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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationMotorcycles · 1 decade ago

Whats with the Harley and Cruiser riders hating on the Sports bikes?

Just curious i ride a ninja 250 and i seem to get a lot of strange looks and hate from the harley and cruiser riders. And i don't know why i am 17 never been in a wreck never got a speeding ticket and i always ride with the right gear on and everything. What is with the hate? Or dislike?

I have had harley riders tell me that my "Rice Rocket" Would get blown away by there harley's/ Cruisers. Not to mention i am not even interested in racing them. What really piss's me off is when i took my gf to the movies Friday night some harley riders started talking crap and started hitting on my girl it pissed me off so much. So WTF is up with this crap?


Yearround its a sports bike its even classified one so please take that crap some place else =).

Update 2:

And i don't hate on what others rides i just keep to myself. And focus getting to where i need to get to safely =).

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What's with your desire to be accepted by those other riders? Who cares what you ride and what another person rides.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ah yes, another sport bike rider so gifted that everyone else on the road holds him up. Funny how you never see these guys at the track. Cruisers are for cruising, is that really so hard to understand? You sound just like every other dude out there that owns a sport bike because you think it makes you look cool, not because you are a true motorcycle enthusiast. If you were a true enthusiast you would appreciate all types of motorcycles for what they are and realize they are all made for different types of riding and all have their pros and cons. Try touring across the country on your gixxer and see how superior it is then...oh, that's not what you bought it for?? Well guess what, guys don't buy Harley's to drag their knees through the twisties either.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the general consensus that it shouldn't matter what you ride, ride what you like and don't worry about anyone else. I ride a 110cc Honda scooter because of back problems, I can't be bent over like on standard cycles, and will say that the Harley & Cruiser riders have been nothing but respectful of me. A lot of them have even complimented the bike etc, it will do 55mph so its not a slouch. Anyway the sportbike riders I've come across make the comments and sneers etc, but most not all are 20 something yr olds that egos are bigger than their riding capablilities. My point is who cares what others think. We scooterists are the most ridiculed bunch on two wheels and we don't care.

    Source(s): Honda Elite rider & long time motorcycle enthusiast
  • 1 decade ago

    Try this; the next time you get what you call a "strange look and hate" look from a HD or cruiser rider, try smiling, giving them a thumbs up and say "Great looking ride!" You'll find that many of those same people can appreciate sport bikes for what they are, it's just that as a matter of personal preference they don't care to ride one. You'll find that when you can accept and appreciate a HD or cruiser for what it is and the person who rides it, they will reciprocate.

    As far as the jerks hitting on your girl, there are plenty of a$$holes around and what they're riding or driving has nothing to do with it. Also, are you sure they actually rode HDs? There's some really good looking Yamaha Star bikes that are very hard to distinguish from a real HD. And there's plenty of people who dress like a biker but the closest thing they have to a bike is the big HD sticker in the rear window of their beat up pickup truck.

    You're young and impressionable and as such, young people are prone to jump to conclusions. The best way to annoy a jerk is to either ignore them or be nice back to them (even if you don't really mean it). Most jerks do stuff just to get a reaction from you. When they don't, they'll go find someone who will. As someone who's been around for a long time, I can tell you that for the most part, people are decent and just want to be treated decently. It's just as easy for you to be pleasant and polite as it is to be just another jerk.

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  • Tim D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    “I have had harley riders tell me that my "Rice Rocket" Would get blown away by there harley's/ Cruisers.”

    Until you reach some corners – remember any knob can go fast in a straight line.

    A 1200(+)cc v-twin is faster in a straight line than a 250cc parallel twin – wow, really?

    fwiw the Ninja 250 is a 30 year-old engine wrapped up in some snappy bodywork it is not the top of the sports tree – which is what makes it nearly perfect for a novice.

    There is nothing wrong with being a novice everybody started somewhere. Ignore the posers who have conveniently forgotten their learning curve (or haven’t started yet), ride what you like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the non-riding public sees some squid on a Ninja or Gixxer pulling wheelies on the freeway during rush hour or doing a stoppie at a traffic light. This gives all riders a bad name. I've been riding for over 30 years and I ride a big cruiser. I don't care what you ride, just stay out of my way and we'll get along fine. There's a time and place for stunts and the I-10 freeway at rush hour is neither the time nor the place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Owning a Harley doesn't automatically make you a hater of sport bikes, nor a d-bag that would hit on another guy's girl. I own an '04 Fat Boy. And an '06 Suzuki GSF650. And an '85 Honda V45 Magna. I'm a Harley, sport bike, metric cruiser owner. My opinion is that it is not WHAT you ride, it is THAT you ride. Sorry you're running in to the element that gives the rest of us Harley owners a bad rep. They're the minority, believe me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's a matter of jealousy and or attitude. I have rode cruisers (not Harley's) for almost 10 years now. The jealousy comes from the attention that they lose when a Sport Bike comes around, the attitude comes because they are in denial about knowing that their Harley's will get blown away by a good sport bike rider. I have rode with all types of riders and have chosen to ride solo 98% of the time. The fact is I know that a good sport bike rider can take my Yamaha Warrior 1700 almost any day. Just remember when riders like that hit on your girl, just bear in mind that she goes home with you at night, not them. Maybe it hurts there feelings that they can't have her. Keep that chin high!

    Source(s): 10 years riding metric cruisers.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you're blowing this out of proportion. Most of the negative attitude I've seen seems to come from the sportbike camp instead. Every Harley and cruiser rider in general that I've seen takes more of a "live, and let live" approach to riding. Meaning that they don't really give a flying **** what you're riding, as long as you're not blasting them for their choice of ride either. It's the sportbike riders who seem not to be able to come to grips with someone riding any other type of bike out there other than the latest 150+hp 4-banger.

    Source(s): Oh and just for future reference, a Ninja 250 is not a sports bike. It's a standard that Kawasaki just happened to dress up with some bodywork. When you move up to a ZX-10, THEN you can say you honestly have a sports bike.
  • 1 decade ago

    reading some of the answers given proves the one fact, It's those who ride the Sports bike who has the problem with the other riders. Child like behavior is the norm for alot of them, unable to cope with what life has handed them. Which is an insecure feeling that no one likes them, period!

  • 1 decade ago

    Listen to Bikinkawboy, he's right.

    There's more to it sometimes....

    Joking disrespect is a trademark among some. If you can take it, you're good. If you can give it back later, even better.

    Short story: my first bike was a Honda CL360. The ONLY compliment this pristine old bike got was "shiny gas cap" - in itself high praise, but only if you understood that.

    As I said, listen to Bikinkawboy.

    Your keeping to yourself and single-mindedness fosters the split.

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