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Basic Training (Military) relationship?

Hi there ---- Any spouses/partners or someone who actually went through basic training that could comment on a few things?

1 - What is the communication like in basic training? How many times does your partner get to phone you while there? My boyfriend is going in a week. And I would like to get some more information. Unfortunately, he doesn't have that much information to give me.

I understand, please let me know if I am wrong. But the first 4-5 weeks, they cannot come into any contact with you. Is this correct? Afterwards they get to come home on the weekends, if the group/platoon is good? They've done all that is required of them?...

- Nightlife, do they get to go out? Or do they work so hard throughout the week, that it is very hard to go out?

Could anyone please give me some insight on this? I am completely lost without information. He is leaving for 3 months, and it is going to be very hard on me. As I am sure it is on anyone else who has a loved one who is departing. He is going for MP. Anyone have some past experiences with this trade?

Lastly, is it hard to make it work? Relationship wise? It is going to be seven years, and I've spent pratically everyday of our 7 year togerther. Any comments / replies would be greatly appreciated.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I will take this one Question at a time

    1.What is the communication like in basic training? How many times does your partner get to phone you while there? During the first week you will get a phone call only one and it will only last about 1 min. the 2nd week maybe one call for about 5min. that week you will start getting his letters. Mail is a given from day one.

    2. I understand, please let me know if I am wrong. But the first 4-5 weeks, they cannot come into any contact with you. Is this correct?

    The only time that you will get to see him is the last week of basic training they have a family day you the day before grand

    3. After wards they get to come home on the weekends, if the group/platoon is good? No not during BT. during his AIT yes but not until the 3rd or 4th week as long as he as done done all that is required of him

    4. Nightlife, do they get to go out? Or do they work so hard throughout the week, that it is very hard to go out? BT No going out at all only down day you get is sunday and you still have work to do.

    AIT after the 3 or 4th week is like going to school you can have cell phones go out with in limits mainly on the week ends

    5. is it hard to make it work? Relationship wise? It is going to be seven years

    Yes but has long as he trusts you your good if for any reson you give him dout he may cheat. BT you have notting to worrie about AIT is like going away for school. If he he can be trusted your good to go, but if you have issues now with him cheating or things like that it wont work. After 7 yrs you know the answer to this one all ready.

    He sound a litte older than most of the kids that join so you guys will be just fine.

    MPs are the work bees of the army they do it all. they are skilled many diffrant areas so they depoly (Go TO war) alot so their will be a lot of time away from one another.

    I dont know how my wife does it ARMY Wives are their own breed not all women can do it.

    Source(s): 18 yr in the army 2yr as a drill married 2 times frist wife only stuck around 5yrs this wife going on 10yrs by the way BT 8 weeks AIT 8 weeks
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Basic Training (Military) relationship?

    Hi there ---- Any spouses/partners or someone who actually went through basic training that could comment on a few things?

    1 - What is the communication like in basic training? How many times does your partner get to phone you while there? My boyfriend is going in a week. And I would like to get...

    Source(s): basic training military relationship:
  • kim h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My son went through basic training for the Army the summer before last. You cannot leave and you are there for your 9 weeks. We hardly heard from him. The letters and stuff we sent sometimes he had to wait for. If there are problems or someone is not keeping up the whole unit gets punished by their mail and privileges being withheld. Now when he graduated family day was on Thursday, graduation on Friday and those going somewhere else for AIT training left on Saturday. He was staying there so we got to see him on Saturday and Sunday. During AIT they had to earn their privileges also and for a few weeks we still had not communication. If one person did something wrong every ones privileges were revoked. The only time they went out was after their AIT graduation. There was no night life. Even after he went to his first duty station and he was only a 7 hour drive from home he could not leave to come home without permission and sometimes it was not given. Good luck. Be supportive and send lots a mail and pictures.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    (1)you like to know what's it like in basic training?well they have a lot of thing's they have to they have exercises and meal-tel thing's they have to do so they need to be be thinking about what they are doing ok.(2)you are correct about that.they can not have contact with no they can't come home after they get done they have to go though more thing's.(3)they do not leave from the base but they can call.(4)it's going to very hard for the both of you need to keep in main that he well be back and you must stay true to him while he's gone and he well do the same for far as the relationship yes you can have one you just got to be understanding to him and know why he's doing the thing's he dose ok.if you have been with him that long then you should not have no problems ok.your friend fred

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    basic training military relationship

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    It appears that you husband has a problem and is unable to separate his military training from his personal life. I'm a vet that served four years. I had a serious relationship at the time of active duty and needed to separate my military life with my personal life. You know, leave your problems at the office king of thing. It seems to me that your husband has a male ego issue and low self esteem. My suggestion is that you contact the base chaplin for help. Get help now before the physical abuse starts. Contact the other service wives in at your husbands base. Seek the help of support groups. Don't try to handle this in your own. I wish you Gods speed and the best for you and your husband

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. a 3-4 minute phone call one to two weeks apart.

    A letter on a regular basis. Once every two weeks or so.

    No night life no drinking if they are found drinking they can actually be charged.

    Stop doubting your relationship. You will fight ALOT

    And I mean allot when he is gone if your anything like my fiance and I

    We faught all the time, I was mad he was gone and I had to try to make everything he did plus i did work. It was DAMN hard. But you'll make it if your meant to be

  • 5 years ago

    A reality of modern relationships is the knowledge that divorce statistics have been steadily escalating in recent years. Tips for avoiding divorce

    Even now, all marriages have between a 40 and 50 percent chance of divorce, which increases for second and third marriages, which is why it's more important than ever to have the necessary skills to ensure your relationship is secure against the threat of divorce.

  • 1 decade ago

    Damn. You have it lucky. In the US Navy, we had to stay there at bootcamp 24/7 for 8 weeks. The first two weeks we couldn't send letters or anything. It was only until week 7 that we even got phone calls. Count yourself lucky if you have anything more than this. Honestly it wasn't that bad, though. It made seeing her at the end of it all the better, plus you come up with creative things to say in letters. I ended up sending her a print of my hand with "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" lyrics on it. She still keeps it framed :)

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    A great way to get your ex back is

    They might realize they need you and come crawling back!

    If you do get back together, don't let the same issues that destroyed your relationship crop up again. Have a good, long talk about how you're both going to make it right this time.

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