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Why do people think everyone hates the health care law?

According to Rasmussen (which usually has the lowest approval ratings for Obama) the president's approval index (strongly approve minus strongly disapprove) went from -21 to -10 in less than a week. By next week it should be positive and climbing.

Update 2:

Gallup went from -2 to +9 in the past week

8 Answers

  • Ken
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    It was Waterloo but President Obama was Wellington, not Napoleon! Health Care passed.

    The Republican lies are being exposed. If health care is successful, if the economy continues to improve, if our troops are home from Iraq, if the jobs numbers improve, the democrats will hold both houses in 2010 and President Obama will win a second term in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    The president's approval rating is not the same as whether or not people approve of his policy's or of the health care bill. More people like the president than what he does, as the polls have consistently indicated. If George Bush was taking over the economy the same way Obama has been then NO ONE would be agreeing. Obama just has a lot of cheer-leading bimbos patting him on the back while country more and more is being taken over by a financially and morally corrupt government. People are just too stupid to actually study the issues and understand them, they would rather pick a team and side with that team no matter what like good little lemmings. In case you haven't noticed, we weren't in such dire straits UNTIL Obama's administration bailed out the banks (twice), bailed out the auto industry, raised taxes and fees in the interest of the Green movement, took over student loans, took over the health insurance industry, and is taking over the mortgage industry all at the taxpayers EXPENSE. When the government takes over the free market it's not a free market (socialism) and there is no one to protect us from them. It becomes a dictatorship which is what you are seeing. We have no choice but to pay and pay and pay even when paying does not benefit us but only benefits the poor, irresponsible, and illegals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    55% favor a repeal of the healthcare law.

    This came from your own link.

    Haha, thumbs down when I got this link from inside the one you posted.

  • 1 decade ago

    because the media is sensational; they create their stories then report on them like fact and the sheep start following

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only Faux News viewers do.

  • 1 decade ago

    because it is government controlled High cost, Low quality care.

  • 1 decade ago

    These same people hate puppies and sunshine, so I wouldn't look too far into it.

  • 1 decade ago

    ...because it suits their purposes.

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