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To those who say Ron Paul is not a conservative because of his "isolationinst" (actually non-interventionist)?

foreign policy, do they think Robert Taft and Dwight D. Eisenhower were liberals? Taft was known as "Mr. Republican", and Eisenhower warned about and coined the term Militay Industrial Complex in his farewell speech. Not to mention the GOP has historically gotten us OUT of wars, generally.


When did perpetual war become an officiall part of the GOP platform?

Update 2:

Even James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

Update 3:

Correction above: "isolationist"

Update 4:

Uncle Pennybags how does non intervention equate to a weak national defense?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Huh? Not sure what your point is, but call a spade a spade. Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Not saying he doesn't have many good things to bring to the table, but that is different from being a Conservative.

  • What some of these people do not seem to get is they think we have to be constantly involved in some foreign war or entanglement, as if that somehow makes us more secure. Well, that's a load of hooey. Fighting unending wars all the time does not translate into national security; it translates into wasting billions upon billions upon trillions of dollars in idiotic attacks on other countries that really accomplishes nothing. Perpetual wars have become the mindset in Washington, and somehow we have got to break away from that before it's too late.

    Non-intervention means we do not need over 600 military bases all around the world and we do not have to be shoving our theory of government down the throats of a bunch of Bedouin camel drivers in a dirtbag country halfway around the world. All this is getting us nowhere except closer to financial collapse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the Neoconservatives have raped the party, limited government is gone, freedom is gone, anti-war is gone, pretty much everything Republicans historically championed up until Nixon is GONE.

    You don't have to have world militarism to be involved with the world. If that's the only way to not be an "Isolationist" well then there is obviously fascism in America, because only a fascist would believe that world militarism brings peace, democracy, and stability.

    Would be a lot more peace in the world if people just followed the constitution, and made friends around the world in the world markets, instead deliberately looking for enemies to face on the battlefield.

  • 1 decade ago

    the US in 1940 had an army-a/f,navy of 100,000 men,a few ww1 battleships,some army units

    drilled with broomsticks instead of rifles,the popular notion that all we had to do was line up

    tanks,artillery,troops along borders 7 coastline meant,according to fdrs figuring on white house stationary in early 41,could defend 1 1/2 % of our coastline,,,

    the conflicts fdr saw approaching would require an army of 16,000,000 men.

    at the wars end, 45 april to august,,,the 2 continent world war killed 50-60,000,000 people.

    isolationism=noninterventionism= both useless.

    projection of US power,on bases accross the globe,traveling ships,has been a reminder,to most people, that trying to pound us will bring swift retaliation.

    And.if struck at and unfollowed by retaliation,more attacks will follow,as bin ladin observed from our retreat in somalia,abandonment under jimmy carter of the hostages in tehran in the 79 revolution,

    the bombing of marine barracks in lebanon (reagan).

    The US wishing to remain the impassive silent sphinx whose presence on the worlds seas

    & international waterways may cause resentment by many,and retaliation by a few.The military

    does this far from our shores,sometimes taking and causing casualties.Its called a forward defence

    and to those who don't like it,tough.

    the US deserves no label of fascism anyone obviously,smugly ignorant of whose history, industrial production and farm boy,store clerk soldier ability stopped fascist snakery on 2 continents

    central also were the russians,having lost 20,000,000 people to defeat the germans

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both Taft and Ike were what is called Rockefeller Republicans. They weren't so much conservatives as they were pro-business. Don't get me wrong, being pro-business is a staple of what conservatism is all about, but there's much more to it than just that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Conservatives believe in strong national security. Paul believes in non-intervention.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We didn't say we want to be interventionists either... We should do things that are in the best interest of the US. Being isolationist is not...and neither is intervening in everything.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They were conservative. not neoconservative. That is the difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like I said in the other one, they are actually Wilsonian progressives not conservatives.

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