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How many times can you read a book?

I can only read a book once, if I try to read it again I get bored. Odd.

How many times can you read a book?


Anybody have any tips for reading a book the second time. I want to read this one book again but I am already getting sick of it.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Often. I usually follow a specific pattern: If I loved the book, it gets better and better. If I hated it, it gets worse and worse.

    Also, I'm into the classics, and for some of them, you almost have to read them again to fully absorb everything (case and point, Les Miserables.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually I can read a book a 3 or 4 times before getting bored but a really good book I can read over and over again.

  • If I like it, I can read a book countless times. I never get bored of the books I like. I've probably read Artemis Fowl ten times since fifth grade, and goodness only knows how many times I've read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Of course, I have to wait a month or two before I want to read it again; there are very few books that I would want to read again as soon as I finished (the two I can think off are The Lord of the Rings and The Book Thief).

  • 1 decade ago

    There are 2 or 3 books I have read and read so many times I have had to buy replacements as they have fallen apart. Most books I can read once I can read again - I usually throw them away after I finish them the first time if I don't want to read them again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you're reading the wrong kid of book?

    I used to hate reading books more than once, the thought of sitting there for another hour or so reading it did my head in, but then... i changed the sort of books i read, and now i can read them a lot of times without getting bored.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was young I used to read a lot. I had two books that I must have read about 10 times. Now the books I read are mostly about sperituality and religion. I haven't read any of these books from cover to cover, and I have many, but I have read them in their totality by studying separate chapters as I study them. It's a different way of reading a book, more like studying a book.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on how much the book has to offer.

    Books with deep meanings I usually read again just to pick up different angles and perspectives. Some books are growing books: read them periodically throughout your life and, as you get older, they affect you differently with each reading.

    Then there are those books that just don't do anything for me, so I either grudgingly finish them or never finish them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I tend to read a book only once, I also tend to read every single word and internalize exceedingly well. It is as if I see it on the big screen. I don't miss too many details even on a first reading I rarely find I have to go back and re-read something that is referred to later in a novel. In fact I find myself craving the instance they reveal and resolve what I picked up on. I like that I read in such a detail oriented fashion. In book clubs I tend to bring the other readers insight they would have normally missed and I have so much more to offer because of it. The only problem is that I do read slower than most. It will take me twice as long as most readers because I do read all the words like 'and; of; if; then; when; or; in; it' to me those words can make the difference in the definition of a sentence and most people's brains automatically process them without really reading them. It is one of the reasons that allow people to interpret things versus knowing the meaning of.

  • Alwenn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Dozens and dozens of times until I know it practically by heart. I LOVE re-reading, I notice lots of things I didn't pick up the first time through. This one book was 1,100 pages long and as soon as I finished it I started it again because a) I'd basically forgotten the beginning and b) it was SO great.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Once. Or twice, I'm with you I get bored to easily. I can't even read a book all the way without pausing in between, because I get to bored & have to do something. But my brother, sister & Mom can read a book over, & OVER again & never get sick of it. I don't know how they do it, but I can't. But I still finish it. :)

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