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Lv 5
ArmBar asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Bush gave us the Iraq War, Obama gave us Health Care Reform- Which of these is a better use of a $1T Dollars?


Neither was properly funded-

and Both will ad to the deficit-

Both cost around $1T-

Which one do you think is a better use for the money-

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You hit a home run with this question. This how I feel also, Obama won the election based on a platform that called for health care reform . Bush waged a war based on lies that has cost over a hundred thousand people their lives and injured more cost this nation a trillion dollars based on information by an Iraqi man named " curve ball" that Germany and France investigated and found was unreliable at best .The gathered information from another who was sent to Egypt and tortured and later admitted to giving false information so he could leave Egyptian prison.

    Their is a report that documents 935 different times that Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld had misled or lied to the American public in an effort to wage war with Iraq. During these campaign of lies it's also documented CIA were at a loss of words as to why they were exaggerating or adding things to their reports to make it appear worse than it really was.

    Source(s): Jim Morrison, Al-Qaeda was not in Iraq , their were never training camps in Iraq for Al-Qeada. This comes from the CIA. CIA reports they were astounded at how Bush manipulated or exaggerated information to make it appear a lot worse than it actually was. Darren , 5 years from now religious zealouts will be the government of Iraq and their leader will make Saddam Huessein look like a choir boy. Darren in 5 years Iraq will be contolled by religious zealouts who hate us and will make Saddam Huessein look like an angel.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush that was security and would prevent some spending in the future, Obama is just giving everyone money. Neither will probably produce enough results to cover the amount spent but Obama's is giving a false sense of security and was also only spent in 1 year, were Bush spent that money over 8 years.

    Boomhauer is ignorant if he thinks terrorists are just going to go away and think of the Iraqi children who have better schools now and of all the top people from Al-Quida that have been killed or captured those people can no longer suicide bomb innocent people or oppress those people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush spent 3T dollars, but i think health care is a better use of our money.

    The Iraq war was an invasion of a sovereign nation (even if its leader sucked, its no excuse) There were no WMDs, we should have packed up and come back home.

  • 1 decade ago

    The health care bill mandates you to buy health insurance from insurrance companies. It is not a public option. It forces you to buy a product. It is good for insurrace companies! Not us. Wake the hell up! This bill lines thier pockets and puts them at an atvantage to raise rates. Obama works for them. He is two faced, an actor and a liar. Where is the public option? Where is compatition? Obama sucks! He is helping grease the palms of everone that funded his campain. He works for them. Sqeezing even more money out of us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They both are serving their underlying purpose - destroy the US as a military and economic power in the world. Check out some international news sources for the world-wide reaction to this so-called health care reform victory. - Countries are calling for a 'global economic and social system' to prevent countries like the US and Greece from outrageous spending and bad policies that are endangering the world financial stability. Even the Pope just said that a global economic system is absolutely necessary. Germany is livid with Obama, as are China and Japan. Bush bought the coffin, and Obama is putting the final nails in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    well ... since obama is starting another civil war i'd have to say the iraq war was worth it . Have you seen how good the people of iraq are doing now . I think liberating Iraq was great ! And I don't think we got any oil out of it either , no mater how much libby's want to say it was for oil.

  • NiJo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Wow, the 80's line "I saw a dead head sticker on a Cadillac." And now Jim Morrison (mojo) rising from the grave to defend George W. I do so love freedom of speech.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, at least the war didn't create an entitlement for generations to come. HC will cost a lot more than a $1 trillion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask the millions of Iraqis who were freed from the tyranny of Hussein. And ask us again in 5 years when we're saddled with trillions in entitlement deficit.

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The war in Iraq because you have to be alive to get health care!

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