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Isaiah O asked in Food & DrinkEntertaining · 1 decade ago

having a mormon family over for a nice dinner.?

ok so we are having a huge family function this coming christmas. we have invited about 400 people and the even will be held at a local resort. ok so i have some issues here. we have a large group of the family that is mormon about 80 or so. well the dinner even will be very very nice but as we all know mormons do not drink coffee,tea, or alcohol. i have asked them if they mind it being served at the event. the general consensus is that its ok they just will not drink it.

my issue is that i really want this to be a nice even for everyone there. so what are some good drinks for our LDS family that can be on the menu? i know people will say soda and whatnot but is there anything else that might be nice for a memorable evening with family?

keep in mind that i have never done anything like this before and am a little overwhelmed as it is (i have some other friends and family helping but this entire thing will be a one time event for me as i do not wish to do this again lol)

i know planning this thing out this far in advance may sound crazy to you all but think of this. lodging for 400 people, feeding 400 people, getting 400 people out here (buss, plain, train, car etc...) some will need some money help to be able to attend. then to top that off my job gets super busy starting in aug through the end of november. i want to get as much done now as possible lol.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's sweet of you to be so concerned, but you really don't need to worry. Your Mormon relatives were being completely honest. We might not drink coffee or alcohol, but we don't really care when others do. They're not Mormon, so why would we hold them to our standards?

    You can always offer alternatives--hot chocolate, non-alcoholic cider, Martinelli's (which I personally think is revolting, but some like it), and soda for alcohol and coffee and tea. You'll probably need the soda for the children anyway, so buying a little more shouldn't be a burden.

    I can't believe you're even arranging transportation for that many people! You're either insane or insanely impressive, I can't decide. Good luck with all of that, though!

  • 5 years ago

    We don't drink wine given that it's towards the phrase of knowledge. Yes we will be able to have sugar and we love muffins. Usually despite the fact that whilst you're invited to dinner the humans website hosting the dinner furnish the beverages and the muffins that is going with the meal. If you might love to deliver some thing you would deliver like flora.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're going to be doing toasts, have some Sparkling Cider on hand. It's very festive and non-alcholic. And don't be offended if your Mormon family members leave when the other family members start getting drunk and unruly.

  • 1 decade ago

    I enjoy sparkling juice drinks (apple, cranberry, grape etc). And there also the plain fruit juices and water.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In England we drink shloer at christmas. I'm not sure you have that but it's sparking grape juice. Hope this helps.

  • LT Dan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    wassle, apple juice and spices and a tinybit of orange juice in my mom's old relief-society recipy book and my mom ue to always serve us sprite and egg nog, sound grose but it is so good... you will ahve to try it....

    cranberry juice and sherbert mixed togther.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bottled water and a variety of juices.

  • 1 decade ago

    Water, juices, and maybe sparkling apple cider.

    Source(s): lds
  • 1 decade ago

    fun non-alcoholic drinks such as a virgin pina colada or virgin daquari

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