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I have two Questions for Shia's?

Asalamu alaikum wa raghmatulahi wabarakatu

I have a two questions for those who are SHIA's, or those who were Shia's.

These questions are not to insult or degrade in any way. I only want to learn.

And if you do feel insulted in any way by my questions I apologize.


Do you believe that Ali(ra) is greater in rank than any Nabi/Prophet of Allah(swt)? Any Prophet, whether it be one of the 25 mentioned in the Quraan or any of the ones not mentioned in the Quraan?


Do you believe that the rank of Fatima(ra) is greater than or equal to the rank of Mariam(ra), The Mother of the Messiah, Nabi Eesa(as)?



I did not ask this question so people could mock other people's beliefs.

I am asking to the Shia's what are their beliefs, I did not ask what other people think of the beliefs of Shia's.

Update 2:


There are a few things I would like to clear up first.

first. We, Muslims who follow the 4 major Sunni Madhabs, DO NOT consider Sahaba's anywhere close to The Ambiaa(as). i.e. ANY of the Ambiaa(as), whether they be of the ones mentioned in The Quraan or the ones not mentioned. The Ambiaa(as) are THE BEST of mankind.

When we say the sahaba are "the best", we only mean of everyone besides The Ambiaa(as); this should be emphasised more since there are those who do not find it obvious and then misconceptions arise.

second, We DO NOT consider those who reject Bukhari and Muslim Kaafir. We only follow it as best we can , BECAUSE we believe that these Books portray and have recorded the SUNNAH, of The Nabi Muhammad(saw), the MOST accurately.

The ONLY Book that you would be a Kaafir for rejecting is the HOLY QURAAN.

Update 3:

Thirdly, The Nabi Muhammad(saw) compared a few of THE ACTIONS AND MIND sets of his Sahaba(ra) to The Ambiaa(as). NOT their Imaan or their ranking. This does not make them at all as good or better than the Ambiaa at all.

Update 4:


If we do not learn from our History, we are bound to repeat it.

Update 5:


The Sheikh's speak and lecture a great deal about all the Prophets of Allah(swt).

However, they lecture and speak more about The Nabi Muhammad(saw) than anyone else. And when they speak and lecture about The Nabi Muhammad(saw), they will also talk about the people at the time of The Nabi Muhammad(saw), especially The Most Pious of them, who were his(saw) Sahabah and his(saw) family.

11 Answers

  • Joe T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Astaghfir Allah @ shiites saying that imamat are greater than the Rusul (pbut). Kuffir much? Read the koran, Allah azewejjel says they are the best people and praises them. Allah azewejjel chose the Rusul (pbut) to spread his message but they are in a lower rank? Read the koran for once.

    Source(s): Allah azewejjel knows best.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. The Prophet Muhammad said, "Their (My Ahlul-Bayt) preference [is] over the Prophets and all the people."

    2. “Fatima is the chief of the women of Paradise.” (Sahih-Al-Bukhari Vol. V, chapter 29, The

    Merits of Fatima)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    ok noub hes no longer talking approximately as we communicate in specific yet in many circumstances so cool down and watch some lost and merely depart it And proper to the imams being greater than the prophets- no longer authentic- I have been given ayatallahs fadalallahs fatwa and that i can e mail to it to you in case you have chose yet its in Arabic- so ask an Arab to translate it btw I believe ninety9 and pedram thoroughly

  • 1 decade ago

    Why must people be ranked? Especially those you are mentioning, they are all dead.

    Would it not be a better contribution from you to your your country and mankind in general if you spend your time in social help, technical studies or cultural progress? This would make a better living for all of us, including you, religious quarrels only makes the world poorer.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you can picture yourself snogging him without gagging.......

  • 1. Yes, I believe that Imam Ali (as) and the Imams are greater in rank than all the Prophets (as) except for the Holy Prophet SAAW of course.

    2. Yes, the Holy Prophet SAAW said himself in a hadeeth which Sunnis accept too that Sayyeda Fatima (as) is one of the 4 greatest women, including Mariam mother of Jesus, Khadeeja, and Asiya wife of Pharoah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    1) the Imams (AS) are as important as the Prophets (AS), even amongst Shias this is debatable, yet not a major fundemental belief in Islam(shia), only Sunnis have made this into a big deal, believing they are higher/as equal to other Prophets or not believing that doesnt make anyone less of a Muslim (Shia). Since the Prophets (as) and the Imams (as) were only humans, I dont see how comparing humans with other humans makes one a kaffir, but Salafis love to label Shia as Kaffirs any chance they get, no matter what it is. Even Sunnis say Sahabah were the best of the best and nobody can be like them, so what does that tell you? I dont mean to go off topic, but when you think about Sunni beliefs its similair with the same ideas, like how they say rejecting any hadiths from Bukhari or Muslim makes one a kaffir, how does rejecting a man's book makes one a kaffir? Whats the status of Quran than? Why is Bukhari and Muslim on the same level of Quran? You see what I mean? At least we compare humans with other humans, while Sunnis compare the words of men (Bukhari and Muslim) with the words of Allah (Quran), they even call Bukhari as "Bukhari Shareef" or "Bukhari Kareem" how is that not kuffir?

    Anyways, even the Prophet himself compared Imam Ali AS to a Prophet, so if comparing a non Porphet to a Prophet is kuffir, than Sunnis believe the Prophet SAW committed Kuffir (Nauthobillah)

    Read up on the hadith of how Prophet SAW compared himself and Imam Ali AS, to Musa and Haroon (pbut)

    2) Prophet SAW said there are only two batools. one is Maryam the mother of Isa and the other one is Fatima the daughter of Muhammad.

    Muslims consider four ladies to be the most noble and pious:

    1. Aasiya - Wife of Fir'awn / Pharoah (peace be upon her)

    2. Maryam / Mary - Mother of Isa / Jesus (peace be upon her)

    3. Khadija - Wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon her)

    4. Fatima - Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon her)

    So her (AS) status is very high and she was the BEST WOMAN OF HER TIME

    edit: also, Fatima AS was ALWAYS on truth, on every occasion, and her right for fadak was truth, yet the rest believe Abu bakr was the truthful one on fadak, so what does that tell you they believe about Fatima AS? a Liar? (Nauthobillah) they cnat admit Abu Bakr made a mistake, but they have no problem in admiting the mistakes of the Prophet SAW


    edit2: well i follow the Jaffary Madhab, Imam Jaffar AS, was the teacher of 2 of ur Madhab founders, why do you follow the students when u can follow the teacher? and Thats ur opinion, many Sunnis have claimed anyone who rejects a hadith from Bukhari and Muslim is a kaffir, maybe you dont, but others do, and like i said before all these noble men were humans, and Alhamdulilah they were good servants of Allah SWT in spreading the message of Allah SWT

    When you go ur mosques who do ur shekhs talk more about? Abu Bakr and Umar or the other Prophets? Why do you Shiekhs that i see on youtube talk more about Abu bakr and Umar more than Prophets? its pretty much an unwritten belief that you guys see them as important as prophets too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shi’ism is Kufr: Imams Superior to Prophets

    imam Ali "r.a" said in shia's most authentic book, Nahjul Balagha!

    Ali (RA) said to the Kharijites:------->SERMON 126

    "With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority (of Muslims) because Allah's hand (of protection) is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is (a prey) to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is (a prey) to the wolf."

    And we all know that people at that time were divided into three groups:

    1. Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jama'a (Sunnis): Those were the majority who loved Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) on the middle course.

    2. The Shia: The ones who loved him too much till they were deviated from the Straight Path.

    3. The Khawarij: Those who hated him till they were deviated from the Straight Path.

    So Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) proved the perishability of the Shia and Kharijites and called for joining Ahlul-Sunnah. What other speech will they ever believe???!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wa Alaiikum Salam Wu Rahmat Allahi Wu Barakathou

    1 - AstugfarAllah Azeem even Ali R.a. didn't think that not even Isa A.a. thought that

    2 - Is the line of Islam only from Fatima R.a. LOL! Unreal

    Fatima R.a. is equal to the rest of the daughters they will hold the gate for Muhammed SAW and he has been holding the gate for us... duuuuuuuuuuuuuH its in the Quran!

    So simple shia have to make their rectum books and make this all difficult AstugfarAllah

    Allah SWT didn't overburden us.. the shia and jews did that!

  • The Rank of Imamat is higher than the Rank of Prophethood, because for example, Prophet Abrahim (PBUH&HF), although he was a Prophet, later on, he was granted the rank of "Imamat", as the Holy Quran says:

    And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with certain words, he fulfilled them. He said: Surely I will make you an Imam of men. Ibrahim said: And of my offspring? My covenant does not include the unjust, said He.


    but not all Prophets (PBUT) were also "Imams".......

    the Rank of Imamat is higher than the rank of Prophethood, but as we mentioned Some Prophets (PBUT) were not Imams, and someone of them were also Imam too.......

    the Rank of Imamat is higher than the rank of General Prophethood, and lower than the rank of Special Prophethhood, because Prophets such as Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF) and Prophet Abrahim (PBUH&HF) were a Prophet, as well as an Imam.........

    so the Holy Imams share the rank of the Prophets (PBUT) except Prophethood, even the Holy Quran refers to Imam Ali (as) as the "Self" of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF).........

    If any one disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge Hath come to thee, say: "Come! let us gather together,- our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves: Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!"


    even Ibn Kathir, the most reliable sunni scholars in tafseer of the Holy Quran of the wahabi religion, sah clearly mentioned that "Ourselvs" refers to Imam Ali (as), as the Prophet (PBUH&HF) took Imam Ali (as) as the Self of Himself........

    so Imam Ali (as) is like Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF) himself, but does not share the rank of Prophethood and what comes with it (such as revelations, and etc)

    if this was not the case, then the word "wa Anfusana" (ourselves) would be meaningless (NauzubiAllah)

    even Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF) said Imam Ali (as) is like Prophet Haroon (PBUH), except there is no Prophet After Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF), this has been mentioned in the most relaible sunni books such as bukhari ans muslim too.............

    as for Lady Fatima (as), the Shias believe in the 4 best women of the world as brother 99 has mentioned and named...........

    based on the sayings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF) himself, Lady Fatima (as) is the leader of women in Paradise...........

    Source(s): truth speaks for itself.............
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