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About 1500000 of Palestinians are refugees in their home lands. Then why No body is bothered?

The world police like behavior of US and allies are always biased particularly against Israel who made huge refugees in Palatine and still planning for 1600 new construction resulting more refugees of this helpless society in their home land. Why justice is denied to this poor Palestinians only ?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People are aware of the situation and are seriously bothered. The problem is how to convert our concern into something useful. For many of us, there is no way to make a short term difference. When the richest and most powerful nation on earth supports another nation committing crimes against humanity and international law, the only weapon available to our leaders are words. Bullies are not often impressed by words .... as you can tell. On the other hand, each of us has a tiny amount of economic power: we choose what we buy, where we invest and where we take our holidays. I choose not to spend my money with those who commit inhumane acts or who act as though they are above international law. If others did the same, the message would get through. If our leaders continue to support the nations who are doing wrong (in our opinion), then we have the option to vote them out of office. In the UK, we have an election soon. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to show our feelings towards those who put cosy relationships before justice for the Palestinian people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do the Pallies get special treatment by the UN? They are the only group in the world where the kids, and grandkids of refugees are also considered refugees. If the UN would use the same definition as it does for other refugees, only those who actually flee an area are refugees and their descendants are not. Using that definition there are on a few tens of thousands of refugees, not 1.5 million as you claim.

    Since the Pallies in the Gaza and West Bank were not displaced, they are not refugees even using the bogus definition of the UN. They are where they were and have not moved.

    Lastly, how come that great big loving oil rich Muslim Brotherhood does not take them in? How come Egypt refused to take back the Gaza when it made peace with Israel? How come Jordan refused to take back the West Bank when it made peace with Israel? Israel did offer all of the Gaza and most of the West Bank during the peace negotiations and they BOTH refused to take the land back. It was Egypt and Jordan more than Israel that screwed the Pallies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the only good the USA still exports on world class level is weapons... to Israel.

    Israel is economically the most stable country in that area.

    Of course they know about the genocide Israel commits, but the rich people will always decide on their own who is the victim and who is the attacker.

    Those people above me are a good example for the successful propaganda by the rich against the poor

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Its because they want to own it. And they don't. They have lost three wars, when a people lose a war they lose territory. The land now known as Israel was part of Britians Palestininan Protectorate, its didn't belong to Arabs, and both Arabs and Jews lived there. Its never belonged to Palestinians, it was part of the Ottoman empire and also to the French for six hundred years.

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  • Mary H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is a very sad situation, but it has always been the same, "The Lord helps those who help themselves", at present, we Brits are losing enough of our young people fighting other folks wars, but I would love to know that peace exists for everyones sake. Be happy x

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First, it's probably not a good idea to ask for justice for the Palestinians. As we all know, the "Palestinians" are terrorists and genocidal, bloodthirsty psychopaths. If we were to bring them "justice" they really wouldn't like it much..

    Secondly, the "Palestinians" created their own refugues. Israel didn't force them to leave, they did it to make the planned genocide of every Jew in Israel easier.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most of the world is bothered

  • 1 decade ago

    Because of this: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)."

    In case you need your memory refreshed, that's from the Hamas charter. Hamas would be the ruling party for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Hamas would also be a terrorist organization.

  • 1 decade ago

    It’s been nearly half a century. They are only refugees still because they refuse to do anything to benefit their own society but scream “oh whoa as me” while doing terrorist actions against Israel.

  • nlv
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think you have at least one extra 0.

    I care, lots of people care.

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