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Need legal advice to know what I can do about full custody (kind of long but

I don't like putting my business out there but I need to get advice before I can really go do anything..

Okay, well I am a single mother to my 15month old daughter. When I was about 7 months pregnant my baby's father literally walked out on us and we ended it completely when he tried to come back. The day before I went into labor he called me talking a lot of b.s then gave me his rights over the phone with two witnesses. Also, the day I was leaving the hospital, he called and did the same thing. After that he wanted to see her. I told him I wanted him in her life so I didn't deny him the right. He waited til she was 3weeks to see her. After that, he never came again. While I was pregnant to now, he never paid a dime for her. I paid for the doctor visits and my mother paid for the hospital. And he took 400 I saved for my daughter. And from the third month I was pregnant, there was all types of abuse going on. He also threatened me and my boyfriend that has been there for my daughter since she was born. I have not had contact from him in a year or so but I do worry of him deciding one day to pop up. I personally don't want him to have the right to pop in and out her life while I have been a single teenage mother working hard to be there for her one hundred percent but I also don't want the possibility of having joint custody. If he could abuse me while I was pregnant I can't trust him with her. What should I do? Try to serve him and get full custody? Leave it alone? Do I have the chance to get full custody or is there a big possibility of joint custody? I need these questions answered please...

Thank you. I know this was long but I appreciate it all.


He has a criminal background as well. He has been in jail about twice since she was born. He has been in gangs and dealt with drugs as well.

Update 2:

And lets get one thing straight. It has nothing to do with me and him. My daughter went through hell before she was even born. I was pushed on my stomach twice during my pregnancy and she didn't move those days. So no it is not my comfort level with my ex. I want my child to have a good life. Not with a man who is going to break her heart and not be a father like mine wasn't. Everything I do is for her. I'm not immature like most girls who just don't want to see their ex. This is for my daughter.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can file a petition through family court to have him relinquish his parental rights... the judge will either do it or order him to share custody and be on the hook for child support. Family court judges are all about what's right for the child, not your comfort level with your ex, so you may end up with a support order. And unless he's a destructive, drug abusing asshole you can't really keep him from having the right to see his child, you have no grounds for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to file in court for support and for custody. It does no good to not have an order from the court.

    There are a lot of factors involved, and as the other answer said, the judge will do what is right for the child, which could in fact be full custody for you.

    Understand that full custody does NOT deny the father visitation rights, the judge will most likely grant him visitation, and the visitation will be set. Don't confuse the two.

    Him giving you his rights with witnesses over the phone is ridiculous, tell him to pound sand.

    Contact an attorney, file for custody, file for support. Before you say you can't afford an attorney, can you afford NOT to have the peace of mind?

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