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My 13 month old daughter tells me when she pees and poops - too early to start toilet training?

I've heard lots of parents say that they don't start toilet training until their kids are around two years old. However, my 13 month old consistently tells us "I pee-pee" or "I poo-poo" when she pees and poops. Then she runs down the hall to her room to have her diaper changed. She also says "Mama pee-pee" or "Daddy pee-pee" whenever she sees one of us go to the bathroom. (Yes, she says lots of words already!). I know she's young, but the fact that she understands what she's doing and that she knows big people do these things in the bathroom makes me think she might be ready to start learning to use a little potty chair.


Ok - i'm leaning toward introducing it. If it doesn't work, that's fine. We'll wait a few more months and try again. It can't hurt to try! :-)

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You could always introduce the potty to her and see how she takes to it. Don't force her though because you might make her scared of the potty. 13 months is around the time that introduced the potty chair to my son even with everyone telling me I needed to wait. Be very patient with her, it may take some time for her to actually want to use the potty all the time. My son is 2 yrs and not completely potty trained but we're getting there.

    Good luck!

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Potty Training Tips
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1) Go for it 2) Do not be disappointed if this stops and does not start back up for a while We got our daughter a small potty and put it by the big one. She would sit there while we did. If you really want to try you should just let her run around naked. You will be following here with a towel, but you never know. That is up to you. If she says she has to pee pee take her to the potty and try. She might make it, but no matter what praise her for trying. Most likely at this age you are not going to have a lot of successes, but my daughter went on the potty 4 times the month she was 18 months. The she waited until a bit after to to try again. Give it a chance, she will be proud, but do not punish her for missing, the usual age for kids to really start trying I think is after 2. Who knows you might be potty trained by 2! Either way you have a long, emergency based road ahead! Enjoy seeing every bathroom in every store you will ever go into! Just be patient. As my mom said kids do not go to college without knowing how to do this!

  • 5 years ago

    It is vital to potty train your kid when ahead of he begins going to school. It is essential for them to keep away from undesirable accidents at college. Numerous colleges and day cares of the modern times neglect Those children who are not entirely potty skilled so if you want to understand how to potty train your child in only 3 day you will want this .

    Start Potty Training by Carol Cline comes with a amount of different potty training PDFs, video presentations that the mother and father can go through to help them speedily and effortlessly teach the powerful toilet training strategy to their youngster.

    The 1st six chapters of the system have background of potty training along with the strategies to put together for the approach. It also consists of the data about the correct age of your kid that is perfect for starting the potty education. It also discusses the indications that you must discover in your youngster to understand if he or she is ready for the very same or not.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's important to understand exactly what needs to be done and in what order to have your child fully potty trained. Check out this method

  • 1 decade ago

    Around the world, the average age that babies are fully potty trained is 12 months. Your daughter is more than "ready". The question is, are you? It takes a brave soul to ignore all the Pampers subsidized messaging saying that she is too young and really try it for yourself.

    We started our daughter at 16 months and she was fully trained by 18 is our story:

    Source(s): Early-Start Potty Training, Linda Sonna
  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's just fine to start "light" potty training. Don't be too hard on her (which I'm sure you wouldn't anyway). Make it fun for her, and make a big deal when she does even just a little sprinkle or pebble. I think it's good that she's ready so early.

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Recognizing that she has already pee'd/pooped does not mean that she has the ability to recognize the need to go BEFORE it happens, hold it long enough to get to the potty, and then manage her own clothing and voluntarily release it. That's what potty training is, and she's highly unlikely to reach that point for another year. It requires physiological maturity that she just doesn't have.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can definitely start now! At least introduce the idea to her. Get her a potty, and big girl underwear, but don't push it. That young, babies still aren't physically capable of controlling their bladders, that happens closer to age 2. Like I said, DON'T push it, or she may regress.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Sure is time to introduce it as she likes to be clean. . .be sure to use positive reinforcement!

    sounds like she is ready to start. You can try a schedule.

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