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zealot144 asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Atheists: Would protecting Jews from Nazis be an acceptable time to lie?

Go to the following video:

This video uses an argument I myself have presented as an acceptable time to lie.

But, would it be just as acceptable if you were an Islamic Jihadist and the the refugee you were protecting was Osama Bin Laden?

Where is the distinction, in your atheistic viewpoint? Bin Laden is a murderer? Why do you care? No life is sacred to any atheist, so why would you care if Bin Laden is a murderer? Did the fall of the Twin Towers cost you money? WHAT? You hardly noticed. Why do you care?


I love this! So far, not one of the responding dolts have answered the question! Of course, I did not expect any of them to to actually do so.

Update 2:

MOST atheists think people have a right to life and that any infringement upon that right--no matter what happens to some mythical soul after the life is over--IS MORALLY WRONG.

Why do you guys think this? Are we any better than the viruses that compete for life in our own tissues? Why?

We kill bacteria, arisen in the same supposed evolutionary soup. Why are human lives more sentimental than bacteria? Or cattle and chickens?

Update 3:

Still, no one has answered the question. It is a simple "yes / no" thing.

You guys are more focused on responding to your assumption that I am a Christian than you are in justifying the answer that you have not advanced.

Her is what I said:

"MOST atheists think people have a right to life and that any infringement upon that right--no matter what happens to some mythical soul after the life is over--IS MORALLY WRONG."

So, I repeat:

"Would protecting Jews from Nazis be an acceptable time to lie?"

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    jews, didnt hurt anyone, they were cittims not perpratrators, bin laden (supposedly) hurt people, hes a perpatrator

    so, to answer the q, its not the same so no its not acceptable

    MOST atheists think people have a right to life and that any infringement upon that right--no matter what happens to some mythical soul after the life is over--IS MORALLY WRONG.

    "Why do you guys think this? Are we any better than the viruses that compete for life in our own tissues? Why?

    We kill bacteria, arisen in the same supposed evolutionary soup. Why are human lives more sentimental than bacteria? Or cattle and chickens?"

    are we better than them, maybe maybe not, i dont know

    but we are concious and we are at the top of the food chain, so better or worse, we are in 'charge'

    why kil bacteria, same as bin laden, as they can kill others

    its all about damage, danger, life and death


  • 1 decade ago

    Whoa there cowboy! Who said "no life is sacred to any atheist?" That is misinformation at the least, and a purposeful attempt at deceit and lying at the worst.

    (And here I thought that was one of those "sins" theists go on and on about. I guess it is OK to lie right in your post if the goal is to further your own petty agenda.)

    It may not be "sacred" in the going to heaven sense, but MOST atheists think people have a right to life and that any infringement upon that right--no matter what happens to some mythical soul after the life is over--IS MORALLY WRONG.

    So, yes, the difference is that bin Laden is a murderer. He has caused the purposeful infringement on the rights of others and deserves to be tried for that crime in the applicable legal context.

    The fall of the Twin Towers costs some of us more than money. Some of us noticed a GREAT deal. Some of use have GOOD REASON to care.

    You're on VERY thin ice with this argument. Especially when you don't know who you are talking to or what they lost that day.

    Is this what theists are? People who go around mocking the losses of those they deem somehow less important or less correct than themselves? This is your "love?" Your "turning the other cheek?" Your spreading of the word? This is how you win hearts and minds? With deceit and insult?

    If you didn't lose anything on that day, then you should count yourself lucky, not insult those who did. You really think it was about MONEY you sick, twisted *********?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "No life is sacred to any atheist" WOW i hope you don't actually believe that.

    I think you're trippin' hella hard. OF COURSE WE CARE. What does that have to do with believing in god!?? I have a HEART don't i?? It didn't cost ME cost PEOPLE lives, it caused FAMILIES PAIN. It caused society FEAR.

    Protecting jews from nazis would be a time that you SHOULD lie because that's the ethical thing that any person with a heart would do. If you were protecting Bin Laden then you got some issues cause (assuming bin laden even exists) he's a murderer. It's pretty simple...anyone would get it. Protecting an innocent life is a must. Protecting a murder's life...not s'much....cause from the utilitarian that i am's standpoint...that's wrong. Save one life kill a bunch. That shouldn't fly.

    Has nothing to do with god or which god i believe in or don't believe in.

    Peace out dude. That's all i can say.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're an idiot. Just because someone doesn't believe in your God, it doesn't mean they don't care about anything or anyone. But honestly, what would make someone's life sacred to anyone else? I can't imagine why anyone would think my life is sacred and unable to be taken from me, BUT it is the laws of our country that decide what is allowable and what is not. We must live by those rules or we lose our right to live free. And since you're so retarded that you think the fall of the twin towers didn't cost me money, it did. It cost everyone in the country money. Didn't we go to war because of that???? Or did you forget? Wars cost money and it doesn't come out of politician's pockets jerk off, it costs the tax payer, which is all of us. Secondly, just because I don't believe in illogical magic beings controlling my life, it doesn't mean I don't love my country.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    lots of the solutions here gave examples of persons, no longer international locations that attempted to guard some Jews. i'm inquisitive approximately your final assertion. What Arab international locations did no longer cooperate with Hitler? i will no longer be able to locate one!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are an idiot... "no life is sacred to any athiest" is complete bull and a rediculous stereotype... Athiests value human life, they just don't "value it because god said so" they value it because it HAS VALUE. You're a complete moron and YOU have no ethical standards.

    BTW, by your own rules, you're going to hell, you hateful b***ard.

  • Raatz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Nazis were Christians you troll.

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists doesn't support terrorism ;-p

    However, theists religious text accept murder in the name of god ;-p

    Osama murder in the name of allah and the Nazi murder in the name of god ;-p

    You should ask them not the atheists ;-p

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know humans can still have ethical systems independent of religions right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes because as atheists we don't follow a contradictory and vague set of morals that is prescribed by the church and other religions.

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