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should i go to the wedding?

ok me and a close coworker had discussed stuff about our wedding she is getting married end of march. i plan on getting married in November. when we talked we said well we will be brides maids at each others weddings this was a year ago. ok well i have talked to her several times about the wedding and never asked me to get sized for dresses so i let it be. she got upset cus her bridal shower is the same day my family and my fh are going to Daytona for the weekend that we had planned for 5 months now and i found out about the bridal shower 2 weeks ago. now for the wedding i got the invite and she didn't plus one for my fh i asked her if Steven could come she was like oh i asked him if he wanted to come he said he wouldn't be able to then i asked Steven he said she never spoke to him about it. was like hmm ok then i find out she put me in for a day off on the day of her wedding when i asked steven if he wanted o go he said if i did then he went up to me oh do u know what time it is i was like um no why he stated its 5 pm then they ill have the reception start at 9pm with just desserts. i was like hmmm wow rude much i told steven i dont feel like going due to all thes issues. should i just grin and go or rent a movie and stay home with my man.


i feel i am being used for just a wedding gift.

Update 2:

i dont care she is having desserts as her reception i find it rude we would have to get dressed and drive about 4 pm then sit threw ou the wedding then have to go out to eat some time inbetween or something till 9 pm to eat cookies and cake. if it was a afternoon wedding with cake and punch after or a wedding following a little reception i would be ok with it. but due to its a gap come on now that isnt fair or nice to do to family and or friends.

Update 3:

oh and i went dress hunting to find her wedding dress. so at any point she could had asked to see if i wanted to get messurements.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One of my besties is getting married in August, and she asked me to be one of her BMs. I told my boyfriend (who I'm going to be marrying) to make sure he had the weekend off so he could accompany me, but then I found out from one of the other BMs that the bride wasn't planning on inviting my boyfriend. I talked to the bride and flat-out said that if he wasn't invited as my escort, I would not attend her wedding as I felt it was unfair to him and he had already gotten the weekend off. She ended up sending him an invite without the "Plus One" since she already knew that he would be coming with me.

    If she's being the way she is, stay home with Steven or go out for a nice dinner with the money you saved from not being in her wedding. You'll probably end up having a much nicer time with him than if she ended up inviting him and not wanting him there (it's a really awkward situation).

    And no, you don't have to buy her a present if she's being like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your future husband is not invited, I think that you can tell her the truth in saying something like, 'I'm not sure if there was a misunderstanding, but if my husband won't be able to come to the wedding, I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable going either."

    If your fh ends up being invited, then I would probably just go to the ceremony part (only bc it will be awkward since you work with her), and then stop by blockbuster and rent a move... and stick it in the rest of the night. But, if she doesn't mention anything about your fh... I would not go.

  • 1 decade ago

    My goodness, how can someone forget that they asked you to be a brides maid is beyond my comprehension. Good Grief!! And, she is upset about your long terms to be out of town during her bridal shower. Whelp, if she followed through with her promise to have you in her wedding, then you would have already known not to book that date. Shame on you <----only kidding!!!

    And, with all the other if, ands and buts -- I would be tempted to stay home with Steven and sit this one out. I think Steven will be sick that day, don't you?? A 5pm wedding, you go home, they all go out for dinner without you, you return for dessert? Ooooh, so appealing. Yikes.

    This girl is either under a great deal of stress or she is somewhat of a weirdo. She lied about talking to Steven about how he did not want to attend her wedding. Did she not think that you would find out she made that up after talking to Steven??

    I am shaking my head over this total lack of respect this co-worker has for you.

    Now, the burning question?? How are you going to tell her she is not in your wedding?? Perhaps you can just forget about her like she forgot about you.

  • boice
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i prefer extra of a backyard sort wedding ceremony... like at an exceedingly superb southern plantation, have the marriage cerimony interior the interior mid-day, with the reception exterior interior the night while it cools down. i prefer chinese language (or is it jap?) lantern-esque lights with yellow roses and accents of orange with the main significant colour being white. basically some human beings from the two factors of the relatives (like 15-25 each and every). and the nutrition would be set up like an stylish buffet. thats all i've got been given to date, yet i think of that's going to be the suited wedding ceremony for me (if my destiny husband likes it too).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Personally i would never go to an event such as a wedding without my partner. Its just natural you go to those things together. So no i wouldnt go. I would say, unless Steven can come i wont be able to make it sorry. She seems controlling and just selfish.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Don't go. And don't get her a gift unless she gets you one first (you have up until a year after the wedding to send a gift, so you'll be married by then).

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to go, but you could still get her a gift. Maybe something that will show her how rude she is being. It could just be the pressure of planning a wedding, I hear they can get really stressful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't go. Renting a movie sounds good :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    rent a movie and stay home. she sounds rude a selfish

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