be mass starvation on this planet before i die, which will not be too long from now. all of this will be caused by what careless, self-serving politicians have allowed to take place during their terms of office when they were given their jobs to act in OUR best interest.

    anyone on this forum that believes that practically everyone sitting in the house of representatives of the united states and the us senate, as well as the executive branch of the federal government, acts FOR them, for they, who put them into their powerful seats themselves, is a fool. show me how they act for me and for you. prove it to me.

    it is these very people (politicians) that are preventing a full audit of the federal reserve board to take place, for their secret manipulations of our money (yes, i said OUR money) in turn affects the monitary stability of countries all about the planet--which means that they too will fall down or stand up. but i think it has to now all fall apart. we've overextended ourselves. there really is no way out of the budget deficit. we are up to our eyeballs in the stinky excrement that the bad people, the unamerican politicians that allow the federal reserve board to get away with this criminal activity, have left behind them as they go running out of DC now, rather than get booted out, to live their self-enacted la-dee-da lives without a worry all because we were too tired to really investigate them and listened to their hogwash speeches.

    ron paul is doing everything humanly possible to debunk the federal reserve board, but his foes in congress do not work for us. it's a garden club over in DC. lots of time to play golf and attend parties. these are the criminals that we have allowed to "represent" us do. so it is our fault too. i say kick them out come november. then think hard who you will allow to take their place.

    Source(s): i have personally dealt with large sums of money for my clients for over a quarter of a century. that's how i can see the illusion. but i read a lot, too. the federal reserve board will profit greatly by the interest that it takes from TARP repayments. the fed is behind all of our financial problems, including but not limited to, this one: we may as well just throw the us dollar into the ocean and replace it with newspaper clippings, then start to trade with sea shells again...if the enviros and PETA allow us to!
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