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Lv 4

super moms/dads...need help with toddler pillow advice?!?

okay, here's what I know. toddlers are supposed to get a pillow if they want one after age 2. Many people give them earlier but most advise giving them one after they change to a toddler bed.

now, here's what I know about my son... he's the worlds worst sleeper. he's nearly 15 months old. and I put him to bed tonight (nursing, like usual) and he rolled over, crying, climbed his little buns onto a pillow with everything from the abdomen up on the pillow (on his tummy as advised by his doctor) and proceeded to fall asleep that way (he NEVER falls asleep without nursing unless he's in the car). now, my question to you all (my mother is, I'm sure, asleep and I usually go to her for advice) is this... Is it a horrible idea to let him sleep that way in his crib? the pillow he fell asleep on is very very flat and it's pretty lightweight. what do you think? I'm up in the air about it! He will wake up in a bit (he always wakes almost exactly one hour after he initially falls asleep) should I try him on the pillow?

please, serious answers only! from MOMS or DADS! I'm looking for experienced moms or dads to answer who have children that are at least 15 months! thank you in advance!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My daughter is 18 months old and she has slept with a caterpillar stuffed animal that is like a body pillow. She loves it, and uses it all the time. It has been great for her and she hasn't had any problems. I think you would be fine letting your son use a pillow.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son got his first pillow at about 8 months old.. a very flat pillow, but pillow none the less. He's 3 now and refuses to sleep without a pillow. A trick I used though, and have recommended TONS of times is this.. if you are concerned about a suffocating problem from the baby getting trapped UNDER the pillow, simply put the pillow UNDER the sheet! It works just the same, and the baby won't get trapped under the pillow in the middle of the night! =)

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter is almost 16 months old and sleeps both in a toddler bed (she can climb out of her crib/pack n play) and with a pillow. She co-slept with me and my husband until about 14 months, and then we put a toddler bed up in our room because her room is on the complete other side of the house. I would allow him to sleep in his crib with a pillow now that he is nearly 15 months, I know some would disagree as you say, but if he is comfortable that way then I would let him. I first started letting my daughter nap with a pillow (just to see how she did with it) then I slowly started giving her one at night. She does well with it, and seems to sleep better, especially if she is congested or sick. I would try him with a pillow and see how he does if it were me, but its only my opinion. I just know from experience with my daughter, a pillow does help her sleep better. I hope this helps and good luck to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so are you saying that WITH the pillow he fell asleep on his own...without nursing? IF so - KEEP THE PILLOW !! :) LOL . seriously, I bet if you can get him to sleep without nursing for that initial bedtime, he will sleep longer than an hour! We hired a sleep trainer for DS1 when he as 11 mos.and we night weaned him and it worked like a charm in terms of him sleeping for longer stretches. But anyway, back to the pillow... I think it shouldn't be a problem as long as the pillow is quite flat like you say it is. The only issue I have with pillows is the dust /chemicals in the fill factor. I bought DS1 an organic cotton covered shredded natural rubber pillow ( toddler sized from ) and I like it so much I bought a big one for me !!, He doesn't use it as a pillow though, he mostly just hugs it or it provides a bit of a bumper from the toddler rail on his bed.

    My only other concern would be for his back and neck in the long term...... you might want to even consult with a chiropractor ... I hear they can work wonders on babies with sleeping problems anyway, might be worth looking in to??

    good luck!! I hope the pillow is the lucky charm for a good night's sleep!

    Source(s): mom of 2
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  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter was a little over a year old when she took a couch pillow from my mom's house. I put it in her bed with her since she was so fascinated with it. That's when she started sleeping with a pillow. It's not very large and it's fairly flat. She was younger than 15 months then, but she's 19 months now. There's been no problems.

  • Aline
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I gave my kids a pillow and bedding when they moved into a bed. My daughter moved into a bed at 18months, and had a pillow then. I wouldn't suggest putting a big pillow and blanket in the crib with your son though. It would just be too much in there with him. When he is in a bed, he could throw the pillow on the floor if it got in his way, but in a crib he is stuck with it. So I would wait until he is in a bed before bringing in the big stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really do not think it will hurt a thing! Turn your monitor way up in your room if it will make you feel better about it. My son slept with a pillow by 14 months but my daughter is 22 monthes and is fine without one.

  • 1 decade ago

    my son has had a pillow since he was able to roll over .

    this is because of reflux tho - it really helped him

    he loves it and always sleeps better

    we just gave him one of our flat ones - its soft but because its flat he doesnt sink in it .

    hes 17 months now and i put him to sleep on his back ( usually his sholders are on the bottom of the pillow ) and he will roll over to get comfy - his fav position is tummy and head on the pillow, hugging it for dear life with his bum in the air .. its so cute

    if he sleeps with it , let him have it

    ohh and waking up an hour after going down is part of the natural sleep cycle , if you dont want to go back in there to put him to sleep , he will have to learn how to self soothe himself

  • 1 decade ago

    My son started sleeping with a normal pillow when he turned one. We also put him in a twin size bed when he turned one. He will be fine with a pillow.

  • 1 decade ago

    its really a personal decision.

    i gave my son a pillow before he was 2 because that was the only way anyone was getting any sleep.

    he is now 2 (28 months) and totally fine

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