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Dirty Parsnips

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Here come the Dirty Parsnips, Shim-Zizzle

  • Toronto landlord help, consequences of entry with no written notices?

    We live in Toronto, and have been reading the Landlord Act, and I searched online for help to one simple question.

    What are the legal consequences for a landlord repeatedly entering our unit, with no written notice, just a simple text message, this has happened countless times, now its once a week to do repairs to the furnace in the basement. We have never received anything in writing, always a text message "We will be there in an hour, need to get in" that sort...

    7 AnswersToronto7 years ago
  • Casting spells on Halloween?

    I know that people cast love spells on Halloween, that much I have heard of. But what about a simple "housewarming" spell, calling in the elements to bless a space, is this a good day to cast such a spell?

    It is just ironic that it is Halloween, the housewarming is long overdue, I usually cast them when I move into a new space, this time I didn't, and so far there have been some negative forces present in the home.

    Nothing evil or malicious, we just seem to be having a string of bad luck, and failed plans all around. We need to bring in some positive energy, call in the four elements, meditate on some good mojo in the space.

    But Halloween time? Is something going to be magnified here, and is that good or bad.

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Questions about nonstop apartment construction in a rental unit in Toronto.?

    We have been living in a rental unit for the past 8 months. This is the typical 4 small units, over a storefront. The store downstairs was empty when we moved in, so we assumed there would be some level of noise.

    Since we moved in the landlord has renovated (literally stripped to the studs) the large commercial space downstairs, the apartment down the hall, and this week she decided to reno the place that we share a wall with, apartment right next door.

    So of those 8 months, 6 have been in construction. Loud yes, but now with her stripping the unit right next to us (shared wall) we are in dust hell, piles of dust are coming in our door every day, and no amount of cleaning will stop it.

    What are our rights here, according to Toronto rental laws I mean, somebody told me about some bylaw where the landlord cannot infringe on your peace and quiet, within reason anyway.

    Anyone have a similar experience? Who do we even call, there is nothing done to safeguard the other residents here. No plastic tenting, no fans, they are literally carrying garbage bins of 100+ year old plaster down the hallways, the place is now filthy.

    8 AnswersToronto8 years ago
  • Why do people still use references to bestiality and plural marriage in regard to LGBT marriages?

    I can't believe that people are still saying that LGBT marriage is some sort of "gateway" to animal or plural marriage.

    There are millions of people who have marched for LGBT rights, where are these people marching to marry animals, I assume they don't exist, because that would be one hell of a news story.

    Sorry but if this actually existed, people would be talking about it.

  • I am new to Macbooks, and I installed a few trial apps, they expired so I uninstalled them...?

    but they didn't go away. They do not appear in my finder>applications list, but when I use the F4 hotkey, they appear greyed out with a question mark through them. I tried to view hidden files, used the appzapper, but I can't get the icons to go away. Any clues on how to get these icons to go away? This was a trial for the iglasses app, which was ok, but not worth the cash. I even tried to uninstall it through the builtin ininstall on iglasses, and trashed all the files related to iglasses, but it is still on my F4 list?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • What restaurants in Toronto use PayPal on their online delivery menus?

    I know that Amaro honors PayPal for pizza delivery, but their website is a mess and I always have to call and "remind" them that I placed an order. I usually have cash in my PayPal from my freelance work in the US, and live in Toronto.

    Does anyone know of any other online menus in TO that accept PayPal...curious.

    2 AnswersToronto10 years ago
  • Biblically speaking, is having hatred for your 'brother' the same as murdering him?

    I was just watching a documentary and this was quoted in context to scripture, I was just wondering if it was true or not. Of course the term 'brother' means neighbor, family, colleague, fellow man, that sort.

    But the quote was that hatred for somebody, was as much of a sin as killing them.

    I was just curious because I see the word "hate" a little too much around these forums. I have honestly tried to strip it from my verbal vocabulary for quite some time, because the literal definition means that you wish whatever you "hate" to not exist, so I can see that there maybe some truth to this afterall.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Advice about frequency of a workout routine?

    I was looking up workouts online, and I found the "Daniel Craig" workout. It is essentially the same workout that I am doing now, but it says he did it 3x a week. The same sets, same reps, and same muscle groups, 3x a week.

    I always heard that it is bad to work the same muscle groups more than once a week, so I am doing the same workout, but it is split into two different routines. So I only work the same muscles at the most 2x a week, when they happen to overlap.

    Hope that makes sense, so is it really bad to do the exact same routine 3x a week. I am trying to bulk up, but also drop some fat.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can you be too honest in a job interview?

    K here is my dilemma, I have a job interview this coming Friday, and this is after hundreds of resumes I have been handing out there since last year. I graduated from university at the start of this recession, and have moved on from jobs in my field, to just any survival job that I can possibly get, including restaurants, fast food, cafe's, whatever.

    The story gets further depressing, I could no longer afford to survive on my own after a year of unemployment and am living with my uncle in his guest room, for about a year now. And it was decided months ago that I have to move out June 1st.

    So really I am in a horribly desperate situation, and am overqualified for this job yes, it is in a restaurant. But when in the interview I will be asked why I want to work there, with a resume that was even dumbed down to avoid making me seem overqualified.

    How do I present my current situation without seeming desperate...or crazy. Because I will be walking into that job, even if I am overqualified, with a smile on my face, just happy to have a job in this economic climate.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is it legal to cover your face for non-religious reasons in America?

    Just watching yet more back-lash about the ruling in France. But in America say could I wear a black ski-mask around town and not get arrested, just curious to where the religious freedom laws end.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would be the evolutionary benefit of gays and lesbians?

    I am thinking more on a global scale here, there are G&L in most to all mammals, not just humans. If there was more of a tribal view, would it be to help raise and look after kids. I mean most G&L are not going to have kids of their own.

    It is hard to side-step modern logic in this context, but there have been G&L people since the dawn of recorded history, most likely longer.

  • Are the hyper-masculine gay guys just not socially perceived as gay by most people?

    I find people ask why gay guys are all effeminate on here at least once a day. And I got to wondering, whenever I go to a gay bar I see a tonne of guys who are hyper-masculine, go to the gym probably every day, never eat carbs, and have bodies that are pretty crazy. Then there are the leather guys who take that even further, and are crazy huge and would pass for bikers by most people's expectations.

    So is it that TV and movies portray gay guys as effeminate, and that is the only thing that average people see when they spot a gay guy on the street, what they expect to see as a gay guy walking down the street. Why don't they seem to notice the guys who fall at the other end of the spectrum and are pretty much more masculine that the average hetero guy. Do they just not even expect this sort of person to actually be gay?

  • Do Christians think their religion was accepted globally the day it was formed?

    I have noticed that any references to the historical formations of Christianity seem to get thumbed down a lot. Even if they are based on historical record and are accurate.

    Are Christians under the impression that when Christianity was formed, that it was accepted by all and there was no conflict to get a mass populous of Christians?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should religious people study more history and theology?

    When I first joined YA! I thought the biggest division of views were the Atheists and the Christians, but the more I read and ask, the more I realize that the actual division is of people who have studied theology and the historical relevance of the Christian Bible.

    And history is just that, the past, it really has no bearing on what today's society thinks and does. Well not directly anyway. But I am finding that so many people are so ignorant of their own religion, would it not be important for someone of faith to study it on a deeper level?

    If you don't know why the Bible was written, and how it impacted society aside from your lifetime, can you really consider yourself to be a Christian in the historical sense? I couldn't personally, and I find it so frustrating with all the 'he said - she said' back and forth, and I realized something.

    That for the most part religious people have no clue where the book they cling so tightly even came from, and what part if had in shaping the society they live in.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people deny that the Bible is misogynist, sexist and racist?

    I have read this quite a few times now, people quoting the most horrible racist, sexist, and evil quotes from the Bible, and all people seem to say is "You are not reading it the right way".

    Historically speaking women had no rights until the mid to late Victorian Ages, they were not even seen as viable in schools because people thought they had different brains than men, and were, well stupid. There are a tonne of historical evidences to support the oppression of women and slavery from other sources other that the Bible, lots were written, laws and legal systems are recorded, and yet people deny this existing.

    the truth is that the Bible does promote a view where women are mindless property of their fathers, are allowed to be raped without consequence, and then married off as property to a man and become property of said man. Why try and deny this, it really is well documented.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to develop an allergy to beer in your 30's?

    I stopped drinking beer a few months ago, largely for the calories, I switched to Gin and soda, it has about 1/5 the calories. And tonight I had one beer after work and got bright red, and I have had this happen in the past, occasionally I would get flushed when drinking beer, maybe a few times a year, but after I drank quite a bit. But not normally.

    I am Caucasian, so I don't have that enzyme deficiency that some Asian and Indian people have towards beer. This has never happened to me after just one beer in my lifetime, it was quite shocking. I was maybe half way through my pint and the people at my table noticed it and I went to check in the washroom and was totally red faced.

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • How many references / citations of God, does Darwin use in his book?

    I find it terribly difficult to get any answer to this question living in America. There are so many fallacies about Darwin and evolution out there. I am actually hoping to have a response from somebody who actually read "The Origin if Species" to have some sort on answer, I would read it to find out, but it is quite lengthy.

    I am asking because I just finished watching a British series that referenced the term "Darwin's God" several times. It did so in the regard that if there was a God, that he/she/it put the laws of nature / the universe into motion, on a larger scale, and not on the scale that man has deemed a God to do.

    But with all the fallacies out there stating all sorts of things, like Darwin was an Atheist, and that the modern version of evolution was actually penned by Darwin, it is just quite imposable to find this sort of information through a search engine.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is God leading us all down the path of self destruction?

    In 1800 there were 1 billion people on this planet, and in 1900 there were 2 billion people, today there are 7 billion, and in 20 years there will be 10 billion people. The most religious countries see the most exponential growth rates, and therefore consume the most resources. Today 1 in 6 people have no access to fresh drinking water, this number is growing.

    And say what you will, this has absolutely nothing to do with global warming, and whether that is real or not, this is simple human consumption, and population growth. And you can take this closer to home, the most religious states also see the most population growth, and have the largest families, with a future that is uncertain and does not guarantee infinite resources, food and water, like some say God would provide.

    God said to go forth and prosper, to multiply and He would provide, was this bad advice in His part? Can He provide for a growing population with shrinking resources.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 1 in 5 children are obese, and may die before their parents, what does that mean for the population?

    I was watching a documentary on American obesity, and we have the highest obese population on the planet, and 1 in 5 are considered obese, and estimated to die before their parents. This will be the first population in recorded history that is projected to die before their parents.

    If this number is climbing, and this generation is basically a genetic dead end, with parents being too old to keep having children. Won't this create a huge gap in the time-line of humanity? Say in 40 years, won't the population of America, and perhaps the developed world, plummet drastically?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • By modern definition, Michelangelo, called "God's Sculptor" by the Vatican, is burning in Hell for eternity?

    In what some call a 'death bed confession', Michelangelo confessed to writer Giorgio Vasari while penning his autobiography, that he only loved one person in his lifetime, that person was Cecchino dei Bracci. Keeping in mind that even admitting a homosexual love in the 1500's could be reason for execution, there are other more recent proofs that would make one conclude he was in fact homosexual. Dozens of sonnets, and poems, professing Michelangelo's love for this man, and outlining their intimate love making, have been found.

    So is it just that the man solely responsible for such works that inspired the faith of millions, and brought them closer to God, be burning in Hell for eternity because he was gay. Is there some hierarchy of sin and penance that exempts him from this. He did devote his life to the church, and created some of it's most cherished and influential works of history.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago