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How do you tell your hubby you want a divorce?

I have been married for 23 yrs now. I am very unhappy in this marriage and have been for awhile. there are lots of reasons why. the main is because he drinks. Anyway he swears he loves me and I think he does the way he knows how but that's not the way I want to be loved. he never wants to spend time together and other then sleeping in the same bed we really are just room mates and that's it.

I know though when i tell him he is going to be crushed and he will beg and cry and I am not or have I ever been good at hurting people. So how do I do this without giving in when he gets upset?


I have told him its me or the drinking before and he has made his choice. and as for the signs nope not really there we were 18 yrs old of course he drank we all did. and it really didnt become a problem until a few yrs ago. as his alcoholism has progressed.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You aren't his mother. He chose the bottle over you and this marriage. If leaving him causes him to get upset, then he has no one to blame but himself.

    If you think his crying and begging will cause you to stay with him out of pity, then you need a better plan, then just saying I want a divorce.

    First, you rent a house or apartment, then you file for a divorce. While your husband is at work, pack all your things and have them moved into your new place before he gets home from work.

    If you honestly feel you're too weak to tell him to his face that you're divorcing him. Then make sure you don't say anything to your husband and you are completely moved out of the house the day before your husband is going to be served with the divorce papers. Leave him a note saying that you can't take his drinking anymore and you're getting a divorce. Then get out of the house before he comes home.

    Divorce is NOT for the weak. If you truly want to end this marriage and start a new life, then you have to stop being such a push over. Going through a divorce is not pleasant. You have to be strong and make a clean break. If you truly want a divorce and you feel you can't stand up to your husband and not allow him to manipulate you. Then you have to block any contact you might have with him and have your lawyer handle everything.

    You have to closely plan everything out ahead of time. Get your own bank account, rent a place to live in, arrange for a moving company to move everything you want out of your house and into your new place before your husband gets home from work, file for a divorce and have your husband served with the divorce papers immediately after you move out of the house. Don't give your husband your new phone number and if possible don't let him know your new address. Have your lawyer state in the divorce papers that your husband can not call, come to your new home or where you work and that he can not bother or harass you in anyway. If he does then you can get a restraining order against him.

    Like I said, getting a divorce is not for the weak.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a horrible situation to be in, and I can well understand how you will feel when you tell him, because you are a women with a good heart. However you have put up with this I guess for the majority of your whole marriage, and you have the right to a happier life for yourself, especially as you approach older age, what good would a drunken husband be to you in a case of an emergency if you were suddenly have to be rushed to hospital?

    Drink as you know interferes with every ones lives in that family, and if he can not change or get help for his addiction, then you should leave him. Why not give him the ultimation that if he does not stop even with the help of an organisation then you will seek a divorce. He will make promises no doubt, but if he is truly addicted he will go back to drink, so just go ahead and get the divorce papers served on him, and refuse to talk to him or explain why, tell him you have done that already and he choose the drink over you.

    Whist you have to wait for the degree nisi, just get out and about a lot from the house, have weekends away with friends, but keep as far away from him as you can, it will help you stay strong. Don't give in to him when he wails and cries - he is ruining the rest of your life if you stay, and he has no right to do that, especially after all those years you have given to him.

    Good Luck just try and stay strong.

  • 1 decade ago

    well first let me say im so sorry you feel this way i know its must be a very hard situation and even harder for me to comment considering im getting married may 8th one thing i have learned is sometime before people get married there are signs that if you make that next step there might be divorce in the future like im sure he has always drunk and maybe always had signs he was a boring person but when your young you settle thinking things will get better or maybe he will change but for me if my man turns into any of those things i cant say i had any warnning signs we have been together for four yrs and living together for three and have two kids i wish my self the best everyday and pray this decision is right i hope the same for you considering you been married for so long i hate that it had to come to this but truth of the matter there is never a easy way to say those words and even more i hope he aint the type to snap and hurt you if you have watch that tv show im sure none of them would have ever thought there wife would have done that never think it cant happen to you so pray and follow your heart may Jesus be with you in your decision cause everyone needs to be happy

  • 5 years ago

    It probably IS just the drugs. What can you do for now? You should be able to ask a nurse, doctor or the hospital chaplain for advice and even (most likely the chaplain would do this) to speak to him about it privately if you feel it's necessary. I would say it's most likely the drugs though, people say some crazy stuff when they are in pain and doped up, asking a doctor or nurse about this could set your mind at ease because they deal with this every day and their take on it will be from a professional view.

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  • Donald
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He has the compulsion to drink, wrong type of guy, go yourself and file

    for a divorce!

  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree with The Mrs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him its the alcohol or you. If he chooses you, you will help him through staying sober by finding resources and supporting him.

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