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What are my chances of getting into MIT, Hopkins, Cornell, etc?

I am currently a Junior at a public school in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

Here are my stats:

Rank: 7/721 as of last year, will be 2 ,3, or 4 this year

GPA: unweighted: 3.9778, weighted ~4.4

Ethnicity: white male (if that matters)

PSAT: M 66 CR 62 W 62

SAT: M 640 CR 630 W 700 (taking them again and studying like crazy)

ACT: expect ~33+

SAT II: Chem 730 and will take Physics and Math I or II, not sure yet


Euro - 4

Bio, APUSH, Eng Lang - taking this year

Physics, US Gov, Eng Lit, Chem, Calc AB (my school doesn't offer BC but I may self study for it) - taking next year


VP of nature club (my school always wins local Envirothon)

Future Problem Soving Team Captain - came in 3rd in states freshman year

1st Chair Tenor Sax Jazz Ensemble + Symphonic Band, 2nd Chair in Wind Ensemble

Student Leader in Marching Band

Model UN

World Affairs Club

Mathletes (one of best on team, we do not compete in any major competitions, just local)

Debate Team next year

Foreign Language Club

Science Club (will be competing in Science Olympiads soon)

Environmental Action Club

Jr National Honors Society

Applying to National Honors Society Soon and will hopefully win VP

Community Service

Aid for Friends

JRA (Jewish Relief Agency) - will soon receive recognition for continual participation

Arrange ensemble of friends to play at a retirement home regularly


Clean up highway with Environmental Action Club


All highest levels possible. My school does not allow AP's until 10th grade, where Euro is the only option. 3 is the max in 11th, and only 4 kids do that, I am one of them. 6 is the max senior year, but band is a class so the max I could do is 5, and my school does not offer AP Chem, and the equivalent is Honors Chem 2, but I will be taking the AP test.


7-11 for 3 years (boss loved me)

I am applying to both the Drexel Summer Mentorship Program and Fox Chase Student Scientist. I expect to get into at least one, but possibly both if my essays are as good as I think....... Which would look more prestigious?

My college choices in order of preference:

MIT, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Stanford, Drexel, U Pitt

If I forgot anything, please ask!!!

Thank you so much!!!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As the previous poster stated, you should be fine with Drexel and Pitt however you will have to wait and see your final SAT and ACT scores where you stand with the other schools on your list.

    I can tell you that students accepted to MIT and Stanford have SAT math scores above 750 and overall grades generally in excess of 2200. MIT and Stanford will be reaches based upon your current/projected numbers..Hopkins and Cornell are the schools that you will have your best shot...assuming you improve your SAT scores. Again, you need to get your SAT scores up to at least 2100 - 2200 for Cornell and Hopkins.....and if you can get a 33 on the ACT you should be in the zone. That being said, acceptance to schools at this level can be very unpredictable and the Competition is fierce. People who look like easy admits on paper are routinely rejected. Good luck!

    Source(s): Both sons recently went through the process. Older son with SAT of 2360 and 800's in Math 1, 2 and Chemistry as well as 790 in World History and 760 in Bio was rejected by MIT. However he will be graduating from Princeton this spring and will be attending grad school at MIT in the fall. Younger son with ACT of 33 and SAT 2 of 790 in Physics and 760 in Math was recently accepted to Cornell Engineering ED.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get those scores up, and I'd say your chances are very good. Maybe better at the other schools than at MIT. You're a shoo-in for Drexel and Pitt, I'm certain, and I'd say your chances at Cornell and Hopkins are high.

    But the math and CR SAT scores are a concern. I wonder whether you are slightly overextended in terms of extracurricular activities, so that you don't have quite enough time to work on test prep. Think about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    This isn't directly answering your question, but if you're considering schools like that, take a look at Harvey Mudd College outside of LA. Great small math/science school for serious students who don't take themselves too seriously. The person in my family who went there loved it - he turned down CalTech to go there.

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