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Are Atheists as bad as Christians?

Reading these forums I have noticed one thing, well a few, but one sticks out. I would consider my self an Atheist by default, but it seems most of the Atheists on this forum are as bad as the Christians they complain about. Such as "Stop pushing your religion on me, god isn't real anyway" notice the irony? What are your thoughts on this, I would like to hear from both sides. Are Atheists trying desperately to convince Christians that there is no god as bad as the Christians trying desperately to tell the world they are going to hell if they don't conform to their views?


@captain - You are an idiot sir. First

More importantly I don't see how you group "all" religions together, as I know you don't have an understanding, or have even heard of all the worlds religion, such as confucianism. Please, tell me how that is toxic to the world?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The extreme people are all foolish. On both ends.

    There's no real proof that there is or isn't a higher power.

    So it's really stupid to think you're right about something you cannot prove.

    All you can do is enjoy life, try being a good person, and see what happens when you die.

    Since we do know -one- thing. That this is the only life you're guaranteed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It appears to me that Christians have a reason and a concern for Atheists while the same can't be said about Atheists to Christians. A Christian has concern and care because they don't want to see anyone (Atheists included) go to hell. The Atheist concern isn't out of concern for a Christian. Their main point seems to want to shut the Christian up and throw insults at them. If they don't want to hear about God and salvation from a Christian then just "say thanks but no thanks" and walk away. If they don't want to read about such a thing on this form, then don't read/answer such questions about it. Realistically , when was the last time a Christian FORCED their beliefs on you? When did they make you listen to them? It's kind of like this: If a person is a Democrat and the other person is a Republican, they may naturally disagree on things. Should the Democrat tell the Republican that there is no such thing as Republicans? (or vies verse) No. Disagree. Look at the others point of view and take it from there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never "desperately tried to convince christians that there is no god" nor have I ever tried to convince anyone else. But complaining about religion being pushed on non-religious people is not an idle complaint. Maybe you should research the christian attempts to have creationism taught in science class, campaigns to ban atheists from holding public office, continuous [and erroneous] attempts to define the US as a "christian nation", etc. etc. etc. THAT is the atheist gripe with christianity. In the end is nothing to do with god. Atheist do not proselytize and those few that do should rather return to their churches...

  • 1 decade ago

    Both atheist and Christians are the same, we are all human and are capable of doing bad things and pushing our beliefs onto others. I don't usually try to argue my beliefs to anyone unless a Christian tries to push their beliefs onto me. A lot of atheist are sick and tired of Christians pushing their beliefs onto us and and we usually like to have ammunition to fire back. Atheist have been kept down for so long that now that we are able to express our beliefs openly, some feel that they have to give Christians a taste of the own medicine. The funny thing is, some Atheists believe that they're saving Christians, which is kind of ironic if you think about it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the atheists are as bad as the Christians, but hypocrisy, insincerity and ignorance know no bounds.

    The noble ideals of Love, and of Free thought are just that; fairy tales.

    There's very little love shown, here, and those free thoughts are shackled by petty bigotry.

    Perhaps when people stop making grand claims about how wonderful they are, and take a good, close look at themselves, the situation may improve.

    Of course, pigs might fly, too.

    This is entirely my opinion, I do not expect you, in any way, to accept, adopt or agree with it.


  • 1 decade ago

    There is a big difference between telling someone 2+2=4 and telling someone 2+2=5. If you believe something based on overwhelming objective evidence and rational argument, then asserting it as fact is quite reasonable. If you believe something because you have faith that it is true despite the evidence to the contrary, then asserting it as fact is completely unreasonable.

  • 1 decade ago

    I argue against the belief in magic, which by definition includes all religions.

    Religion made sense at one point in the evolution of humanity, but that point was passed by long ago. The fact that a majority of the population of the planet believes in magic and takes ancient mythologies seriously is culturally toxic and a hindrance to the advancement of the species. People are oppressed, tortured, and killed in the name of these fairy tales that belong to the childhood of mankind.

    I don't care which mythology a particular person holds to - they are all in error.

    All religion boils down to a socially-acceptable way for adults to believe in magic. The fact that an individual may find comfort in this false belief does not outweigh the fact that this false belief is becoming increasingly unhealthy for the species as a whole.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I personally don't believe in Atheism. From the so called atheists I've spoken with, many of them would eventually say something along the lines of, "Where was God when..." or "If God is such a loving God then why..." etc. Atheists are people who are disappointed in God for not making things turn out the way they wanted or for allowing bad things to happen to them and people they love. Just as a son would change his last name to disassociate himself from his family, similarly atheists declare themselves atheists to disassociate themselves from God as an expression of their anger and disappointment in Him.

    I mean ask yourself: Why would someone be so angry and resentful towards someone they truly did not believe exists?

    To answer your question, I think goodness or badness varies from individual to individual and it would be stereotypical to label either of the groups good or bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is Judging oneself! What is I am Believing? Am I Bad? Then... The answer will credit to either one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems to me the atheist is the one who is out of place since he doesn't believe in religion nor in spirituality, so why are they here? Probably only to ridicule or force their ideas on those who do believe in religion and spirituality.

    I think they ought to set up a new category of "Atheist's Corner" and they can all congregate there to discuss their belief in nothingness. Then everybody would be happy!

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