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Maureen asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Life is not always going to be fair & kind, so I don't have to be fair/kind or teach my children to do so?

Agree or disagree?

This question has been floating around in my head since yesterday's 'birthday party invitation' discussions here. But, it could apply to all kinds of similar discussions that we have here (and elsewhere) regarding interactions with others (not just children) in the world.

19 Answers

  • Sookie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    nikki(woo sah) took the words right out of my mouth.

  • Ruthie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Disagree very strongly. LIFE is not always fair and kind that doesn't mean PEOPLE have to not be fair and kind. In fact a person that is fair and kind goes a long way more than those that are only out for themselves. "Do unto others as you would have done to you" I have ALWAYS subscribed to this and for the most part I've found it's been pretty true. You are fair and kind to others (just the way you want to be treated) and 98% of the the time your treated just the same back. That 2%? is life being unfair. Life's tough enough why do we have to make it even harder by being cruel to people just because 'life isn't fair'?

    ETA: just wanted to add that I agree with the other 'doormat' comments. When somebody is doing wrong to you, you do something about it. I will also be teaching this philosophy to my children. If I can help make the world a tiny bit of a better place through them i will.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, life is definitely not always fair or kind. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do the best we can for our children. Of course, we are all human and slip up from time to time, but being harsh with children to prepare them for the real world only backfires. As your children grow up, they are going to realize how hard life can be sometimes and they will need you to be there as a support system to help them through tough times and give them help when they need it.

  • 1 decade ago

    You always teach a kid to be kind.

    You always teach a kid to treat others as they themselves wish to be treated.

    You always teach a kid to be fair

    But on the flip side of that...

    You also teach a kid that while we do our best to be fair and kind and respectful...and that we expect the same from him...not everyone behaves like they should.

    You also teach a kid that just because he's kind and fair and respectful...doesn't make him entitled to anything.

    You also teach a kid that not everyone is raised the same way and sometimes no matter how good or kind you are....People/Life may not be as good or kind to you.

    The fact that the world is flawed...isn't an excuse to disregard our parental duty to teach our children to be the best that they can be.


    Source(s): . Two wrongs don't make a right.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have to lead by example dear! Never forget that. You can't live your life based off of other people and the mistakes they make... you are accountable for yourself and should always set the best example you possibly can for your children, and just the world in general.

    Trust me, people notice even if you don't feel like they do.

    Source(s): Jesus Christ, the one who saved us from eternal death!
  • 1 decade ago

    Life is not always fair or kind. We need to teach our kids how to deal with the unkind things. But also to be kind to others no matter what. Treat people how you expect to be treated. Don't expect to be treated nicely if you are nothing but mean.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is important to teach your children fairness and else will they find friends, husbands/wives? you are disabling your children by not teaching them fairness and kindness. they need that, it is so important.

    life may not always be fair and kind...but when you serve God and do what is right, He will take care of you! ive seen it in my own life.

    your own kid may stab you in the back if you choose to teach him that kindness and fairness dont matter. they do, a lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Silly has the best answer.

    I will say this though: I will teach my kids to treat others fairly and kindly, but I will also teach them that "fair and kind" doesn't mean "be a door mat for others".

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i think of you will desire to constantly nuture a toddler first and say," i'm sorry that handed off to you." this isn't any longer babying him. then you definately would desire to assert that there are undesirable human beings interior the international and sometime that undesirable individual would be sorry he did it as a results of fact anoher undesirable individual will do the comparable to him. be advantageous and enable him be conscious of that its ok, to hate what handed off and perhaps hate thet individual, yet he would desire to constantly take the better street and not seek for revenge as a results of fact he's extra perfect than that individual. communicate approximately "larger floor". Make him sound important for figuring out directly to be non violent. of direction ,while he grows older he will extra perfect understand while he needs to stick up for himself extra,yet while they're youthful, its extra perfect to coach peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just want to preface my answer by saying that I don't think I have all the answers. I'm just giving my opinion here.

    I think that the reason why life isn't kind is because people do unkind things. Fairness, well, that is just unavoidable and I'm not trying to give my children any allusions that life is going to be fair. They are raised to know that life isn't fair and that you just have to be smart and do your best to make your own luck. Make it fair to you personally, within the confines of moral choices, though. You can't make life fair by stealing, but you don't have to let people walk all over you either!

    I believe in being kind and teaching kindness but it also has to be coupled with sticking up for yourself if someone is unkind to you.

    Of course, what do I know? I have twin girls who are going to be 3 in a couple of months and one of them is a bit of a bully. I know you are supposed to teach your kids not to fight but I was getting really tired of one of them being a bully and the other constantly running to me for help. What did I finally do? I told the girl being bullied that the next time her sister tries to take something from her, to kick her in the shins and take back her toy.

    It worked.

    It may be unconventional but I don't want my little bully twin to think she can be a bully and I don't want my bullied twin to constantly run to someone else for help. She needs to learn to stand up for herself!

    I call it unconventional parenting but it works for me.

  • Why do you think this world gets worse and worse? That statement right there is why. I will teach my son to ALWAYS be fair and kind.

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