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Ungrateful family members!!!!!!!!!....................10 points for best answer?

Me and my fiancee live together and I'm expecting our first child in July I'm 19 weeks pregnant.

My family has just relocated closer to us, in the same town.

Since they have been here they have asked us to do things for them every day!!!

And my fiancee works shift work.

My mum, sister and brother stayed with us in our one bedroom house for a month until they bought a house, we got AUS $100 total for them all staying with us, mum did help us out with food but we are going to end up with a massive power bill because they had the air conditioning on "every single night". ( that's no exaggeration ) my sister almost lived off my internet too.

We cooked most nights also.

Since they moved out into there new home we thought we were safe but it just got worse/ mum messages us nearly every second day to come and pick up her recycling and stuff she wants to take to the second hand shop. So we feel like we have to do it.

We have carted heaps of stuff back and forth from our house to the new house, we even gave them our sofa bed to have while at the house.

Whenever asked I pick my younger brother up from school or drop him off

My sisters boyfriend moved over recently so my sister and him have moved out into there own place so we had to pack all of my sisters things into our car and take it up to their place, we also carted the big sofa bed up there too cause she wanted it, we gave them a little bar fridge and still they haven't offered us any money for.

My sister and her boyfriend wanted to pick up some furniture so they paid us petrol to do it, but they hired a massive big trailer and our car had alot of trouble pulling it, after taking the trailer off the car felt like it had something wrong so I messaged my sister telling her "I don't think we can pull the trailer again tomorrow cause i think there's something wrong with the car", but I got no reply from her, so the next day we went up and had to cart the trailer around again but this time they didn't pay for petrol. And didn't care if the trailer was too much for the car.

My mum asked us (me & my boyfriend) to take her to the airport because she was meeting her partner over where they use to live to finish up everything, the airport is 170km away so there and back is 340km she was only going to offer us AUS $20 Petrol to get there and back but that wouldn't even get us there with our 6 cylinder car!!! So my sister took her in her car.

Mum also said and she offered me and my bf AUS $100 to take care of my little brother for a week, well as soon as she got on the plane and arrived she was complaining to other family members that we were asking too much money from her!!!!

I can't complain to my sister about mum cause my sister tells our mum everything I say!!

I have done so much for my family more that what I have written here and in the end were the bad ones!!

How can I deal with this problem???

I'm not doing anything like that for them again.....

Help :'(

10 Answers

  • jv
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh my! your family is taking advantage of you!! You've gotta speak up or else it will never stop!! you need to be saving for your child and you need to be stress free, they should be helping you out!

    Next time they ask for something tell them no, even if they get upset, tell them you have your own life to live and that they are costing a lot of money that you need. Tell them you will help certain things but they gotta pay up first. If you they don't like it then i'm sorry to say but you're better off without them. Sometimes it's hard to say no to family but it has to be done cause they obviously don't care too much about your feelings or money...Stay strong!!

  • 4 years ago

    Ungrateful Family Members

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Stop acting like such a sap, and they will stop taking advantage of you. They only do it because they can. For example, when you first saw the size of the trailer she had rented, you knew it was too big for the car. At that point, you should have said, "Oh, crap, sis, what were you thinking? I can't pull that behemoth with my little car. Looks like you'll have to rent a pick-up truck, as well."

    And brooked no argument, just shrugged your shoulders, said a cheerful "Sorry", got in your car and returned home. But you say "yes" to their every request, no matter how much it imposes on you and your boyfriend's life, no matter how it destroys your budget. It will only continue until you refuse to jump when they snap. You must have respect for yourself before they will have any.

    When you first refuse, they will argue and wheedle and call you bad names, and if you give in, they will then know that all they have to do to get you to do what they want is to argue and wheedle and call you bad names. So you have to stand your ground, the first time, the second time, the third time, however many times it takes them to realize that you are not their servant....oh, wait...servants get paid, make that their slave. You will have to accept right up front that your refusing will cause a division in the family. They may refuse to speak to you for a long time. But you have to establish some boundaries for yourself and strictly enforce them before they will respect you. As for being grateful, forget that. Users are never grateful. Accept that they will always feel entitled to take as much as you are willing to give and complain that you didn't give more. You can love them anyway and laugh at them with your boyfriend for thinking they are royalty when clearly, they are not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be assertive and tell them how they make you feel. You, as ive read so far have done a lot for your family and they need to respect the fact you have your own life and they cant just "use" you like that and be ungrateful. Your about to have a baby you don't need ANY of this stress what so ever. Too much stress can cause a miscarriage! Good luck i hoped i helped :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Clearly, your family is taking advantage of you. You will need to say No and take care of yourself and your family. Unfortunately, they may pull away from you. This can be hurtful, but since they are using you, they may not want to just be there for you. You do need to take a stand and be strong and healthy for your baby. Good Luck.

  • Jane
    Lv 4
    5 years ago would have taken 1 day to think and 1 hour to type. It is a good set of questions not only for politicians but also for all of us

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't want your family to bother you again, I'm afraid that there's no other way than to live in a place unknown to them far away from where they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Learn to say no without offering excuses.

  • 1 decade ago

    tell them all straight up how you feel, if they don't understand you do not need them!

  • www
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    say no

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