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Lv 6
NiJo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do we elect our politicians to represent us in Washington? Or do we elect them to lead us?

I would rather not have a con/lib hate fest. I want to know what yahoo answers people think about this. And no "case" studies or current event facts. I want your singular opinion of what role a politician should play once he/she has won the office.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    our forefathers fought for the right to be REPRESENTED. 'no taxation without representation'

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    When the people are informed and voice their opinion they should listen to the people. Many times issues were going through until the representatives heard from the people i.e. the Dubai Ports deal. Letting an Arab Security Deal go through with our sea ports and it was killed.

    Usually the Representatives go about their merry way making deals and doing what they do best but have listened in the past this is what is so maddening, they are not listening.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the goal of our government is total control of the people. It does not matter who's side your on. They take what they want when they want. It won't be until the whole of America is in poverty,that we will rise up and take it back from them.Most of what they do is illegal under the Constitution. This Government was designed for the people not for the Government. When we have nothing left to lose you will see a rise to a civil war. They won't keep us down. There are way to many of us to be able to control. We just haven't lost enough yet.However, when it comes down to feeding your family most will not stand by idly waiting for the government to help.

  • Alex
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The role of the government and, by extension it's fuctionaries, is to do for the people that which they cannot do for themselves.

    How that is defined is what gets people all worked up. Some on the far left would argue that we pretty much can't do anything without government intervention, while those on the far right would argue that the people can do it all for themselves.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Founding Fathers the place so poetic and smart. They have been nicely study adult men whose history substitute into the British Empire and their foreground substitute right into a brilliant open destiny in a u . s . that had no longer yet hit puberty. in spite of the shown fact that, they crafted a less than excellent shape because of the fact it did no longer incorporate the rights of interior of sight human beings and that they too the place the creators of the yank unusual business enterprise. those comparable Founding Fathers contradicted themselves interior of their very own lifetime. The integral do what I say, no longer what I do. Capitalism had no longer yet seeded into the government, ideals the place shared and records the place the handwritten grasp piece of each and every community. It substitute into the promise of what they could do, and how they could be distinctive under rule, extremely of a monarchy. on your question, we've elected officers who do no longer recognize the form. They run for a constitutional place of work to run government like a business enterprise. A "C student" in a business enterprise college would desire to tell you that working a 2 hundred year previous paperwork is in comparison to a business enterprise. extremely of public servants, we get politicians who think of in terms of.......words. whilst they are going to be in place of work and for a manner long. upload that to 550 individuals of Congress expanded by making use of a a million or 2 term President, stir a dash hater rhetoric, a pinch of actuality and then a pound of hassle. mixture thoroughly in freedom language, sprinkle some constitutional words and then thats it! we've something referred to as a central authority that gets no longer something accomplished, no person is familiar with who did it, no person is going to be incorrect. To make doubly beneficial we unravel it we glance at and that too is it! perhaps. My factor is in the present day, their are no longer any lines of duty interior of government. The Founding Fathers suitable or incorrect, slave dealer or no longer, stood by making use of his be conscious and stood for something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe people like to think that they elect politicians to represent us but in reality politicians "lead us" by going after their own agenda or that of their wealthiest donors.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We do not elect our legislators to lead. They are elected to represent us. We do elect our president to lead, but he serves by the will of the people via his own election every four years.

  • 1 decade ago

    We USED to elect them to represent us, which is they way it is supposed to be... but a growing number of people dont have the mental power, nor will to do anything on their own, thus they want someone to lead them like sheeple.

    And you get what we have now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL the whole idea is for representation but their arrogance convinces them that they are to lead us.......they think we work for them instead of how it was intended that they work for us. They ( Democrats ) think we are too inferior and stupid to take care of ourselves and their constituency proves them right..... they want nanny government to hold thier hand cradle to grave and have the rest of us pay for it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We elect them to represent us. That is the whole idea of representation.

  • 1 decade ago

    We elect them to represent us. To do what the majority of Americans want. Yesterday they showed they don't give a flying **** what we want.

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