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Are you more religious than your parents or less? Also what Generation does your parents represent?

My mother and father were born in the early 30's and came from the Depression Era..My Dad was raised in the greek orthodox church, my mom a Salvation Army Christian.

My Dad is deceased but I am more religious than my parents are or were....

And you?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think being religious is what counts, but whether we are in the center of God's will and fulfilling the plan he has for our lives.

    My parents were born in 1900 and 1906. My mother died at the ripe old age of 97 in Dec. 2003. My dad died in 85.

    I wasn't as religious as them until I found the Lord Jesus Christ in a marvelous and mighty way when I was 27. But they were not operating in the love of God and gifts of the spirit which is necessary as far as I'm concerned. They had hard lives, but so did I in spite of my mother trying so hard, but she was not filled with the Holy Spirit, so she was trying in her own strength. Long story though.

    I have found the Lord in a new and better way and all any of us can do is trust the Lord and obey him, seek his face with all your heart if you are not close to him.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My parents were born during depression also. Dad was raised unity which is very new age and mom raised Methodist but embraced the new age movement.

    Dad didn't discuss God, mom talked about ghosts, mediums, psychics and reincarnation. This all sacred me as a kid. And I knew reincarnation was false and I didn't know why.

    I also knew about God. I knew him, i could feel that he was there, around me. I prayed each night my entire life. Even when I was a huge sinner and was lost I prayed to God.

    He later as an adult answered a prayer I had asked for when I was a child. It was about being an adult and there was NO other explanation but that God answered a prayer! This blew me away and I went on a search for the living God.

    I searched most main stream religions and found Jesus to be the way, the truth, and the life.

    I now have hope and my life has changed.

    My mother was recently baptized at the age of 83!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am less religious.. My parents were born in the end of the 60s, my mom was raised in a religious Jewish family and my dad in a secular to traditional, once my mom turned 21 I think she became secular. My family is secular and I really believe less things than what my parents do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My parents were born in the 50's. They were both raised in a strict religous household, and they still follow it, but I am DEFINITELY more. I am Jewish, and I love and respect my religion a lot. I know all about the history, language, cute facts, everything because I love it so much and I've been studying for 14 years. I want to be a rabbi. My whole family is religious, but I am more religious. YEP!!

    Source(s): meee (:
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  • 1 decade ago

    More. My baby boomer parents rejected Christianity when they married. I was raised up free of religion. I then started reading the Bible as self help. Then I went to church so I could find a girlfriend, and I really messed my life up. No girlfriend as usual, but I invited a ton of melodrama and made up arguments into my life for doing so. It came with some bonuses though. People help me move and I get free food sometimes, so I can deal with their extremism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely less religious!

    Idk what generation they're from. I know that they grew up in the 70's and 80's. My mom was raised in a strong Catholic household and my dad was raised in a strong JW household. My dad became more secular after he came to the US and my mom still remains a strong Catholic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More religious - they are (or were when alive) Generation X, born in the late 60s. They were raised Christian, and even though they are/were not atheist or agnostic, they are/were not interested in joining a particular religion.

  • Agent
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Less religious than my mother, about as nonreligious as my father. My mother is loosely agnostic, my father is atheist. My father was raised Jewish, my mother christian. They were born in the 1950s, post war period.

  • Marie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My parents were decent people.They both believed in God. But I am much more religious than they were. My grandmothers on both sides were very religious( one was Catholic and one was Southern Baptist) and led me to find God. They taught me by their example. I thank God for their spiritual legacy. Nothing is like the love of a praying grandmother....nothing better then that except God's love. God sent me two angels in the form of grandmothers. My dad did find Christ on his deathbed. My mom is alive( I care for her full time- elderly with Alzheimer's) and goes to church with me every Sunday. She was Catholic but has also accepted Christ and is getting baptized. Peace and blessings to you!

    Source(s): My father was one who served in the Navy in Word War 2. He was a member of the greatest generation that lived through that awful war. My mom was born in 1930.
  • 1 decade ago

    most of my family are non practicing christians meaning we were all christen'd but just out of tradition and not really as a faith thing, basicially were all athiest/agnostic

    my parents were born in the mid 60's

    Source(s): me is an athiest, mum is agnostic dad is athiest :)
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